[Okgrantsmanship] Jan 28 Audio Conference: Succeeding in the New Education Funding Climate - Registration $199

Mason, Linda lmason at osrhe.edu
Wed Jan 20 11:05:17 CST 2016

Join us for our Jan 28 audio conference: Succeeding In The New Education Funding Climate<http://the-grant-advisors.us8.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=54985727c20bb2b6990e79e06&id=4897157f04&e=d72716b920>

View this email in your browser<http://us8.campaign-archive1.com/?u=54985727c20bb2b6990e79e06&id=c4653d8adf&e=d72716b920>

In December, President Barack Obama signed into law the bipartisan Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) (PL 114-95), the latest reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA).
The new law replaces the last ESEA reauthorization, the controversial No Child Left Behind (NCLB) that was passed in 2002. While NCLB increased the role of the federal government in education decision-making, ESSA reduces the federal role, while restoring greater local control over education funding decision.
ESSA authorizes new funding programs and make changes to existing funding programs. The following information-packed presentation will offer insights on the new funding, as well as crucial details on the direction of existing funding programs and how grantseekers can offer insights on the direction of their favorite funding programs. Additionally, listeners will receive an update on the new law’s impact on Fiscal Year 2016 grantmaking.
Succeeding in the New Education Funding Climate
Thursday, January 28, from 2:00 to 3:00 Eastern Time
Attend Live or Request A Recording – just $199
Here’s Just Some of What You’ll Learn

  *   Goals and Objectives of New Law
  *   Local Control Versus State/Federal Control Under New Law
  *   New Focus of Title I
  *   Latest on Popular Programs, Such As Those Focusing on Literacy, Physical Education
  *   Methods for Providing Feedback
  *   Impacts on Preschool Funding
  *   New Funding Opportunities
  *   Outside-the-Box Opportunities at Other Agencies and in Private Sector
  *   Update on Fiscal Year 2016 Education Department Grantmaking
  *   Ways to Follow the Funding Trails
  *   Funding Trends to Follow
  *   Who You Should Be Talking to and Meeting with Now
  *   White House Priorities and New Law
  *   Proven Ways to Get Involved in Decision-making
For more information or to order, go to our website<http://the-grant-advisors.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=54985727c20bb2b6990e79e06&id=f3d4c815dd&e=d72716b920>.











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