[Counselors] Comments about giving grades for EOI Preliminary scores

Nelson, Lisa lnelson at osrhe.edu
Tue Apr 24 09:10:55 CDT 2012

Thank you Counselors for your responses!  I have listed the responses I
received below.  I removed the names to protect the innocent!  J

If you want to add other comments to this for others to see or other
questions you would like answers to, 

please reply to this e-mail.

Thank you so much and have a great day!   Lisa J



I give them the scores, but they don't give them a grade!


Our teachers do not give a grade for test scores.


Yes, I have had the same request.  However, NOT, for a grade. 


At our alternative school a list of student that have scored
satisfactory or advanced is given to the teachers.  The student and
teacher decide whether a grade will be issued.  Normally a grade of a
"C" is issued for satisfactory and a "A/B" is issued for advanced since
these tests show that the student have mastered this subject and is
shows "competency" versus "seat time". Competency is what the students
must show to pass a class while attending an alternative education
program.  However, at our high school the student cannot receive a grade
for passing their EOI Test.!!!  


We, the counselors, do not provide teachers with preliminary scores. I
don't know if anyone else does. I do know some of our teachers use the
benchmark scores as grades.


I have never heard of that....


Yes, I do give the raw scores to those teachers teaching that subject.
Some teachers give grades, some don't.  Some give as a daily grade, some
as a test grade.  Some curve the grades, some don't.  I will say that
the students have been informed before they take the test that the
teacher will give them some kind of grade for it.... We tend to think
that students try a little harder... especially if they have already
passed 4 of their 7.  


We do not at Stillwater JH


It is my understanding that it is against policy to give a grade for EOI
scores. It may just be against our BOE policy, but I would say it's
against best practices anyway since the "cut score" changes every
session. You can only guess what is "passing."  Our test administrators
do write down the students' preliminary scores, but only as a rough
estimate for how many students may need remediation. Our scores are kept
by the principal and are not given to the teachers. 

We give the teachers a list of preliminary scores, what they do with it
is up to them.  We've had teachers give bonus points (their score is the
number of bonus points), we had a teacher buy dinner for the student who
scored the highest in her class, but for the most part, our teachers
just like to look at them to get a general idea of how the students did
so when we get the actual score reports it's not a shock.

How we do it, is we have the students write their score on their
authorization ticket and hand it back to the administrator before they
leave the room.  Then, the administrator writes it on the roll sheet for
the testing group.


No, we do not give a grade for the test score.


grades for a preliminary score on a state test? NO WAY!


All students write down the preliminary scores from the test.  Several
teachers want to see them and some do not care.   We allow teachers to
see the preliminary scores.  I do not know anything about grades for the
EOI tests.


At our school, we let the teachers know the raw score, and what they do
with that is up to them. If it is high enough, some teachers here will
use it in place of the final test and give the students an A for the
grade, while the rest of the students will still have to take the
semester test. Sometimes the teachers use it as a cut-off score for a
pizza party or something similar. So really, we only use (if at all) in
a positive way, never to give a bad or failing grade.


Do you mean the teachers give the students a class grade that is
averaged in with their other grades for the semester, based on how they
do on the CRTs or EOIs?  Anyway, no we don't do that.  


A student's grade in the classroom is not supposed to be tied to a test
score.  My opinion is that it would be inappropriate to issue a grade
based upon a preliminary score since the OSDE itself does not issue a
cut-off score until all results are in.  The preliminary score is just a
raw score of the number of questions a student marked correctly and is
not to be used for any "purpose".  I would recommend that the counselor
speak with Joyce DeFehr at the OSDE if they have questions.  

We give the teachers prelim scores for an FYI, but never give grade on,
Our teachers get the eoi preliminary scores and some do give some type
of credit for them.  It has helped the students have a better idea of
how well they did on their EOI's. 


We don't do that at my school. We get the raw scores from the test
administrator, but I'm not aware that the teachers use them as a grade.

We were told a few years back that legislators did not want this to
happen at all.  


Yes, we give the preliminary scores to each of the subject area


We (and all the test admins/monitors) try to write down the scores.  We
test by teacher and hour, so they usually provide a roster to keep
track.  Some use them as a class grade, others use them as
incentives/class competition.  


That is crazy for a couple of reasons:  first of all, I don't agree with
teachers giving a grade for testing and second, those are called
PRELIMINARY scores for a reason, they are not final.  I'm not sure the
teachers should even be given the students' scores.  I give the teacher
of that subject the preliminary scores but we don't even tell our
students what their score means.


Just because it was done in the past doesn't mean it's the right thing
to do and I know it's hard being the new guy, but sometimes that's the
best time to make changes.



Lisa Nelson

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education

Field Coordinator for Student Preparation


lnelson at osrhe.edu <mailto:lnelson at osrhe.edu> 

www.okhighered.org <http://www.okhighered.org/> 


"There is always a better way...your challenge is to find it."


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