[Okgrantsmanship] Invitation to Review NIH-Supported Diversity Grants

Mason, Linda lmason at osrhe.edu
Fri May 1 14:56:00 CDT 2015

Dear colleagues,
Below is a request for credible individuals committed to diversity initiatives for proposal reviews for the HIH NRMN Pilot Awards. An explanation of the solicitation is in the email below. You may want to forward this opportunity to those faculty or staff members who might qualify for the review. I am sending this because grant proposal reviewing probably the best training for writing grant proposals. If one or more of your faculty or staff engage in proposal writing, they may reap the professional development benefit of reviewing as well as provide the professional service.


Dr. Linda Mason
Coordinator of Grant Writing
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
655 Research Parkway, Suite 200
Oklahoma City, OK 73104
405-225-9486 desk
405-706-8757 cell
405-225-9230 FAX
lmason at osrhe.edu<mailto:lmason at osrhe.edu>

From: RES_DEV at nordp.memberclicks.net [mailto:RES_DEV at nordp.memberclicks.net]
Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 5:36 PM
To: Mason, Linda
Subject: NORDP E-List: Invitation to Review NIH-Supported Diversity Grants

FYI for any NORDP members who are “credible individuals committed to diversity initiatives”,
this is an opportunity to review proposals for the HIH NRMN Pilot Awards.  More broadly, the NRMN may be of interest to diverse faculty, post-docs, and students in bio-medical sciences on your campus.  Information below:

On behalf of the National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN) Leadership group, I am extending an invitation to participate in the scientific review process for the NRMN Pilot Awards RFA. NRMN is a nationwide consortium to enhance the training and career development of individuals traditionally underserved, including underrepresented minorities, from diverse backgrounds, communities, and cultures, who are pursuing biomedical, behavioral, clinical, and social science research careers, through enhanced networking, mentorship, and career development experiences (NRMN Informational Flyer<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001mg7ZUFUWUCOYyAcn5MCHX7RWe99OazGQxweOOuIcrYPyFoMogagoXlFT9I97NVZZ6AtvlU--lOGQqXziTK62hiBryn6wHxaute4E3yC9agTl_mgei3GMwT2CQTrzuGoY15XLOwiBMVG8WSdSGH5hVcL411VD_12Kf5q7gFCiJhqmrrheNVRwUMllEs4dp2IlQHE_OoLEE4NVa5TEvprNsZdL1jM8zePof9JLdgxdKdy7Aaj9PXHwBg==&c=97drRCnw3uSfJ3v0UuapCxQZWZTQajyTenMqR9rRZXfrNrEx87dtWA==&ch=zxpYxfkAKliiyUJEFW7hcnwzBOenkRnMBCFCS9Xn2uqcwtudQGwmkg==>). Our NRMN Leadership embraces the NIH's Interest in Diversity, Statements, and Definitions. This Leadership Team is currently composed of our grant principal investigators: Drs. Jamboor K. Vishwanatha (Mentorship and Networking Core), Christine Pfund (Mentor Training Core), Kola Okuyemi (Professional Development Core), Christine Sorkness (Administrative Core, Associate Director) and me (Administrative Core and Lead PI). (NRMN Overview Presentation<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001mg7ZUFUWUCOYyAcn5MCHX7RWe99OazGQxweOOuIcrYPyFoMogagoXlFT9I97NVZZTAX_yH52pTAwPPo7LI5u4S9MkdWKe5wiYubYfNtch36XHPEcy_QV33DYEVm1tueJUdKzOjao3lVQrc621RjPNfbLArND8afOzOtFhKs0otLS1MG9_n7E9yUNUd2asumgtrYSLzwaKEr2zOjw_qXBUOWOSfq1M86ZZl4ZZX4kH6ifAV_VVQClIQ==&c=97drRCnw3uSfJ3v0UuapCxQZWZTQajyTenMqR9rRZXfrNrEx87dtWA==&ch=zxpYxfkAKliiyUJEFW7hcnwzBOenkRnMBCFCS9Xn2uqcwtudQGwmkg==>).

I invite you to nominate individuals from your organization, who would be both qualified and interested in performing insightful scientific reviews in response to the RFA and Frequently Asked Questions linked here (RFA<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001mg7ZUFUWUCOYyAcn5MCHX7RWe99OazGQxweOOuIcrYPyFoMogagoXlFT9I97NVZZvmMUm8FR8tk7Q4RvXr6gdZrrSqScYcVIM5SwjgnvHN8kW0bCp8SwzkD0huDH_j6HfEhj2HbzMXyooQdpps355GombKxxyS0_bEp6UJiUooMIxj0FnbWJVQVj6ot4k-nkrZg_K3mUttwHufjmH7891TenU6k0oRKycWJ7MQQeCTMmDKSwOKaHYw==&c=97drRCnw3uSfJ3v0UuapCxQZWZTQajyTenMqR9rRZXfrNrEx87dtWA==&ch=zxpYxfkAKliiyUJEFW7hcnwzBOenkRnMBCFCS9Xn2uqcwtudQGwmkg==> and FAQs<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001mg7ZUFUWUCOYyAcn5MCHX7RWe99OazGQxweOOuIcrYPyFoMogagoXlFT9I97NVZZaBjxXKAlhic9kZ-9Y78v4KHE_RDmnn0XDIwZrtalCgqvuFR46g7mTv15Kx8QyIHbS5qL-4Id9U9sON1ZkMbJPfo8WrL44aYKwQUXY-hX-LThvjdFvHVdePwabPDlltDzNZZjM-fYm0FlWHC41bEI6dJhuuqyOFfc7Yq0qxAaUO-r7KJ82JQ4VQ==&c=97drRCnw3uSfJ3v0UuapCxQZWZTQajyTenMqR9rRZXfrNrEx87dtWA==&ch=zxpYxfkAKliiyUJEFW7hcnwzBOenkRnMBCFCS9Xn2uqcwtudQGwmkg==>). We will conduct this process in a traditional "NIH-like" format, with at least 2 reviewers assigned to each proposal. NIH review forms will be used, with instructions and deadlines. These reviewers will not need to participate in a formal panel meeting, so time commitments are modest. Each reviewer will be asked to review 2-3 proposals, and will receive a modest honorarium for their contributions. Individuals that you nominate will receive an official NRMN invitation to review and supplementary information directly from Boston College.

To meet our tight timelines, I would be most appreciative to receive contact information from credible individuals committed to diversity initiatives by May 6, 2015. Alternatively, you can distribute this invitation, with the links, to such colleagues.

You, or the interested parties themselves, should email interest to Dina Goodfriend (dina.goodfriend at bc.edu<mailto:dina.goodfriend at bc.edu>). A brief paragraph outlining professional credentials and diversity expertise would be VERY helpful to assign reviewers. Alternatively, an NIH biosketch could be sent to us.

Many thanks for your consideration.

David Burgess, PhD, Professor, Boston College


National Research Mentoring Network, Lead PI



140 Commonwealth Avenue, Higgins Hall, CHESTNUT HILL, MA 02467

617-552-3901       NRMN.info at bc.edu<mailto:NRMN.info at bc.edu>       NRMNet.net


National Organization of Research Development Professionals
20 N. Wacker Drive, Suite 2250 | Chicago, IL 60606, USA | TEL: 1-855-RES-DEV1 (Toll Free, 1-855-737-3381)  www.nordp.org<http://www.nordp.org> | info at nordp.org<mailto:info at nordp.org>

National Organization of Research Development Professionals | 20 N. Wacker Drive | STE 2250 | Chicago, Illinois 60606 | United States
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