[Okgrantsmanship] Grant Opportunities

Fisher, Christine cfisher at osrhe.edu
Tue Mar 1 16:59:09 CST 2022

Hello All,

Please see a compilation of recent grant opportunities below.

I also wanted to update everyone about the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (ODMHSAS) State Opioid Prevention Grant that I mentioned in our CGR meeting in December.

For FY 2023 (July), ODMHSAS will be contracting directly with the schools to provide the services associated with this grant, as is now the model with OU and OSU.  ODMHSAS is eager to fold more of the regional universities into the Higher Education Prevention Services coalition. As information becomes available about how to apply for FY 2023 funding, I will share it with the group.  For now, please feel free to let anyone at your institution who may be interested in this opportunity know that this will be coming up within the next few months.

Have a great rest of the week!

Thank you,

Christine Fisher
Coordinator of Grant Writing and External Funding Assistance
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
655 Research Parkway Suite 200
Oklahoma City, OK 73104
cfisher at osrhe.edu
T: 405-225-9265
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Conservation Planning and Technical Service Provider (TSP) Training Development


US Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is looking for a partner to develop multiple training courses for employees, partners, and technical service providers on topics associated with our conservation planning such as in the areas of economics, practice standards, conservation activities and others. The vision for these courses is that they would be online training developed in a format compatible with our AgLearn Learning Management System, would be 508 compliant, and include an exam to measure learner knowledge. NRCS will supply subject matter experts working with an interested Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Units (CESU) network partner who will provide training development resources. Together we will create the elements related to course objectives, learning outcomes and course content. All courses developed will be the property of USDA, NRCS who will be provided the course in its final form along with all supporting materials including but not limited to files, documents, and videos in editable formats.

USDA Rural Community Development Initiative
Qualified private, nonprofit and public including tribal intermediary organizations proposing to carry out financial and technical assistance programs will be eligible to receive the funding. The RCDI structure requires the intermediary (grantee) to provide a program of financial and technical assistance to recipients to develop their capacity and ability to undertake projects related to housing, community facilities, or community and economic development. The recipients will, in turn, provide programs that will support their communities (beneficiaries). The Intermediary will be required to provide matching funds in an amount at least equal to the RCDI grant. The respective minimum and maximum grant amount per Intermediary is $50,000 and $250,000.


Research Visioning for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE): Future Research Directions for the CISE Community


The National Science Foundation's Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) seeks to fund a community-driven organization that will identify ambitious new fundamental and translational research directions that align with national and societal priorities and thereby catalyze the computing research community's pursuit of innovative, high-impact research. Specifically, CISE calls on the information, communication, computing and cyberinfrastructure research community to establish a CISE Research Visioning activity (CISE-RV) to facilitate the articulation of compelling long-term research visions and establish multi-directional communication pathways for stakeholders with interest in information, communication, computing and cyberinfrastructure research, including those in academia, industry, government, professional societies, virtual organizations, international entities, and the general public. It is anticipated that through its activities the CISE-RV will strengthen connectivity and increase coordination across these diverse stakeholders and enable rapid and efficient community response to emerging opportunities and areas of national need.

NSF Innovation Corps Hubs Program (Expansion of current I-Corps program)


The National Science Foundation (NSF) seeks to further develop and nurture a national innovation ecosystem that guides the output of scientific discoveries closer to the development of technologies, products, processes, and services that benefit society. The goal of the NSF Innovation Corps (I-Corps) Program, created in 2011 by NSF, is to reduce the time and risk associated with translating promising ideas and technologies from the laboratory to the marketplace, to increase the economic competitiveness of the United States, to encourage collaboration between academia and industry, and to train NSF-funded faculty, students, post-docs, and other researchers in innovation and entrepreneurship skills.The I-Corps Program utilizes experiential learning of customer and industry discovery, coupled with first-hand investigation of industrial problems and processes, to quickly assess the translational potential of inventions. The I-Corps Program is designed to support the commercialization of so-called "deep technologies," i.e., those based on fundamental discoveries in science and engineering. The I-Corps program addresses the skill and knowledge gap associated with the transformation of promising basic research outcomes into deep technology ventures (DTVs).

DOD The Department of Defense (DoD) Fiscal Year 2023 Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP)


This announcement seeks proposals from universities to purchase equipment and instrumentation in support of research in areas of interest to the DoD.

DoD interests include the areas of research supported by the Army Research Office (ARO), the Office of Naval Research (ONR), and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), hereafter generally referred to collectively as "we," "our," "us," or "administering agency." We use "administering agency" to provide a generic reference to any of the administering agencies.

A central purpose of the DURIP is to provide equipment and instrumentation to enhance research related education in areas of interest and priority to the DoD. Therefore, your proposal must address the impact of the equipment or instrumentation on your institution's ability to educate students through research in disciplines important to DoD missions.

Research Security Training for the United States (U.S.) Research Community
With the goal of strengthening research security in the U.S., NSF is working in partnership with three other federal research funding agencies to find a balanced approach to research security. This effort includes the development and implementation of training-to recipients of federal research funding-in best practices to optimize research security. This training is an essential step toward mitigating foreign government risks and threats to U.S. government-funded research and may be used to fulfill the research security program requirement in NSPM-33.

NSF Strengthening American Infrastructure
The National Science Foundation seeks proposals for novel and potentially transformative investigatory initiatives that strengthen the American infrastructure in education and other critical areas outlined in the program solicitation. Proposals are accepted in separate categories for planning, conferences, and research. Proposal plans should be grounded in one or more of the social, behavioral, and economic science disciplines and may focus on biological, cyber, economic, educational, social, or technological contexts. There is a priority to broaden participation of underrepresented groups in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, including women, minorities, and persons with disabilities. Activity plans are encouraged to include kindergarten through grade 12 students, undergraduate and graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows.

SIEMENS STEM Day: Possibility Grant Sweepstakes
The Possibility Grant Sweepstakes supports educational activities in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) with STEM-related equipment, supplies, technology, and science lab makeovers in kindergarten through grade 12 schools.

Spirit of Ramanujan STEM Talent Initiative
The Spirit of Ramanujan STEM Talent Initiative is an outreach effort to find and encourage undiscovered science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) talent in the United States and worldwide. (The initiative is named for Srinivasa Ramanujan, a self-taught mathematical genius of the early 20th century whose formulas are still studied today.) The program is intended for promising individuals who excel in the STEM subjects but lack traditional institutional support through grants and mentorship opportunities. Funding through this program provides grants to participate in established research programs or to engage in individual research with an approved sponsor.

HHS/CDC (Forecasted) Building Mathematical Modeling Workforce Capacity to Support Infectious Disease and Healthcare Research
The purpose of this notice of funding opportunity is to support pre-doctoral fellows' innovative research to develop and apply computational tools and mathematical methods for modeling the spread of pathogens in healthcare settings (e.g., SARS-CoV-2, healthcare-associated infections [HAIs], antimicrobial resistant organisms [AROs]). This NOFO is intended to increase the number of junior modeling professionals that are trained and experienced in modeling transmission of pathogens in healthcare settings and to contribute to generalizable scientific knowledge through dissemination (e.g., pre-prints, peer-reviewed studies, scientific presentations). The application should be written by the PI/mentor who may or may not name specific pre-doctoral student(s) to conduct the research at the time of application submission.

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (multiple):

Purpose of Program: The purposes of this program are to (1) help address State-identified needs for personnel preparation in special education, early intervention, related services, and regular education to work with children, including infants, toddlers, and youth with disabilities; and (2) ensure that those personnel have the necessary skills and knowledge, derived from practices that have been determined through scientifically based research, to be successful in serving those children.

JW Couch Foundation
Next quarter applications due March 18, 2022.  General areas covered include preservation, education, and wellness.

Inasmuch Foundation
https://inasmuchfoundation.org/focus-areas (Funding opportunities FAQs)
Only 1 request per year is permitted.  Summer cycle is invitation only.  Fall cycle is due August 15.

Hogan Taylor Foundation
The 2022 grant application period will open on Thursday, March 31 and will close on Thursday, June 30.

OH! Connections Grant Funding
Mandatory draft application due next Tuesday, March 1, 2022!
It's all about grants, up to $20,000 for cultural programs on the local level for "helping Oklahomans learn about the human experience, understand new perspectives, and participate knowledgeably in civic life. Projects include exhibitions, lectures, panel discussions, websites, film festivals, and more."

  *   Visit the website<https://u11911044.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=e-2FiUG0c3jcDEjCv-2B-2BWzdsO7kJnpjI3ebHR-2FJC7o5XXGJ1lpwwRb7LSV-2BCcrE9-2FLF8N7AbBQeXB3BEc7o60b3vQ-3D-3DufL-_Efzp7xbzdbM3Yk5yVurxsK45SENTUFtl23QpYlQdhtDTJYQETN59m1KAXvxuR8O3cAUPnQYD8LrlJzRJL-2Bqa1iA5jWp4AvyqlfGxX4W-2B38rIzqSn3-2Fwcry-2FAy4tpi4ytNZ0O4Du6UFCK0Ff3g2ogotGXpO6giCjwJ8wq7i3BUUiKanxuBXAbRxbMwLKkBmgzK-2FBHXs1oOYOoz1P231Gv85cUe9brTBuXmpoTjfT37r6Caqyj4X7SzZIVIV-2BNHJcI8lkLmsrJkR2CDQwagAAlIPWIxZySmBHJJnXIUHytst8T8UuPpSCxzemiC-2FFgXe4M-2FZDgLrakaKDEf04avSSZf2cMRlvwygUfPBIgM-2FAJZAegWu5s2c2UkY-2BRcLG7wwxy> and explore the grant process<https://u11911044.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=e-2FiUG0c3jcDEjCv-2B-2BWzdsO7kJnpjI3ebHR-2FJC7o5XXHBpBTBL4FM5haT1EyPa1G-2BclSNQuwA-2FhtgDfsdO6Q9sQ-3D-3DW3xp_Efzp7xbzdbM3Yk5yVurxsK45SENTUFtl23QpYlQdhtDTJYQETN59m1KAXvxuR8O3cAUPnQYD8LrlJzRJL-2Bqa1iA5jWp4AvyqlfGxX4W-2B38rIzqSn3-2Fwcry-2FAy4tpi4ytNZ0O4Du6UFCK0Ff3g2ogotGXpO6giCjwJ8wq7i3BUUiKanxuBXAbRxbMwLKkBmgzK-2FBHXs1oOYOoz1P231Gv85cUe9brTBuXmpoTjfT37r6aciQzKFo-2Fshq9LgRLAsNiLU3udJT8QEh4pKN-2BmkYJEDqD9arE6lGr94B9EtdoT33-2FWz9qZcDxOrn2qGPkbLUGW-2BuhcuXGd8vJBBEFOkHIpbqezB8NjcuG35AvqT8a2T2RrT-2FN1fJF-2F8AAu90ugjxj> and <https://u11911044.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=e-2FiUG0c3jcDEjCv-2B-2BWzdsO7kJnpjI3ebHR-2FJC7o5XXHBpBTBL4FM5haT1EyPa1G-2BclSNQuwA-2FhtgDfsdO6Q9sQ-3D-3DXRht_Efzp7xbzdbM3Yk5yVurxsK45SENTUFtl23QpYlQdhtDTJYQETN59m1KAXvxuR8O3cAUPnQYD8LrlJzRJL-2Bqa1iA5jWp4AvyqlfGxX4W-2B38rIzqSn3-2Fwcry-2FAy4tpi4ytNZ0O4Du6UFCK0Ff3g2ogotGXpO6giCjwJ8wq7i3BUUiKanxuBXAbRxbMwLKkBmgzK-2FBHXs1oOYOoz1P231Gv85cUe9brTBuXmpoTjfT37r5AyadBWAzh7pHJZl41D8t-2FPvkXhoQoucZz95P8FfyMu0FhOF6ER7ZlDjIhpMPUW70w8mDuoDRedPkIfRflmTfnG-2BnwMc6uyzhl-2BJZThrc-2FSADKZxqccn2fj867bkRQXeSgoM1U6UnGPKFTlpjrIw5N> guidelines<https://u11911044.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=e-2FiUG0c3jcDEjCv-2B-2BWzdsO7kJnpjI3ebHR-2FJC7o5XXHBpBTBL4FM5haT1EyPa1G-2BclSNQuwA-2FhtgDfsdO6Q9sQ-3D-3Dya86_Efzp7xbzdbM3Yk5yVurxsK45SENTUFtl23QpYlQdhtDTJYQETN59m1KAXvxuR8O3cAUPnQYD8LrlJzRJL-2Bqa1iA5jWp4AvyqlfGxX4W-2B38rIzqSn3-2Fwcry-2FAy4tpi4ytNZ0O4Du6UFCK0Ff3g2ogotGXpO6giCjwJ8wq7i3BUUiKanxuBXAbRxbMwLKkBmgzK-2FBHXs1oOYOoz1P231Gv85cUe9brTBuXmpoTjfT37r7iY89p66Bcq8EcM51zz7e8HUD9EtsnXTzUI-2BTDe-2BgZuvts5Wu1J1Tp-2FgMFUwpgmN9m1-2FgpV-2BwDEt41Ho8GxFqvBJ3iiWXRQYhJvBOzkdWaC0yIvObNI-2FPMwppP4oYfo5mg6AOVgEccEFP6DBrvc8rz>
  *   Using the online grant system, complete and submit mandatory draft application no later than March 1
  *   Submit final application no later than April 1
  *   Applicants must allow at least 90 days between the final application deadline and the starting date of the proposed project.
  *   Contact Senior Program Officer, Kelly Burns at kelly at okhumanities.org<mailto:kelly at okhumanities.org> with any questions.

Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE): Effective Educator Development Programs: Teacher Quality Partnership Grant (TQP) Program, Assistance Listing Number (ALN) 84.336S
Purpose of Program: The purposes of the TQP program are to improve student achievement; improve the quality of prospective and new teachers by improving the preparation of prospective teachers and enhancing professional development activities for new teachers; hold teacher preparation programs at institutions of higher education (IHEs) accountable for preparing teachers who meet applicable State certification and licensure requirements; and recruit highly qualified individuals, including individuals of color and individuals from other occupations, into the teaching force.

New OSEP Funding Opportunities (multiple):

Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE): Well-Rounded Education Programs: Jacob K. Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education (Javits) Program, Assistance Listing Number 84.206A
Purpose of Program: The Javits program supports evidence-based[1] research, demonstration projects, innovative strategies, and similar activities designed to build and enhance the ability of elementary schools and secondary schools nationwide to identify gifted and talented students and meet their special educational needs. A major emphasis of the program is on identifying and serving students traditionally underrepresented in gifted and talented programs (including economically disadvantaged individuals, individuals who are English learners, and children with disabilities), including the training of personnel in the identification and education of gifted and talented students and in the use, where appropriate, of gifted and talented services, materials, and methods, for all students.

Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE): International Foreign Language Education (IFLE): Language Resource Centers Program, Assistance Listing Number (ALN) 84.229A
Purpose of Program: The LRC Program provides grants to institutions of higher education (IHEs) or consortia of IHEs for establishing, strengthening, and operating centers that serve as resources for improving the Nation's capacity for teaching and learning foreign languages through teacher training, research, materials development, assessment, and dissemination projects.

FY2021 Historic Preservation Fund - Semiquincentennial Grants
The National Park Service's (NPS) Semiquincentennial Grant Program will preserve sites related to the founding of the nation as understood in the broadest possible sense. The program seeks to fund projects throughout the United States that are for the preservation of sites significant for their ability to convey the founding and development of America as a nation ending with the election of 1800. Resources funded by the grant must be significant for their association with the history of what would become the United States; this means that some or all of the period of significance is on or before December 31, 1800. These grants are funded by the Historic Preservation Fund (HPF), administered by the NPS, and will fund physical preservation to state-owned properties. Grants are awarded through a competitive process and do not require non-Federal match. The Semiquincentennial grant opportunity number is P22AS00035.

Apprenticeship Building America (ABA) Grant Program
This Funding Opportunity Announcement solicits applications for the Apprenticeship Building America (ABA) grant program. This FOA supports a coordinated, national investment strategy that aims to strengthen and modernize the Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP) system, centered on equity and promotes Registered Apprenticeship as a workforce development solution. Applicants have the opportunity to apply for funding across four grant categories: (1) State Apprenticeship System Building and Modernization; (2) Expansion of RAP Opportunities for Youth; (3) Ensuring Equitable RAP Pathways Through Pre-Apprenticeship Leading to RAP Enrollment and Equity Partnerships; and (4) Registered Apprenticeship Hubs. The ABA grant program builds on the Department's previous and ongoing efforts to expand and modernize Registered Apprenticeship through expanding the number of programs and apprentices, diversifying the industries that utilize Registered Apprenticeship, and increasing access to and completion of RAPs for underrepresented populations and underserved communities.

FY 2022 John McCain Study of the U.S. Institute (SUSI) for Student Leaders on the Rule of Law and Public Service
The John McCain SUSI for Student Leaders on the Rule of Law and Public Service will provide a multinational group of undergraduate students from military and law enforcement colleges and universities with a deeper understanding of U.S. society, culture, values, and institutions. The Institute will focus on the theme of the rule of law and public service and will be five weeks, including a three-to-four-week academic residency at a U.S. academic institution and a one-to-two-week integrated educational study tour. The academic residency should take place on a U.S. university or college campus and should include academic coursework; leadership and skills development sessions; community service activities; opportunities for interaction with speakers from diverse backgrounds; and interaction with American peers. The study tour should complement the academic residency and take participants to another region of the United States, as well as Washington, DC. The program should include opportunities for continued follow-on engagement once participants return home. See NOFO section A. Program Description for further information.

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