[Okgrantsmanship] call for reviewers

Mason, Linda lmason at osrhe.edu
Fri Feb 24 09:59:27 CST 2017

Please pass on to your appropriate faculty members. This is a great service opportunity.

Dr. Linda Mason
Coordinator of Grant Writing
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
655 Research Parkway, Suite 200
Oklahoma City, OK 73104
405-225-9486 desk
405-706-8757 cell
405-225-9230 FAX
lmason at osrhe.edu<mailto:lmason at osrhe.edu>

From: Leigh Dillard [mailto:Leigh.Dillard at ung.edu]
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2017 9:43 AM
To: Council on Undergraduate Research List
Subject: [curl] call for reviewers


Papers & Publications<http://digitalcommons.northgeorgia.edu/papersandpubs/>, an interdisciplinary journal of undergraduate research, seeks faculty across disciplines to assist in the external review process.

Reviewers are asked to read 2-3 manuscripts in their area of expertise in spring/early summer and provide feedback to the authors through the online system. In cases where a revise and resubmit is requested, a second reading may be necessary.

If this is something that interests you, please respond to this message and provide the following information for our database:

  *   Name
  *   University
  *   Department
  *   Preferred email
  *   Discipline and subject areas of expertise (ex: Humanities: British lit, world lit)
Please also spread the word to colleagues who might similarly be interested in this kind of service opportunity.

Many thanks,

Leigh G. Dillard, PhD
Assistant Professor of English
Editor-in-Chief, Papers & Publications
University of North Georgia
3820 Mundy Mill Road | Oakwood, GA  30566

You are currently subscribed to curl as: lmason at osrhe.edu<mailto:lmason at osrhe.edu>. To unsubscribe send a blank email to unsubscribe-curl at lists.cur.org<mailto:unsubscribe-curl at lists.cur.org>. Please note that by clicking Reply, your response will go to the author only. To send a response to the full list, please direct your response to curl at lists.cur.org<mailto:curl at lists.cur.org>.
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