[Okgrantsmanship] Oklahoma Journal of Undergraduate Research | Call for Submissions

Mason, Linda lmason at osrhe.edu
Sat Oct 25 11:08:43 CDT 2014

The Oklahoma Journal of Undergraduate Research is ready to accept student article submissions. This message is a call for articles. Please distribute this call widely. If you have questions, please contact me or Tim O'Neil. Thank you!

Dr. Linda Mason
Coordinator of Grant Writing
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
655 Research Parkway, Suite 200
Oklahoma City, OK 73104
405-225-9486 desk
405-706-8757 cell
405-225-9230 FAX
lmason at osrhe.edu<mailto:lmason at osrhe.edu>

Do not be afraid to give your time to writing grant proposals. Time given to planning proposals is never time lost, but is rather time gained, so that our research, our programs, our collaborations and indeed our whole profession may become more profoundly significant.

[cid:image001.png at 01CFED20.F0183B50]<http://www.okjur.com/>

Call for Submissions

The Oklahoma Journal of Undergraduate Research (OKJUR) Advisory Board is excited to announce the inaugural call for submissions of this new statewide initiative to publish the exemplary work of Oklahoma's undergraduate researchers working under the mentorship of Oklahoma faculty in all fields of study (major).  OKJUR operates according to a rolling review policy whereby submissions are reviewed as they are received and expects to issue the first volume of articles in Spring 2015.


OKJUR publishes original research project findings, outcomes or creative products by undergraduate students while enrolled at any Oklahoma higher education institution.  Qualifying research projects may be in any academic discipline or encompass interdisciplinary topics, but all work must have been conducted under the mentorship of an Oklahoma faculty member.  Submission categories include:

*         Business

*         Education and Professional Studies

*         Fine Arts

*         Humanities

*         Life Sciences

*         Mathematics, Physical Sciences and Engineering

*         Social and Behavioral Sciences

Note: Literature reviews are not eligible for publication in the OKJUR.

Review Process

The OKJUR maintains a double-blind review process that aims to ensure the scholastic value of academic research by equitably verifying the content and methodological validity of all submissions in a timely manner.  All submissions are evaluated by at least two reviewers selected from a pool of eligible reviewers by the section editor(s) responsible for the submission's field of study.  The submission's appropriate section editor will direct the review process and, subject to the approval of the OKJUR editor-in-chief, make publication decisions based on the recommendations of the reviewers.  Submissions will be evaluated according to the criteria indicated in the OKJUR's "author guidelines" as well as any additional guidelines stipulated by the submission's section editor.  Confidential and anonymous editorial review comments will be sent to authors for their information and use.

Author Guidelines

Unless otherwise stipulated in the submission's section policy guidelines<http://ojs.library.okstate.edu/osu/index.php/okjur/about/editorialPolicies#sectionPolicies>, all submissions should adhere to the disciplinary mode of presentation including content, stylistic and bibliographic guidelines appropriate to the field of study.  All submissions, regardless of field of study, should meet the following criteria:

*         The submission describes the purpose and significance of the research clearly for a general, multi-disciplinary audience.

*         The research described is original and relevant to the field of study.

*         The project is well designed and executed.

*         Results are thoughtfully interpreted and thoroughly analyzed.

*         Conclusions are logically supported through results and citations.

*         Supporting materials (illustrations, graphs, audio/video recordings and notes) reinforce descriptions and claims made in the submission.

*         The submission is well-written, efficiently organized and easy to follow.

*         The submission is free of spelling, grammatical and other writing errors.

Please review carefully the appropriate section policies<http://ojs.library.okstate.edu/osu/index.php/okjur/about/editorialPolicies#sectionPolicies> to ensure compliance with all submission guidelines.

Copyright Notice

The OKJUR does not retain copyright over published material and allows for publication in other venues.  Authors should verify that their submissions do not conflict with the policies of other publications to which they may submit, and they should gain consent from the faculty member(s) who mentored the project to ensure that the submissions do not violate copyright restrictions.

Note: A Publication Release<https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwYHd8BliGc0ZVJabEQzRGlnR0U/edit?usp=sharing> form is required for all submissions.

Join the Faculty Review Pool

The OKJUR Advisory Board is recruiting current Oklahoma faculty researchers to serve as reviewers for the journal. We aspire to develop a statewide network of faculty experts in all fields of study to provide Oklahoma undergraduates with a valuable peer review experience.  With more than one-hundred faculty already in the review pool, we are well on our way!  If you are willing to review student research submitted to the OKJUR, please send the following information to Linda Mason (lmason at osrhe.edu<mailto:lmason at osrhe.edu>) for consideration:

*         Name

*         Title

*         Academic Department

*         Institutional Affiliation

*         Topic Areas for Review

*         Curriculum Vitae

Note: The OKJUR double-blind review process will be entirely online and will not require emailing attachments.

Join the Editorial Team as an Undergraduate Copyeditor

The OKJUR Advisory Board is recruiting current Oklahoma undergraduates to serve as copyeditors for the journal.  Our goal is to assemble statewide teams of copyeditors to work closely with the OKJUR Section Editors in the preparation of manuscripts for publication.  If you are interested in serving as a copyeditor, please send the following information to Tim O'Neil (tim.oneil at okstate.edu<mailto:tim.oneil at okstate.edu>) for consideration:

*         Name

*         University/College

*         Major(s)

*         Expected Semester of Graduation (e.g. Spring 2016)

*         Email

*         Phone

*         Relevant Experience with Academic Writing

Stay curious.
Tim O'Neil, Editor-in-Chief
Oklahoma Journal of Undergraduate Research (http://www.OKJUR.com<http://www.okjur.com/>)
Oklahoma State University, 334 Student Union, Stillwater, OK 74078
405.744.7313 | tim.oneil at okstate.edu<mailto:tim.oneil at okstate.edu>

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