[Okgrantsmanship] Physics and Astronomy Research Experience for Undergraduates -

Mason, Linda lmason at osrhe.edu
Thu Jan 8 13:31:38 CST 2015

Please share with faculty who have access to eligible students.

Physics and Astronomy REU Program <http://strongmail1.multiview.com:80/track?type=click&eas=1&mailingid=2121759&messageid=2121759&databaseid=Mailing.DS121759.2121759.105539&serial=17309846&emailid=lmason@osrhe.edu&userid=61778044&targetid=&fl=&extra=MultivariateId=&&&2032&&&http://multibriefs.com/ViewLink.php?i=54ac51d7c4dbf> - http://www.cwu.edu/physics/reuprogram
Managed by Councilors in CUR's Physics and Astronomy Division
NSF Award No. 1358879
Deadline: Feb. 20, 2015
Program dates: June 1 - August 7, 2015

This REU program focuses on providing research experiences to undergraduates who have either not had a research experience or are at an institution where research opportunities are not available for undergraduates. Students from community colleges are encouraged to apply. Women and students from traditionally underrepresented groups are also encouraged to apply. Students receive $500/week for 10 weeks + a travel allowance + a food allowance. Eligibility includes community college and university students.

Participating faculty:
Dr. John Armstrong, Weber State University <http://www.cwu.edu/physics/sites/cts.cwu.edu.physics/files/documents/REUWeberState.pdf>  - Planetary Habitability
Dr. Terry Oswalt and Dr. Saurav Dhital, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University<http://www.cwu.edu/physics/sites/cts.cwu.edu.physics/files/documents/REUERAU.pdf> - Stars in the Kepler Field
Dr. Stephen Padalino, SUNY Geneseo<http://www.cwu.edu/physics/sites/cts.cwu.edu.physics/files/documents/REUSUNY.pdf> - High Energy Target Particles
Dr. Michael Jackson, Central Washington University<http://www.cwu.edu/physics/sites/cts.cwu.edu.physics/files/documents/REUCWU.pdf> - Far-infrared Laser Frequencies
Dr. Seth King and Dr. G. R. Sudhakaran, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse<http://www.cwu.edu/physics/sites/cts.cwu.edu.physics/files/documents/REUUWLMaterials.pdf> - Optoelectronic Applications
Dr. Tav Hawkins and Dr. G. R. Sudhakaran, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse<http://www.cwu.edu/physics/sites/cts.cwu.edu.physics/files/documents/REUUWLBio.pdf> - Microtubules

Dr. Linda Mason
Coordinator of Grant Writing
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
655 Research Parkway, Suite 200
Oklahoma City, OK 73104
405-225-9486 desk
405-706-8757 cell
405-225-9230 FAX
lmason at osrhe.edu<mailto:lmason at osrhe.edu>

Do not be afraid to give your time to writing grant proposals. Time given to planning proposals is never time lost, but is rather time gained, so that our research, our programs, our collaborations and indeed our whole profession may become more profoundly significant.

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