[Okgrantsmanship] NORDP E-List: Funding/ cooperation opportunities for US researchers under the EU's Horizon 2020 Program

Mason, Linda lmason at osrhe.edu
Tue Nov 10 11:09:38 CST 2015


Please see the new information below regarding European Union Horizon 2020 funding opportunities for researchers in the U.S.

Note that H2020 will make available over this second two-year period € 16 billion to fund research and innovation projects – see http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/en/news/horizon-2020-work-programme-2016-2017-published. US participants in selected H2020 projects do not automatically qualify to receive EU funds to cover their participation, barring some exceptions.  One of these is the health research part of H2020, the workprogramme for which can be found at: http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/data/ref/h2020/wp/2016_2017/main/h2020-wp1617-health_en.pdf
Please note a new exception which has been opened up in  two Calls for Proposals under the Research Infrastructures part of H2020. The calls in question are INFRAIA-01-2016-2017 & INFRAIA-02-2017 which are described in detail on pages 14 to 28 in the document at the following link:  http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/data/ref/h2020/wp/2016_2017/main/h2020-wp1617-infrastructures_en.pdf. In short,  € 200 million is being made available in 2016-17 to fund so-called "integrating activities" for scientific communities in given fields for the transnational opening up, integration, networking and coordination of their research infrastructures. The activities funded should obligatorily involve: i. networking cooperation between the research infrastructures involved and the respective scientific communities, ii. Transnational access, and iii. Joint research.
Two categories of project are envisaged: i. advanced communities (i.e. where a substantial amount of networking & coordination already exists) with a list of 27 different areas listed in the call covering bio & medical sciences, environmental & earth sciences, maths & ICT, physical sciences and SSH – for which € 88 million will be made available in 2016 and € 72 million in 2017 with awards for up to € 10 million per selected project following a single stage submission, evaluation and selection procedure; and ii. starting communities (i.e. communities which have not previously benefited from EU funding) where no topics are defined, for which € 40 million will be made available in 2017 and with awards of up to €5 million per selected project following a two-stage submission, evaluation and selection procedure.
As you will see in footnotes 4 and 6 on pages 15 and 23, any participating U.S. based entities in selected projects qualify to receive EU funding on an exceptional basis.
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