[Okgrantsmanship] UNIFORM GUIDANCE TRAINING WORKSHOP - December 7 & 8 - 9:00 am to 3:00 pm

Mason, Linda lmason at osrhe.edu
Thu Oct 2 11:32:26 CDT 2014

The Oklahoma State Regents is organizing a training workshop on the new Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards that will become effective on December 26. There are about 60 significant changes, and the workshop will focus on the changes, not on all content. This training is intended for higher education research administrators, sponsored programs directors, financial officers, and other higher education employees who need to know the regulations for federal awards.

The first day, December 7, will be focused on Administrative Regulations, and the second day, December 8, will be focused on Financial Regulations.

Please reply to me your intent to come on either day or both. We have space set aside for 42 people, and when the room is full, registration will cease, and we will take a waiting list. Since there is not going to be a registration fee, the general attitude by participants tends to be somewhat less serious than workshops with a large registration fee. We will appreciate your communication if you find that you cannot attend after you register. We will provide materials at the workshop.

Workshop Location - OCAP Building - 840 Research Parkway - Oklahoma City (See http://www.ocap.org/about/directions.shtml for directions.)
Room - 450
Time - 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, with a lunch break of 45 minutes on your own (There are 2 restaurants in the building across the street.)
Parking - Parking is provided free in the parking garage at 655 Research Parkway. (See http://www.okhighered.org/state-system/directions.shtml for directions to the garage to be entered from Lincoln Blvd.) Please bring in the parking coupon to exchange for an exit token.

I look forward to seeing you at the workshop.

Dr. Linda Mason
Coordinator of Grant Writing
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
655 Research Parkway, Suite 200
Oklahoma City, OK 73104
405-225-9486 desk
405-706-8757 cell
405-225-9230 FAX
lmason at osrhe.edu<mailto:lmason at osrhe.edu>

Do not be afraid to give your time to writing grant proposals. Time given to planning proposals is never time lost, but is rather time gained, so that our research, our programs, our collaborations and indeed our whole profession may become more profoundly significant.

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