[COPLAC-IR] COPLAC Annual Data Profile...

Anita Fraley anita.fraley at gcsu.edu
Tue May 8 09:10:55 CDT 2012

Are we going to get any clarity on these questions that were asked last week?

Is there a definition for section V, Q16? I suspect "Institutional funds" means the College and Foundation scholarships as they are reported in the financial statements but I am not sure.

Are graduate students included in question/item 16 on Section V: Revenue, Financial Aid, and Related Indicators?  Or are undergraduates the focus?  My assumption is undergraduates because the tuition and required fees questions do not ask for graduate information, but I'd like to verify this before I compute my numbers.

We also would like to have clarification for the "number of scholarships"?  If one student received three types of "academic merit" scholarship, does that count as 1 or 3?

Item 17 - Academic equipment value, library acquisition expenditures, and academic space square footage - has reappeared on this year's template.  Was this by mistake?  I think we all agreed that this data was not very valuable and we ditched it last year.  I'm hoping we can just ignore it on this year's template.

Item 16.c., Financial Aid Budget From Institution's Own Funds:  "Budget" connotes a predetermined amount.  But financial aid is all about seeing what students' need is first, and then awarding grants and other aid.  Here at Eastern, there are no set amounts for in-state and for out-of-state students. Do we actually mean aid _awarded_ in this item, rather than 'budgeted' amounts?

Anita Fraley
Georgia College & State University
Institutional Research
Campus Box 52
Milledgeville, GA 31061
478-445-3350 Phone
478-445-3221 Fax

From: lboyce at usao.edu [mailto:lboyce at usao.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 3:10 PM
To: coplac-ir at lists.onenet.net; Anita Fraley; 'Archer Gravely'; 'Babs Varano'; 'Beth Carter'; 'Bill Spellman'; 'Brian Lashley'; 'Cassandra Slaybaugh'; Chris Stanek; 'Cristi Carson'; 'Doug Rawlings'; 'Elizabeth Acker'; 'Elizabeth Clune'; 'Fort Lewis Institutional Research'; 'Ginger Otwell'; 'Hui-Min Wen'; 'Jason Canales'; 'Jim Miller'; 'Julie Rao'; 'Laura Coghlan'; Laura Dorman; 'Mascetti, Kris'; 'Mathew Wilkerson'; 'Matt Stillman'; Nancy Asher; 'Nancy Helsper'; 'Orien McGlamery'; 'Pat Parson'; 'Sarah Maene'; 'Scott Bevins'; 'Tim Hanson'; Vicki Warzecha; 'Wrenette Tedder'
Subject: COPLAC Annual Data Profile...

Hello all,

Please find attached a blank copy of the annual data profile for your institution.  It would be greatly appreciated if you would send your completed portion to me no later than May 18, 2012.  That will give me a couple of weeks to compile the report and submit to Bill Spellman by May 31st  to send off to be printed for his Board.  And if you would, please replace the word "blank" in the name of the file with your school's name; that would help greatly.

Sorry for any duplicate emails.  I am trying to make sure to reach every school.  If you have any questions, please let me know?


J. Lynn Boyce
Vice President for Information Services and Technology
University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma
lboyce at usao.edu<mailto:lboyce at usao.edu>
1727 W. Alabama
Chickasha, OK 73018
405.224.3140 (voice)
405.574.1220 (fax)

Treasurer (2006 - 2012)
Oklahoma Association of Institutional Research (OKAIR)

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The University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma is the state's public liberal arts college. Its mission is to provide the public with a distinctive and accessible liberal arts and sciences education. In combining an interdisciplinary core curriculum with superior instruction in major fields of study, USAO aims to provide a thorough education that prepares students for meaningful, purposeful lives.

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