[Okgrantsmanship] 6TH Annual Promoting UG Research Conference and Workshop

Mason, Linda lmason at osrhe.edu
Mon Aug 31 14:53:25 CDT 2015

6th Annual Promoting Undergraduate Research Conference
for Faculty, Staff and Administrators
Undergraduate Research for All- Scaling-up and Scaffolding

September 18, 2015 (8:30 am to 4:30 pm)
Presbyterian Health Foundation Conference Center
655 Research Parkway, OKC
Sponsored by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, OK INBRE, OK EPSCoR, UCO, CU, OU

Institutions of higher education across the country are devising and implementing strategies to recruit and especially retain students. Many practical avenues have been proposed and a wide range of policies and financial support strategies implemented to achieve the goals of these strategies. We know that the inclusion of all students in research and scholarly activities are particularly successful in strengthening retention. Guided by practical approaches that focus on the development of inquiry based learning activities built into the undergraduate curriculum and the systematic exploration of different ways to develop and assess such a curriculum from multiple perspectives, the 2015 conference offers a wide range of practical and diverse approaches to advance the missions of Oklahoma's institutions of higher education.

Conference Program

8:00 - 8:30            Registration and Continental Breakfast

8:30-8:45               Welcome - Dr. Blake Sonobe, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, OSRHE
8:45-9:00               OKJUR Update

9:00-10:00             Concurrent Sessions 1 & 2
                              1.  Building Research Into the Curriculum                      Moderator: Dr. Marc Klippenstine, ECU
                              2.  Creating High Impact Research Assignments I           Moderator: Dr. Michael Springer, UCO
                           3.  Creating High Impact Research Assignments II          Moderator: Dr. Linda Mason, OSRHE
 10:00-10:15           Break
     10:15-11:45           Concurrent Sessions 3 & 4
                                   4.  Challenges of Inclusivity and Diversity                       Moderator: Dr. Susan Walden, OU
                                   5.  Assessing the Impact of Research                                Moderator: Dr. Tony Wohlers, CU
11:45-1:15             Lunch + Keynote
                              Strategies for Developing an Active Research Curriculum - Professor Mick Healey, UK

   1:15-2:00               Session I - Crowd Funding: A Support for Undergraduate Research - Tim O'Neil, OSU
                                                                                                                          Moderator: Dr. Linda Mason, OSRHE
   2:00-3:00               Session 2 - Student Panel: How Undergraduate Research Affects Student Growth
                                                                                                                          Moderator: Dr. Greg Wilson, UCO
3:00-3:15               Break
3:15-4:00               Session 3 - Money, Money, Money!(?): Grants and Strategies to Support Undergraduate Research Programs -
Dr. Linda Mason, OSRHE                                              Moderator: Tim O'Neil, OSU
4:00-4:15               Spotlight Award for an Undergraduate Program of Excellence - Chancellor Glen Johnson
4:15-4:30               Evaluation

For conference and workshop registration, see http://goo.gl/uncZrA.

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