[COPLAC-IR] FW: IR letter

Lynn Boyce lboyce at usao.edu
Thu Apr 11 10:00:05 CDT 2013

Dear COPLAC Institutional Research Officers:

 Registration for the 2013 COPLAC Annual Meeting (20-22 June at Shepherd
University) is now open at http://www.shepherd.edu/coplac/

 We hope that you will be able to join us for this important meeting. COPLAC
Board Members (the 27 Presidents/Chancellors) agreed in January that IR and
IE Officers will be key players in a new branding and communications effort,
and that it would be helpful to bring a group of institutional research and
institutional effectiveness officers together this summer at Shepherd. 

 The preliminary agenda includes:

.         Discussion and refinement of the current COPLAC data profile.
While some discussion of this document has taken place over the past few
years via email, we believe that it would be good for the group to meet in
person and agree specific changes moving forward. 

.         Creation of a data-drive set of COPLAC "Quality Indicators" that
can be used in future branding and communications efforts.

As I mentioned in an earlier email, the COPLAC Board has launched a two-year
effort to strengthen branding and communications. A new communications
committee has been created, and this committee is drafting a set of COPLAC
common "Quality Indicators". The Board believes that when consortium-wide
"Quality Indicators" have been identified, they should be "outcomes
oriented" and supported by appropriate qualitative and quantitative data.
This is where IR and IE expertise will prove invaluable. 

The proposed "Quality Indicators" should be available by early May, but they
will likely include information on graduation rates and debt load. Some of
this data is available in the current data profile, but there was some
interest shown in the potential for break outs to include (if possible)
graduation rates for transfer students (and other non-true freshman). We
will need your expertise to think through other potential data points
(NSSE?) that support the "value added" features of a public liberal arts

Thank you for your consideration. I realize that budgets are tight and
travel funds limited, but it would be great to have a strong turn-out for
the Annual Meeting at Shepherd. Would you let me know at your convenience if
you plan to attend?





Bill Spellman
Council of Public Liberal Arts Colleges
One University Heights
Asheville, NC 28804
(828) 350-4590

www.coplac.org <http://www.coplac.org/> 



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