[Okgrantsmanship] Proposal Development Workshop April 27 - 28

Mason, Linda lmason at osrhe.edu
Fri Apr 17 10:21:03 CDT 2015

This workshop is expensive, but I have heard from persons who attended that it is a good one.

Dr. Linda Mason
Coordinator of Grant Writing
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
655 Research Parkway, Suite 200
Oklahoma City, OK 73104
405-225-9486 desk
405-706-8757 cell
405-225-9230 FAX
lmason at osrhe.edu<mailto:lmason at osrhe.edu>

From: Alan Paul [mailto:apaul at giantangstrom.ccsend.com] On Behalf Of Alan Paul
Sent: Thursday, April 16, 2015 9:31 AM
To: Mason, Linda
Subject: Proposal Development Workshop April 27 - 28

Giant Angstrom Partners
April 16, 2015

Dear Ms. Mason

I'm reaching out to NORDP members in your area to let you know I'll be on the University of Arkansas campus in Little Rock on April 27th and 28th to teach a workshop on strategic proposal development. (Sorry for the late notice - I'm a last minute fill in for an instructor who couldn't make it). I'd appreciate your forwarding this to folks whom you think would benefit.

In the past decade, I've taught this workshop to more than 3000 people, and coached scores of individuals writing federal science proposals.  People I've worked with have success rates approaching 40% - and I will give everyone who registers a complementary review of their proposal idea (or document, if they have one).

A description of the program is available here.<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001VtuXYEAaozxGhTKUG6Beaxvw38Hzo0TVmeT2Vtu1wy0fIhRh3qA0pb4YJ0gaJLf5ilE43BdYgDZb5mvsLOD8Oo-pCV2ipiuYcOc5a2oUYdCaKWkxK8-KWmiKNXNJrjQg9XKgqAqBnJZSBtEMeTJYdWfXMrd_uhBBnwoTytUNdXjajh0XjzPeqcf5NH04Dsv43uWvUEFo9lrCUk-ztY4zZreA4uOueTWMJMUX0OFl5DIppP0x0Cag3g==&c=THV-rvbfwRsz8BxLnsAulGb5_IlZV8RIrzzSZitixKajKR2JzFbGDA==&ch=ZF5iaSz0h9uEy5yXY7_srCsxJz6D1hEDfSITFDcQqPnJhC0x_6m7CA==>

Feel free to call me at 310.990.6884 if you have any questions.

Warm Regards,

Alan Paul,

Giant Angstrom Partners

P.S. Are you planning on attending the NORDP conference in Bethesda? If so, I look forward to meeting you there.

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Giant Angstrom Partners, LLC | 1619 South Crest Dr. | Los Angeles | CA | 90035

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