[Counselors] FW: question for the counselor's board

Kelly Jennings kjennings at bbisd.org
Wed Nov 20 12:34:50 CST 2013

Broken Bow has a district-wide pep assembly a week before testing with each school doing skits to rev up the students and faculty.  It's usually a lot of fun for the kids as the superintendant, principals, teachers and staff go all out to be goofy and have fun with a focus on doing your best on the tests.   Also, Rector Johnson Middle School has a theme...2 years ago it was Don't Worry, Test Happy (with the Don't Worry music) and last hear it was Stop the Test.  Teachers wore t-shirts printed with the theme.

Kelly Jennings, Counselor
Bennett Elementary School and Rector Johnson Middle School
108 West 5th Street
Broken Bow, OK  74728
Phone: 580-584-9603
Internal Direct: 4300
Mobile: 580-306-1141
Fax:  580-584-2549
Email:  kjennings at bbisd.org<mailto:kjennings at bbisd.org>

From: counselors-bounces at lists.onenet.net [mailto:counselors-bounces at lists.onenet.net] On Behalf Of Nelson, Lisa
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2013 12:03 PM
To: counselors at lists.onenet.net
Subject: [Counselors] question for the counselor's board

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From: Kacee Poteet [mailto:kpoteet at bristow.k12.ok.us]
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2013 11:04 AM
To: Nelson, Lisa
Subject: question for the counselor's board

I was wondering what ideas everyone had for getting student's and teacher's excited (I know it's a stretch..LOL) about taking the OCCT's and EOI's.  I read the responses  for the rewards (Thank you for sharing those--lots of GREAT ideas), but I was curious how you get your kids motivated and excited before testing occurs.  I have a few ideas, but was curious to know what other schools do?

Thank you!

Kacee Poteet
Bristow High School
kpoteet at bristow.k12.ok.us<mailto:kpoteet at bristow.k12.ok.us>
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