[Okgrantsmanship] Blue Waters Student Internship Program 2014 seeks faculty mentors

Mason, Linda lmason at osrhe.edu
Wed Mar 19 10:19:24 CDT 2014

Please forward to appropriate faculty members.

Forwarding from Patricia Jacobs of Shodor (pjacobs at shodor.org).

Please reply directly to Patricia, and please feel free to forward to anyone who may be interested and appropriate.



Blue Waters Student Internship Program 2014 Applications due Friday March 28 2014
Contact: Patricia Jacobs (pjacobs at shodor.org) http://bluewaters.ncsa.illinois.edu/internships/


The Blue Waters Student Internship Program is actively recruiting faculty to mentor undergraduate students in high performance computing projects!

The goal of the Blue Waters Student Internship Program is designed to provide undergraduate and graduate students a unique learning experience by immersing them in projects associated with Blue Waters and/or XSEDE.

We are looking for faculty to mentor an undergraduate student in a year-long internship that involves teaching or researching the use of high-performance computing in studying problems in sciences, engineering, and/or mathematics.

The internship will provide students with s $5000.00 stipend (for undergraduate students only), a two-week intensive high performance computing workshop, and travel to the Blue Waters Symposium in 2015.

Interested faculty should submit a internship project description by Friday March 28th 2014 at:


Important Dates:
* Submit intern position description by Friday March 28, 2014.
* Students will begin work on or around Monday June 9, 2014.
* Students will work full-time over the summer and as schedule allow during the academic year.
* Students are expected to submit a paper or prepare a poster on their project for presentation at the Blue Waters Symposium in 2015.

How to become a Faculty Mentor:

Faculty should submit a description of the project for the internship position they would like to have a student work on through the website:


Faculty can indicate if the position is intended for a particular student applicant, or if the position is open to qualified applicants.

For more information, see the attached flyer, and visit:





Patricia Jacobs
Shodor, Associate Director
Blue Waters Student Internship Program Director
807 East Main Street, Suite 7-100, Durham, NC 27701
VOX: +1-919-530-1911
FAX: +1-919-530-1944

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