[Okgrantsmanship] 7/29 Deadline. Please forward: "Please submit! GSA Annual Mtng Topical Session on Involving Teachers in Geoscience Research"

Mason, Linda lmason at osrhe.edu
Fri Jul 18 09:42:33 CDT 2014

Please forward on to the appropriate faculty and departments.

Dear Undergraduate Research Program Director,

Please forward this e-mail as you deem appropriate.
Are you involving or have you involved pre-service teachers or in-service teachers in geoscience research?
If the answer is "yes," please consider submitting an abstract to 2014 Geological Society of America (GSA) Annual Meeting Topical Session T68 "Involving Pre-Service and In-Service Teachers in Geoscience Research: Innovations and Strategies for Evaluating Their Success."
I intend to be as inclusive as time constraints permit, so please submit if you are planning to attend 2014 GSA and you have something relevant or related to present on this topic.  E-mail questions to Mark.Abolins at mtsu.edu<mailto:Mark.Abolins at mtsu.edu>.
Abstract deadline: July 29, 2014.
The 2014 GSA Annual Meeting is October 19-22 in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
GSA Geoscience Education Division Topical Sessions (incl. submission form): http://www.geosociety.org/meetings/2014/sessions/topical.asp?SponsorID=GSA+Geoscience+Education+Division&submit=Go
Best regards,
Mark Abolins, Ph.D.

Room 322D Kirksey Old Main (KOM)

MTSU Geol 1030 Facebook group<https://www.facebook.com/groupinvite/ATXsqgHz0W_1d0CJRHo25S_rlDJ6Kj3JdH6nuSY63hKQca1Y47bjoibiLvubxdtGcn_G6_myp4DMyQ4cKLlPO13k_OD_RmF7VcL7mg0W-kUqbBuJx3JMGwyY8sqQ1ZXdKhX3-RuZn9W3JwInsCfJFc596yjovRxBTZeeafDEH2ERvb0ZjFmT6VZN3Y_yWCSBFrKv5x8-N2Vj5v-Ua8Dt6feL>

Webpage: http://www.mtsu.edu/~mabolins
Blog: http://eliageoscience.wordpress.com/
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/mark-abolins/3a/a94/a22
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ELiAgeoscience

Coordin<http://capone.mtsu.edu/mabolins/REU.pdf>ator of Geoenvironmental Ch<http://capone.mtsu.edu/mabolins/REU.pdf>allenges REU Site<http://capone.mtsu.edu/mabolins/REU.pdf>
Tennessee Space Grant MTSU Campus Representative
Associate Professor of Geology
Department of Geosciences<http://www.mtsu.edu/geosciences/>
Middle Tennessee State University
Murfreesboro, Tennessee 37132
Tel: 615-594-4210
Fax: 615-898-5592
E-mail: Mark.Abolins at mtsu.edu<mailto:Mark.Abolins at mtsu.edu>
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