[Okgrantsmanship] COGR First Look at the OMB Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards; Final Rule Guidance

Mason, Linda lmason at osrhe.edu
Tue Jan 14 13:31:49 CST 2014

Attached is COGR's preliminary assessment at the "OMB Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards; Final Rule" - released on December 26, 2014 (2 CFR Chapter I, Chapter II, Part 200, et al.).  This represents a "fist look". We expect to provide additional analysis, with some interpretation, as to how the rule changes will affect our institutions.

Below are important dates and information that will be applicable over the upcoming months.

1) OMB Webcast - Monday, January 27th.  We have been told this will be an all-day event.  Sign up for the COFAR Mailing List (see below) for additional details, and check https://cfo.gov/cofar/ for regular updates.

2) Sign-up for the COFAR Mailing List.  We encourage you to do this so that you receive up-to-date announcements.  Sign up by clicking on the link below:

3) Questions on the Omni Guidance.  Send your questions and observations to cofar at omb.eop.gov<mailto:cofar at omb.eop.gov>.  Some of your questions, most likely those that are more general in nature, could be included in the OMB Webcast on January 27th. The more nuanced questions, according to OMB, will be addressed in future forums.  Feel free to copy COGR on your questions as we are accumulating all questions and concerns.  In addition, if you come across a typographical error or any other item that you believe needs addressed, email those concerns to the COFAR email.

4) February 27-28 COGR Meeting. The meeting will focus on the Omni Guidance. The final agenda will be available at the end of the month.

We look forward to working with the COGR membership over the upcoming months and throughout the year as we work toward the December 26, 2014 implementation of the Omni Guidance. We encourage you to share your observations with COGR.  The collective expertise of the COGR membership will be necessary to ensure that of the Omni Guidance is implemented in the most favorable manner possible.

David Kennedy
Director, Cost Policy - COGR
1200 New York Ave. NW, #750
Washington, DC  20005
(202) 289-6655, ext. 112
dkennedy at cogr.edu<mailto:dkennedy at cogr.edu>
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