[Okgrantsmanship] FELLOWSHIP: ACM/IEEE HPC Fellowship applns due May 1

Mason, Linda lmason at osrhe.edu
Fri Feb 28 13:46:34 CST 2014

Forwarding from David Bader (bader at cc.gatech.edu) of Georgia Tech.

Please reply directly to David, or to

hpc-fellowship-questions at info.supercomputing.org

And please feel free to forward to anyone who may be interested and appropriate.



ACM/IEEE-CS George Michael Memorial HPC Fellowship 2014
$5000 honorarium; travel and registration for SC14; recognition Submissions open Mon March 3 2014 Applications due Thu May 1 2014


hpc-fellowship-questions at info.supercomputing.org


The ACM/IEEE-CS George Michael Memorial HPC Fellowship is open to submissions from exceptional PhD students whose research focus is on high-performance computing applications, networking, storage, or large-scale data analysis using the most powerful computers that are currently available.

Recipients receive a $5000 honorarium, travel and registration for SC14, and recognition at the SC14 Awards Ceremony.

For information see:


Submissions close on 01 May 2014.

The ACM/IEEE-CS George Michael Memorial HPC Fellowship honors exceptional PhD students throughout the world whose research focus is on high-performance computing applications, networking, storage, or large-scale data analysis using the most powerful computers that are currently available.

The award committee is selected by the two societies and includes past winners as well as leaders in the field.

The Fellowship reflects the two societies’ (ACM and IEEE-CS) long-standing commitment to workforce diversity.

We encourage applications from women, minorities, international students, and all who contribute to diversity.


* $5000 honorarium

* Travel and registration to attend SC14 in New Orleans and be honored at the Thursday Awards Session

* Recognition with other HPC award winners on the ACM, IEEE-CS, and ACM SIGHPC websites


Applicants must be enrolled in a full-time PhD program at an accredited college or university and must meet the minimum scholarship requirements at their institution.

They are expected to have completed at least one year of study in their doctoral program, and to have at least one year remaining before graduation.

Advisees of committee members are not eligible for the award, nor can committee members provide recommendations for candidates.

Previous winners are not eligible.


Fellowship recipients will be selected based on:

* Overall potential for research excellence

* Degree to which technical interests align with those of the HPC community

* Evidence of academic progress to-date, including presentations and publications

* Recommendations by faculty advisor and (optionally) others

* Evidence of a plan of study to enhance HPC-related skills

* Demonstration of current and planned future use of HPC resources


Start at:


Log in and complete the George Michael Memorial HPC Fellowship Application Form.

You will be asked to submit text not to exceed 1000 words or
2 pages in a PDF document.

This application should address the selection criteria presented above.

You will be asked to identify your academic advisor and others who can provide a recommendation for you.

When you click submit, a recommendation request will be e-mailed to each of the people you have listed under "Advisor/Recommender Information."

Your advisor should certify that you are eligible for this award in his/her recommendation.

Be sure to give complete information about the program and your application to each person asked to provide a recommendation.

* Submissions open: Monday 03 March 2014
* Submissions close: Thursday 01 May 2014


Contact: hpc-fellowship-questions at info.supercomputing.org

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