[Okgrantsmanship] Resignation and Open Position

Mason, Linda lmason at osrhe.edu
Tue Oct 4 10:54:49 CDT 2016

I just wanted to let you all know that I have accepted another position.  I will serve as the Development Officer for the Pioneer Library System, which means I will manage the fundraising activities for eleven libraries throughout Cleveland, McClain and Pottawatomie counties.  I am very excited by this opportunity, however, I will miss all of you as I have enjoyed getting to know each of you during the past few years.

That being said, my position is now posted on the website if anyone has ever been interested in working at OSU-OKC.  I thought maybe one of my fellow grant buddies might like to apply, or perhaps might know someone else who would be interested.

Please look me up on LinkedIn and whatnot and keep in touch.  I wish you all the best in your grant pursuits!


Amber E. Cole, CFRE
Senior Director, Institutional Grants and Resource Development
Oklahoma State University-Oklahoma City
900 North Portland Avenue
Oklahoma City, OK  73107
ambcole at osuokc.edu<mailto:ambcole at osuokc.edu>
Telephone:  (405) 945-3310
Fax:  (405) 945-6715

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