[Cobo] FW: FY12 Cash Flow & Deposits received

Mauck, Sheri smauck at osrhe.edu
Wed Jul 13 14:20:07 CDT 2011


We received yesterday afternoon the email below from OSF stating that
the legislature over-appropriated the current amount available in
special cash fund, thus you have received a pro-rata share of what was
available as of  7/12/2011 which has completely blown the emails that
I'd put together and sent out on expected cash flow for FY12. You will
eventually receive the full amounts as was indicated but will not be in
a lump sum.  OSF indicates below that additional transfers will be
posted between August 25 and January 1, 2012.  We'll just have to wait
and see how the collections come in each month to know when and how much
the next pro-rata shares will be posted.


You should not worry that you won't ultimately receive all the
appropriated funds, however, just not on the schedule as first
anticipated.  This is the same for the operations (290) for a few that
were to receive lump-sum cash allotments as with the Section 13 Offset
funds (295.)  This would affect the lump-sum cash items noted on the
emails received from me last week.  Sorry for the confusion, but I
wasn't made award of the issue until yesterday when the July deposits
were posted.  Higher Ed was to have received $65 million in special cash
but to date has received the pro-rata share of approximately 38% in


Let me know if you have further questions.




From: Dan Thomason [mailto:Dan.Thomason at osf.ok.gov] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2011 9:15 AM
To: mathangi_shankar at sde.state.ok.us; Paliotta, Amanda; Gloria Hudson;
Motley, Phil; judy.buck at oda.state.ok.us; tom.james at doc.state.ok.us;
rita.hesser at okstate.edu; Travis C. Monroe
Cc: Jennie Pratt; Brandy Manek; Jill Geiger; Shelly Paulk
Subject: Special Cash Appropriations


Dear Agency Finance Officer,


The Office of State Finance is making the first allocation of your
agencies' Special Cash appropriation today.  As the Legislature
appropriated more than the current balance of the Special Cash Fund
(SCF), OSF will make the allocations in a pro rata manner.  The
additional transfers to the SCF will take place August 25, 2011 -
approximately January 1, 2012.  As these transfers are made to the SCF,
OSF will make pro rata allocations to your agency until your
appropriation is fulfilled.  Please see attached spreadsheet for the
amount and calculation of your agencies' first SCF allocation.


Please contact me, Jill Geiger (521.6176), Shelly Paulk (522.2603) or
Brandy Manek (521.3786) if you have questions.



Dan Thomason

State of Oklahoma

Office of State Finance

dan.thomason at osf.ok.gov

(405) 522-4992 (P)

(405) 522-2186 (F)



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