[Counselors] Girls Cutting

OSRHE EPAS PK-12 Counselor Discussion Board counselors at lists.onenet.net
Wed Mar 9 10:10:52 CST 2016

We always need to notify the parents/guardians, first. I've had several cutters over the years. A lot of them aren't doing it to commit suicide. It's more of their way of handling stress or whatever emotion that's causing it. Stress can cause people to drink alcohol, over-eat, smoke cigarettes, etc. Cutting is what some kids choose to do. I explain it to the kids and the parents like this: Houses on the coast are often built on 4 columns so when the waves get high during a storm, the house won't get flooded. If one of the columns gets destroyed, the house has only 3 columns to sit on. To keep the house balanced, the owner may put a temporary column in it's place. I say the kids are like the houses on the beach. When stress, anxiety, or anger comes along and they lose one of their columns, they cut in order to, temporarily, stay balanced. They seem to understand that visual. Cutting may become an addiction. I always tell the parent/guardian that it'd be wise to seek out a professional counselor, if their child is cutting. Also, they're putting themselves at risk, physically. There are so many bad bacteria floating around these days. If a parent refuses to get the child help, I report them to DHS, due to emotional neglect. I've had copycat cutters, too. These are the ones that want to fit in with a group of peers who may have a cutter amongst them. Sometimes, these are the group of kids who come from broken homes, alcoholism, drug addiction, etc. They will often wear dark clothing, but not always. I call these kids my "fringe" kids. They're out on the edge fascinated with the "dark" world. The copycat cutters will, often, stop, after I talk with them, but there have been some that started out copycat cutting, but became addicted to it. I hope this helps. I can be reached at 405-821-6647, if you'd like to talk to me about what's going on in your situation. Have a good one. Michele Kingdom :)

Michele Kingdom
National Board Certified Teacher; LPC
8th Grade Counselor 
Cheyenne Middle School
Edmond, Oklahoma
>>> OSRHE EPAS PK-12 Counselor Discussion Board <counselors at lists.onenet.net> 3/8/2016 2:09 PM >>>
Talking to each individually, calling parents. If there is suicidal ideation, we recommend (but cannot require) a note from a mental health professional that they've seen before returning to school.

-----Original Message-----
From: "OSRHE EPAS PK-12 Counselor Discussion Board" <counselors at lists.onenet.net>
To: counselors at lists.onenet.net
Date: 03/08/16 01:44 PM
Subject: [Counselors] Girls Cutting

 How are other counselors handling girls that are cutting?

Nona Laminack
Big Pasture Schools
Assistant JH/HS Principal & Counselor

Counselors mailing list
Counselors at lists.onenet.net

Dee Monroe
Counselor Grades 4-8
Verdigris Schools
dmonroe at vps.k12.ok.us
918 266-2336 ext 2115
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