[Okgrantsmanship] EDGAR Training -- Brustein & Manasevit, PLLC's 2015 Spring Forum

Mason, Linda lmason at osrhe.edu
Mon Jan 12 10:56:17 CST 2015

Dear Collaborative Colleagues,

Please see below for a Brustein & Manasevit training on the new EDGAR. The workshop is intensive, over three days (May 6-8), held in DC, and quite expensive ($825 per registrant) – but if you can afford it, these guys do a tremendous job.

Please pass on as you see fit.

All the best,

Sharmila B. Mann, Ph.D.
p 303.541.1602 | e sbmann at sheeo.org<mailto:sbmann at sheeo.org>

From: Brustein & Manasevit, PLLC [mailto:forum at bruman.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2015 6:18 AM
To: Sharmila Basu Mann
Subject: Attend Brustein & Manasevit, PLLC's 2015 Spring Forum

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[New Firm Logo]

Brustein & Manasevit, PLLC's 2015 Spring Forum

The Washington Hilton Hotel
1919 Connecticut Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20009

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Wednesday May 6, 2015 at 7:30 AM EST
Friday May 8, 2015 at 11:30 AM EST
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The New EDGAR: Every Day Grants Administration Rules

The Washington Hilton Hotel

Washington, D.C.

The landscape for managing federal grants has changed.  Are you prepared?  The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the U.S. Education Department beat their self-imposed deadline by issuing the changes to the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) on December 19, 2014.  The new Uniform Grant Guidance (UGG) has replaced the old administrative, cost, and audit rules.  These regulatory changes have a direct impact on all federal programs.  Program administrators now need to have "written" policies and procedures on cash management, allowability, conflicts, procurement, equipment management, travel and indirect costs.  In addition, the 114th Congress will attempt to reauthorize the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, the Higher Education Act, the Carl Perkins Career and Technical Education Act, and various other education laws - but success will depend on the ability of both parties to find common ground.  More policy changes will likely be made through "policy riders," conditions placed on funding for agencies carrying out those laws and programs (the fiscal year 2014 funding bill enacted in December contained a number of these riders).

So how will these changes to federal grant management impact your day-to-day responsibilities?  Mark your calendars for May 6th to 8th to attend the Brustein & Manasevit Spring Forum in Washington, D.C. at the Washington Hilton.  This conference will walk you through all the major revisions to the federal rules governing costs, audits and administrative principles.  We will explain the dramatic shift of focus from compliance to performance and from process to outcomes especially in the area of time and effort, inventory controls for computers, procurement, meals/conferences, travel, indirect costs and "pass-through" responsibilities.  We will also update attendees on funding, budgets, and the various program reauthorizations.

Gil Tran, the Director of the OMB office responsible for the UGG, has been invited to present, along with representatives from the Government Accountability Office (GAO), the Office of the Inspector General (OIG), Risk Management Service (RMS), and various federal education program offices.

On the morning of May 6, Bonnie Little Graham and Michael Brustein will conduct a pre-session on the new EDGAR from 8:30 to 11:00.  This tutorial will provide a basic level review of the new EDGAR.  The key changes to EDGAR will be covered in more depth during the rest of the Forum.

Please note that our Fall Forum in December was opened for registration on July 1, and it was sold out within four weeks.  With the release of the new EDGAR and the need for detailed and timely information, we expect this conference to sell out by early February.  We urge you to register and reserve your room at the hotel as soon as possible.

Click here<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001gmruPsJDVZfuQYNTyde1MEfSPLMFg4S96rpCYasbu8j1dianFG1cliFSw6kvxoH6MANUG9kcsnofN2M7uTOXEdRlSqKxKUr4R03SXx7X0p2m9wE2_mjOfnu8u2Sdud-VWY3fFfcsCL8Ggy9DbpSyeaKm44uBT4Vbc1R_-qxKOsAhyu6Ipdm5Ht9CVacklPd4sIh9M-lDIYkTH-kGnM_8DHsAAMchlEDg9OVkR3Zp8Hz5YNpetJ9fBL9eR658IsjmxCJn5HT48sk=&c=dJbtkZ7ci-i5FsKP4ACa0OdGLN7ZP7d29nn_JdXml-zZkfnfOoWXJg==&ch=M_upZDH88qqvN8hszmuVXKliMJheXysDt5VODiX5sbAM-_pBFqr4XA==> to view the draft agenda. As always please remember that the forum agenda and speakers are subject to change and we will notify all attendees of any changes or additions to the draft forum agenda provided.

Forum Registration Pricing

Individual Registrant Cost


(10+ Registrants)*


(Must Register Before February 1st)

$825 per registrant

$800 per registrant


(Register on or After February 1st)

$865 per registrant

$865 per registrant

* In order to obtain the group rate, attendees MUST be from the same organization and REGISTER TOGETHER.  Additional registrants may join a pre-existing group at the initial group rate; however, the addition of new registrants to a pre-existing group will not make the group eligible for a further reduced rate, since the rate is set at the time of the initial registration.

Pre-Session EDGAR Training Registration Pricing

Wednesday, May 6th 8:30 - 11:00
With Forum Registration

$135 / registrant

Without Forum Registration

$335 / registrant

(Visa, MasterCard, and Discover cards accepted)

Hotel Accommodations

To be guaranteed a spot in the hotel, you MUST book early because the hotel has limited capacity. The Washington Hilton rate for our Spring Forum is $289 per night, and each guest room includes complimentary internet access.  To make your reservation, please call The Washington Hilton at

202-483-3000 or https://resweb.passkey.com/go/bruman2015 <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001gmruPsJDVZfuQYNTyde1MEfSPLMFg4S96rpCYasbu8j1dianFG1cliFSw6kvxoH6F1sJ5pjnC3z36ffPpDWDl7l_8F8Q6JqExyIm1n-5jW4BbuNFsDTB4Ssnhg7cPfUilysAdZvuH47GLqjwzG9BJB1KiuP5Ddv7Ve16dAPynGAfi_x8HyQUs0pTS_UGmd3BiVakhCP-q_w=&c=dJbtkZ7ci-i5FsKP4ACa0OdGLN7ZP7d29nn_JdXml-zZkfnfOoWXJg==&ch=M_upZDH88qqvN8hszmuVXKliMJheXysDt5VODiX5sbAM-_pBFqr4XA==> . It is important to note that The Washington Hilton requires one night's deposit when making your reservation. The Washington Hilton is situated on upper Connecticut Avenue and within walking distance of excellent restaurants, shopping and entertainment and near Embassy Row, and the Adams Morgan neighborhood.  The hotel is four blocks from the Dupont Circle Metro stop.

PowerPoint Presentations

All attendees will have access to electronic versions of all the PowerPoint presentations, appendices and resources through a secure website prior to and during the Forum.  If you want to obtain a booklet including paper copies of all the presentations you MUST select that option when registering.  We will NOT be providing hard copies of the booklets unless it is specifically requested on the registration form.

CPE Credits

Brustein & Manasevit is an approved Continuing Professional Education (CPE) sponsor by the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA).  All professionals wishing to seek CPE credit can obtain up to seventeen (17) CPE (Administrative Practice) credits for attending our Group-Live Spring 2015 Forum (at no additional charge).

This Forum is for those of all levels and experience within your organization; therefore, the Program level is 'Overview.' There are no prerequisites or advanced preparation required to attend and the material presented is provided on-site.  Learning objectives:

·         Become familiar with federal requirements / grants management systems (procurement, inventory and financial management).
·         Understand federal education program rules as well as programmatic fiscal issues including maintenance of effort, supplement not supplant, and comparability.
·         Understand the potential consequences of audit findings and federal education program reviews.
·         Understand the internal controls that are required for federal grant eligibility.

If you have any questions regarding the Forum please contact Charlene Taylor at forum at bruman.com<mailto:forum at bruman.com> or by phone at 1-800-914-8212. This information is also available on our website at www.bruman.com<http://www.bruman.com>.

Brustein & Manasevit, PLLC is on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn - To Follow Us Click Here<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001gmruPsJDVZfuQYNTyde1MEfSPLMFg4S96rpCYasbu8j1dianFG1cln4w21-ER4Vs1Kkqv57jGCjvMwvGckN3P6yNthvPGdOoVNocwxu4YvRoi25Aj7WcRaFkJy4P9gt-hJuT23tp3Ac-BFEq5xcquQqsHx-8RLImbGZvCW4OgbFii9zwFaTe2gCEEO1nwywzi8YmGVQgxWs=&c=dJbtkZ7ci-i5FsKP4ACa0OdGLN7ZP7d29nn_JdXml-zZkfnfOoWXJg==&ch=M_upZDH88qqvN8hszmuVXKliMJheXysDt5VODiX5sbAM-_pBFqr4XA==>!

[http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs184/1103529991295/img/75.png]Brustein & Manasevit is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education (CPE) on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: www.learningmarket.org<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001gmruPsJDVZfuQYNTyde1MEfSPLMFg4S96rpCYasbu8j1dianFG1clp2rtdkLTk7oxjzjzChw7RUpOMvDx_QMs0apkQ-d9YGYQMqba6pm2PVrPCfy5SOAYViVopRK9H7MdbBuvEkNjpux4tFK01ruOQYE1ghs7O0tzCuuDG7o8nUpl4uGFk01UQ==&c=dJbtkZ7ci-i5FsKP4ACa0OdGLN7ZP7d29nn_JdXml-zZkfnfOoWXJg==&ch=M_upZDH88qqvN8hszmuVXKliMJheXysDt5VODiX5sbAM-_pBFqr4XA==>.

Get more information<http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07eadcat6q9700f63b&c=46718030-fe27-11e3-9f02-d4ae5275dbea&ch=4676d760-fe27-11e3-9f02-d4ae5275dbea>

Register Now!<http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07eadcat6q9700f63b&c=46718030-fe27-11e3-9f02-d4ae5275dbea&ch=4676d760-fe27-11e3-9f02-d4ae5275dbea>

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Brustein & Manasevit, PLLC
forum at bruman.com<mailto:forum at bruman.com>

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Brustein & Manasevit, PLLC | 3105 South Street NW | Washington | DC | 20007

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