[Okgrantsmanship] NSF EPSCoR RII Track-4 Webinar Invitation

Mason, Linda lmason at osrhe.edu
Thu Jan 4 18:33:14 CST 2018

You may want to watch this free webinar from NSF.

Dr. Linda Mason
Coordinator of Grant Writing
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
655 Research Parkway, Suite 200
Oklahoma City, OK 73104
405-225-9486 desk
405-706-8757 cell
405-225-9230 FAX
lmason at osrhe.edu<mailto:lmason at osrhe.edu>

From: Lawrence, Elizabeth [mailto:elawrenc at nsf.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 02, 2018 12:41 PM
Subject: NSF EPSCoR RII Track-4 Webinar Invitation

Dear Colleagues:
NSF EPSCoR would like to invite you and interested faculty to participate in an informational webinar on the FY18 competition for EPSCoR’s RII Track-4 program. Please distribute this invitation to your jurisdictional listservs and join us at 2:00pm (EST) on either Thursday, January 11, or Friday, January 12 to learn more. The new program solicitation, NSF 18-526<https://nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=504901> is now available and all webinar attendees are encouraged to review it prior to the webinar.
We’re looking forward to your participation in the webinar.
On behalf of:

Dr. Uma Venkateswaran
Section Head (Acting), NSF EPSCoR

EPSCoR RII Track-4 Webinar Instructions



Direct Link

Meeting ID

January 11 & 12, 2018

2:00 pm EST



Note: This virtual meeting/webinar will consist of both an audio portion via teleconference and a presentation component via WebEx. In addition to a computer connection for the visual part of the meeting, you will need a separate phone connection to participate in the teleconference. (Cell phones/iPhones are NOT recommended due to the increased likelihood of connectivity issues and interference.)

Audio Component – Teleconference:

Direct (Toll Free) Call-in Number: 888-680-8032, Password: EPSCoR

The meeting will be open 15 minutes prior to the start time for you to login/call-in. You are encouraged to login/call-in early to ensure connectivity.

Visual Component – WebEx:
To join the meeting directly through WebEx:
1. Click the link (above) for the meeting you are attending.
2. When requested, enter your name and email address.
3. Click "Join."
4. You are now in the “web” portion of the webinar.

WebEx will automatically setup Meeting Manager the first time you join a meeting using WebEx. To save time, we strongly encourage you to setup prior to the meeting to ensure connectivity. To set up the meeting manager, click this link: https://nsf.webex.com/nsf/meetingcenter/mcsetup.php.
If you cannot access the direct login link for the webinar, you can still login through WebEx.
To join the online meeting through the WebEx Website:
1. Click NSF WebEx link: https://nsf.webex.com<https://nsf.webex.com/>.
2. Enter the WebEx meeting ID (743011839), then click “Join Meeting.”
3. When requested, enter your name and email address and password; it is EPSCoR18!
4. Click "Join"
5. Be sure to call in as well: 888-680-8032, Password: EPSCoR

Administrative Support: If you have any questions about WebEx meeting access, please contact
Liz Lawrence at least 24 hours prior to the webinar (Email: elawrenc at nsf.gov<mailto:elawrenc at nsf.gov>; Phone: 703-292-8997)
For Technical Assistance:
Go to https://nsf.webex.com/nsf/mc.
On the left navigation bar, click "Support".

The playback of UCF (Universal Communications Format) rich media files requires appropriate players. To view this type of rich media file in the meeting, please check whether you have the players installed on your computer by going to https://nsf.webex.com/nsf/systemdiagnosis.php.

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