[Cobo] FW: FY24 System-Wide Budget Request and 2023 Legislative Agenda

Mauck, Sheri smauck at osrhe.edu
Thu Oct 27 13:19:43 CDT 2022

Please see important correspondence shared with your President regarding the FY2024 Budget Need Request.  Thank you.

From: Smith, Kylie
Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2022 1:15 PM
To: Presidents <pres at osrhe.edu>
Cc: Garrett, Allison <agarrett at osrhe.edu>; Senior Cabinet <seniorcabinet at osrhe.edu>; Hamlin, Payton <phamlin at osrhe.edu>; Jackson, Janet <jjackson at osrhe.edu>; Winge, Amanda <awinge at osrhe.edu>; Alyssa Cravens <acravens at rsu.edu>; Amy Cobb <amy.cobb at wosc.edu>; Brenda Weber <bweber at cameron.edu>; Briana Wohl <Briana.wohl at swosu.edu>; Calandra Rose <crose at opsu.edu>; Calleigh Meyer <calleigh.meyer at okstate.edu>; Candace Raney <craney at eosc.edu>; Carrie Bateson <carrie.bateson at tulsacc.edu>; Claudette Butcher <claudette.butcher at okstate.edu>; Cortney Smith <clsmith at carlalbert.edu>; Derotha Rivenbark <derotha.rivenbark at connorsstate.edu>; Carroll, Diane <dcarroll at usao.edu>; Elaine Preston <ecpreston at langston.edu>; Janice Stallworth <janice.d.stallworth at occc.edu>; Jessica Baker <jbaker at mscok.edu>; Joanna Owens <jlowens at ecok.edu>; Jodie Randels <jlrandels at nwosu.edu>; Kathy Carrington <kcarrington1 at uco.edu>; Kendra Cummins <Kendra.cummins at neo.edu>; King, Garrett <garrett.king at swosu.edu>; Mary Smith <mary.g.smith at okstate.edu>; Mechell Downey <m.downey at sscok.edu>; Melissa Wadley <melissa.wadley at okstate.edu>; Nutter, Michelle <mnutter at rose.edu>; Northern Oklahoma College (Denise.Bay at noc.edu) <Denise.Bay at noc.edu>; Paige Landreth <paige.n.landreth at okstate.edu>; Hutchins, Robin <hutchinr at nsuok.edu>; Taylor Austin <tjaustin at ou.edu>; Terri Rogers <trogers at se.edu>
Subject: FY24 System-Wide Budget Request and 2023 Legislative Agenda

Good afternoon Presidents,

At their meeting this morning, the State Regents voted to request $986 million in state funding for FY24, which reflects an increase of $105.1 million or 11.9% over the FY23 adjusted appropriation of $880.9 million. Key components of the FY24 budget request include:

  *   $23 million to fund the Oklahoma National Guard Educational Assistance Program, the Oklahoma Future Teacher Scholarship and Employment Incentive Program ("Inspired to Teach"), and the Concurrent Enrollment Tuition Waiver program.

  *   $26.3 million for critical workforce development initiatives, including funds to expand nursing education program and medical residency capacity to address the state's shortage of Registered Nurses and physicians; support institutional efforts to increase enrollment and graduation in STEM disciplines; and continue providing scholarships for adult students nearing completion of a college degree or pursuing an industry-recognized micro-credential or certificate.

  *   $49.3 million to fund performance-based institutional allocations to address operational support needs; strengthen college access and academic success services for students; fund strategic collaborations, shared services, and educational resources that drive long-term efficiencies across the state system; and continue investments in data analytics, digital transformation, and cybersecurity.

  *   $6.5 million for capital projects to improve campus safety and security and to assist with demolition costs of razing buildings deemed no longer viable or safe for public use.

Additionally, the State Regents voted to approve higher education's 2023 Legislative Agenda, which includes the following priorities:

  *   Workforce development incentive programs. Higher education continues to build strong connections between academic programs and high-growth, high-demand occupations and industries, including micro-credentials to equip learners to fill critical workforce needs. STEM bachelor's degree production has increased 47% over the last 10 years, and has increased 29% at all degree levels. Our public colleges and universities will create more pathways to degree completion in key fields, including engineering, nursing and computer science. Collaborating with the CareerTech system, state system institutions will work to better align the nursing student corridor from Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) to Registered Nurse (RN) to Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN).

  *   Strategic planning. The State Regents are completing a comprehensive strategic planning process for the state system of higher education. The State Regents will engage the Legislature to advance recommendations to strengthen the student pipeline, enhance student success, expand workforce development and streamline system operations.

  *   Expand the teacher education pipeline. The Oklahoma Future Teacher Scholarship and Employment Incentive Program ("Inspired to Teach"), approved during the 2022 legislative session, is designed to draw high-quality, effective educators for our public schools through scholarship funds and targeted incentives to help our state meet the critical need for more teachers. The State Regents propose statutory revisions for program administration, including establishing a pathway for home school graduates to enroll in accredited teacher education programs.

  *   Concurrent Enrollment Task Force. The concurrent enrollment program strengthens student preparation, reduces family college costs and decreases the time required to complete a degree. The State Regents will work in partnership with the Concurrent Enrollment Task Force to advance recommendations focused on access to concurrent enrollment, concurrent course options, and additional investment in the program.

  *   Universal FAFSA Completion. States across the country have reported increases in student enrollment when Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) completion is required. The State Regents recommend universal FAFSA completion for Oklahoma high school seniors with a waiver option to address student needs, when warranted.

  *   Oklahoma's Promise. The Oklahoma's Promise scholarship program has been named by the Southern Regional Education Board as a top promise scholarship program in the nation. The State Regents' goals for the 2023 legislative session include streamlining high school course requirements for scholarship eligibility; an adjustable income limit to increase flexibility for eligible students and families; and an appeal process to assist students facing unique circumstances.

I've attached copies of both agenda items for your reference as well as the corresponding handouts. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you.


Kylie Smith
Vice Chancellor for Administration
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
655 Research Parkway, Suite 200
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73104
ksmith at osrhe.edu<mailto:ksmith at osrhe.edu>
follow us on Twitter @okhighered

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