[Okgrantsmanship] This Week in PND: Richest 1% own as much as the rest; Bill and Melinda Gates release annual letter; more….

Mason, Linda lmason at osrhe.edu
Tue Jan 27 13:50:11 CST 2015

Please scroll down and open the Bill and Melinda Gates Annual Letter to get an idea of what the largest philanthropy initiative is working on. Very, very interesting.

Dr. Linda Mason
Coordinator of Grant Writing
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
655 Research Parkway, Suite 200
Oklahoma City, OK 73104
405-225-9486 desk
405-706-8757 cell
405-225-9230 FAX
lmason at osrhe.edu<mailto:lmason at osrhe.edu>

Do not be afraid to give your time to writing grant proposals. Time given to planning proposals is never time lost, but is rather time gained, so that our research, our programs, our collaborations and indeed our whole profession may become more profoundly significant.

From: Foundation Center [mailto:foundationcenter at e.foundationcenter.org]
Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2015 1:39 PM
To: Mason, Linda
Subject: This Week in PND: Richest 1% own as much as the rest; Bill and Melinda Gates release annual letter; more….

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[Philanthropy News Digest: A Service of the Foundation Center]<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn12>

January 27, 2015 • Volume 21, Issue 4

Philanthropy News Digest<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn12> is a service of the Foundation Center. For more great content, including news, RFPs, reviews and commentary, visit us at philanthropynewsdigest.org<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn12>.

[In the News]

  1.  Gates Annual Letter Sees Progress on Global Health, Poverty (01/23/2015)
  2.  MasterCard Foundation Launches Fund for Africa's Rural Poor (01/21/2015)
  3.  Rotary International Awards $34.8 Million for Polio Eradication (01/27/2015)
  4.  European Partnership Funds Projects for Ebola Vaccines, Diagnostics (01/22/2015)
  5.  World's Richest 1 Percent Will Own More Than All the Rest by 2016 (01/21/2015)
  6.  A Majority of Public School Students Live in Low-Income Families (01/26/2015)
  7.  Bloomberg Philanthropies, Partners Launch Clean Energy Initiative (01/22/2015)
  8.  Grassley Calls on Nonprofit Hospitals to Stop Suing Poor Patients (01/27/2015)
  9.  Community Foundation Update (01/24/2015)
  10. People in the News: Appointments and Promotions (01/25/2015)


[http://f.e.foundationcenter.org/i/6/2089490397/logo_baruch_200x67_transp.gif]Certificate in Individual Fundraising<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn42> offered at Baruch College. The
12-session evening program for nonprofit leaders builds skills in individual fundraising. Experts in the field will teach you how to make an effective fundraising case to prospects and how to use various strategies, including annual appeals.

Learn more!<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn42>

[In Their Own Words]

"The more global citizens there are, and the more active and effective they are, the more progress the world will make....[W]e believe that people can and must work together more to make the world a more equitable place. In fact, we're betting on it...."

— Bill & Melinda Gates, co-chairs, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Annual Letter 01/21/2015)

Gates Annual Letter Sees Progress on Global Health, Poverty<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn24>

[article image]In their 2015 annual letter<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn53> (28 pages, PDF or HTML), Bill and Melinda Gates highlight advances made over the last few decades in the areas of global health, agriculture, financial inclusion, and education and predict that, with innovation in technology, the pace of progress will accelerate over the next fifteen years.

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn52> co-chairs argue in the letter that, by 2030, investments in health care in the poorest countries and the development and deployment of new vaccines and treatments will reduce child mortality rates globally from 4.6 percent today to 2.3 percent; reduce the number of women who die in childbirth by two-thirds; and eradicate polio, guinea worm, elephantiasis, and river blindness, while significantly curbing the spread of malaria and HIV. The Gateses also predict that innovations in farming techniques, including drought-resistant seeds and fertilizers as well as mobile access to information about weather, crop rotation, and market prices, will help boost crop yields in Africa from 32.6 bushels of maize per acre to 48.9 bushels, improving farmers' income and, in turn, their children's nutrition and health....

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MasterCard Foundation Launches Fund for Africa's Rural Poor<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn31>

[article image]The Mastercard Foundation<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn59> has announced the launch of a $50 million fund aimed at bringing financial services to businesses and smallholder farmers in rural areas of sub-Saharan Africa.

To be managed by KPMG International Advisory Services, the MasterCard Foundation Fund for Rural Prosperity<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn60> will provide $15 million to support ideas for new products, services, and processes that increase access to financial services among the rural poor. The remaining $35 million will support efforts to scale ideas or pilots with the potential to drive financial inclusion for smallholder farmers....

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Rotary International Awards $34.8 Million for Polio Eradication<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn34>

[article image]Rotary International<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn84> has announced grants totaling $34.8 million in support of polio immunization and monitoring activities in ten countries, including Afghanistan, Nigeria, and Pakistan, the three countries where transmission of the virus has never been interrupted.

To be used by the World Health Organization<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn79> and UNICEF<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn78>, the grants include $8.1 million in support of a final push to eradicate the disease in Nigeria, where the number of polio cases dropped nearly 90 percent on a year-over basis and which has not registered a single new case in the last six months. "Nigeria has managed an incredible feat," said Tunji Funsho, Rotary's PolioPlus chair for the country. "However, now we must be more vigilant than ever, as our progress is fragile...."

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European Partnership Funds Projects for Ebola Vaccines, Diagnostics<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn22>

[article image]The Innovative Medicines Initiative<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn54>, a partnership between the European Union and the European pharmaceutical industry, has announced the launch of eight projects aimed at speeding up the development, manufacture, and deployment of Ebola vaccines and diagnostics.

Funded by Horizon 2020<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn7>, the EU's research and innovation program, and in-kind contributions from members of the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn49>, the initiative's Ebola+ program announced an initial round of grants to three projects focused on vaccine development, a project to scale up vaccine manufacture and another that will investigate innovative ways to promote compliance with vaccine regimens, and three projects focused on the development of rapid diagnostic tests. The combined budget of the eight projects is roughly € 215 million ($248 million)....

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World's Richest 1 Percent Will Own More Than All the Rest by 2016<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn37>

[article image]The combined wealth of the richest 1 percent of the world's population will be greater than that of the other 99 percent by 2016, a report from Oxfam International<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn66> finds.

Based in part on data from the Credit Suisse Global Wealth Datebook<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn80>, the report, Wealth: Having It All and Wanting More<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn67> (12 pages, PDF), found that the share of global wealth held by the richest 1 percent increased from 44 percent in 2009 to 48 percent in 2014 and is on track to exceed 50 percent by 2016. What's more, nearly all (46 percent) of the remaining wealth is owned by the rest of the richest 20 percent of the world's population. The other 80 percent of the population share just 5.5 percent of the planet's wealth, or an average of $3,851 per adult — about 0.12 percent of the $2.7 million per adult held by the richest 1 percent. The report also found that the combined wealth of the eighty richest people in the world now equals the collective wealth of the poorest half of the global population, or some 3.5 billion people....

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A Majority of Public School Students Live in Low-Income Families<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn14>

[article image]For the first time in at least fifty years, more than half of all U.S. public school students come from low-income families, a research brief from the Southern Education Foundation<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn76> finds.

Based on an analysis of 2013 data collected by the National Center for Education Statistics<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn11>, the brief, Low Income Students Now a Majority in the Nation's Public Schools<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn77> (6 pages, PDF), found that 51 percent of pre-K-12 students in the nation's public schools were eligible for free or reduced-price lunches. The analysis also found that in forty states, low-income children made up no less than 40 percent of the public school population and constituted a majority of public school students in twenty-one states — thirteen of which were in the South and six in the West. Mississippi had the highest proportion of low-income students (71 percent), followed by New Mexico (68 percent) and Louisiana (65 percent), while New Hampshire (27 percent), North Dakota (30 percent), and Vermont (36 percent) had the lowest proportion. The share of students who are eligible for free or reduced-price lunches reached the 51 percent level in the South in 2006 and, in 2013, stood at 57 percent, well above the percentage in the West (51 percent), the Midwest (44 percent), and the Northeast (42 percent)....

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Bloomberg Philanthropies, Partners Launch Clean Energy Initiative<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn17>

[article image]Bloomberg Philanthropies<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn43> and the Heising-Simons family have announced the launch of an initiative to help states transition to clean, reliable energy systems.

The Clean Energy Initiative will provide $48 million in grant funding to encourage utilities to adopt solar, wind, and LED technologies and help states take advantage of clean-energy technologies. More than half the funding will be directed to some two dozen state and local partners, including the Institute for Energy Innovation<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn55> and the Respiratory Health Association<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn57>, while additional funds will support national organizations such as the Center for the New Energy Economy<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn4>, the Environmental Defense Fund<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn48>, and the Natural Resources Defense Council<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn64>....

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Grassley Calls on Nonprofit Hospitals to Stop Suing Poor Patients<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn26>

[article image]Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) has issued a warning to a nonprofit hospital in Missouri that it could be breaking the law when it sues poor patients over unpaid bills, ProPublica<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn70> and National Public Radio<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn63> report.

Citing an earlier ProPublica/NPR report<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn69> which found that Heartland Regional Medical Center, a nonprofit hospital in St. Joseph, Missouri, had garnished the wages of thousands of low-income patients who were unable to pay their medical bills, Grassley sent the hospital â€" which recently was rebranded as Mosaic Life Care<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn83> â€" a letter<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn71> last week warning that it "may not be meeting the requirements to be a nonprofit, tax-exempt hospital." The letter included a series of questions about the hospital's treatment of low-income patients, its debt collection practices, and its financial assistance program....

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Community Foundation Update (1/24/15)<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn20>

[article image]California

The Silicon Valley Community Foundation<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn74> has named C.S. Park, former chair and CEO of Maxtor Corp, to chair its board of directors and added Marie Oh Huber, Julie Miraglia Kwon, and Wade W. Loo to its board.


The Main Street Community Foundation<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn58> in Bristol has announced that its Women and Girls' Fund awarded grants totaling $36,650 to twelve organizations in 2014. Recipients included the Bristol Early Childhood Alliance, Central Connecticut Senior Health Services, Living in Safe Alternatives, and Plainville Community Pantry.


The Pikes Peak Community Foundation<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn68> has named Trudy Strewler Hodges as its new CEO.

New York

The New York Community Trust<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn65> has announced that it is partnering with the Baruch College School of Public Affairs to offer a comprehensive, multifaceted professional development opportunity to the school's recent grantees. The New York Community Trust Leadership Fellows Program will work to equip mid-career practitioners with the competencies, skills, and talents to be more effective managers and leaders; help fellows develop a deeper overall understanding of the nonprofit sector and its subsectors; foster an alumni network of leaders who can learn and find support from their counterparts in the future; connect fellows with current leaders and policy makers in the metropolitan New York City area; and provide fellows with the opportunity to design and implement initiatives for their organizations. The first cohort of leadership fellows will start the twelve-week program in March, with a second cohort to follow in August.


The Dayton Foundation<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn47> has announced that during 2014 it surpassed $750 million in total giving. Established in 1921, the foundation has awarded more than 290,000 grants from more than 3,300 funds. In December, it announced grants totaling more than $250,000 in support of arts and culture, education, health, human services, and other community-building efforts. Recent recipients include the Dayton Playhouse, Kids in New Directions, the Miami Valley Chapter of the Alzheimer's Association, and Hannah's Treasure Chest.

The Columbus Foundation<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn46> has announced grants totaling $679,795 to thirty-six organizations. Recipients include the Community Shelter Board, the Ohio Association of Foodbanks, Buckeye Ranch, and Amethyst.


The Erie Community Foundation<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn50> has announced that the Erie Summer Jam<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn44>, which it sponsors, will once again include a Youth Summer Job Fair. Approximately one hundred and forty youth registered for last year's event, with more than a hundred participating in the job-seeker orientation and roughly sixty securing a summer job.


The Lander Community Foundation<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn56> has awarded grants totaling $15,000 to seventeen organizations, which is nearly double the amount the foundation awarded in 2014, County 10 reports. Recipients include the Central Wyoming Climber's Alliance, Expedition Yellowstone, Lander Community Concert Association, and Lander Pet Connection.

More<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn20> »

People in the News (1/25/15): Appointments and Promotions<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn32>

[article image]The Chicago Foundation for Women<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn45> has announced the appointment of AGNES MENESES as director of strategic initiatives, effective February 16.

The Ford Foundation<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn51> has announced that its president, DARREN WALKER, has been appointed chair of the U.S. National Advisory Board on Impact Investing<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn61>.

The Screen Actors Guild Foundation<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn73> has announced the appointment of LAINIE STROUSE as director of development.

The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn75> has announced the appointment of FRANCINE BERMAN to its board.

The Morris Animal Foundation<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn73> has announced the elections of JAMES A. KUTSCH, JR., ROBERT C. GAIN, WALTER N. GEORGE III, and CLINTON A. LEWIS to its board.

Purple Heart Homes<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn72>, an organization that provides housing solutions for service-disabled veterans, has announced the appointments of DALE BEATTY as chief development officer and GARRETT GARLAND as board chair.

In other news, the National League of Cities<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn62> has announced that the National Black Caucus of Local Elected Officials has selected CLEOPHUS KING and ROMAL D. BULLOCK as fellows for a year-long mentored leadership program for elected officials from diverse communities.

More<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn32> »

[More News]

  1.  Fidelity Charitable Announces Record Grant Totals in 2014 (01/27/15)<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn23>
  2.  Campaign for Black Male Achievement Announces New Initiatives (01/24/2015)<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn18>
  3.  Lilly Endowment, Luce Foundation Support Religious Journalism Program (01/25/2015)<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn29>
  4.  Pew Trusts Launches Project to Thwart Illegal Fishing (01/25/2015)<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn33>
  5.  Blavatnik Family Foundation Funds Israeli Fellowships at Cambridge (01/23/2015)<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn16>
  6.  Ellison Foundation to Fund Wildlife Refuge, Rehabilitation Center (01/21/2015)<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn21>
  7.  LACMA Receives Gifts of Art From Trustees (01/23/2015)<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn28>
  8.  Helen Bader Foundation Announces Changes (01/22/2015)<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn27>
  9.  CHOP Receives $50 Million for Pediatric Research (01/22/2015)<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn19>
  10. University of British Columbia Law School Receives $24 Million Gift (01/26/2015)<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn35>
  11. Atlantic, CalEndow Award $22.2 Million for Healthcare Career Pathways (01/26/2015)<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn15>
  12. University of Louisville Receives $12.6 Million for Jazz, Athletics (01/23/2015)<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn36>
  13. Lyda Hill Pledges $10 Million Challenge to Parkland Foundation (01/21/2015)<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn30>
  14. George Kaiser Family Foundation Awards $6.3 Million in Grants (01/25/2015)<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn25>


[PND Poll]

Is climate change responsible for more severe winter weather?

Cast your vote<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn38>.

[This Week in PND]

CAUSE-DRIVEN DESIGN®<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn13>
In our newest series, Matt Schwartz, founder and director of strategy at MSDS, a New York City-based design and brand strategy firm, explores the nexus between design and mission-driven work and explains how nonprofits can use design to engage and speak more meaningfully to the needs, goals, and motivations of their constituents and supporters....

PHILANTOPIC: The PND Blog<http://e.foundationcenter.org/a/hBUx$hNB8ixfdB8-BFHAAA834yF/pndn40>
On the blog, we share, in infographic form, highlights from Kivi Leroux Miller's 2015 Nonprofit Communications Trend Report; Andy Robinson talks about the leadership needed to transform a good cause into a good nonprofit; and the weekend crew checks in with another link roundup....

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