OSRHEStudent Prep PK-12 Counselor Discussion Board counselors at lists.onenet.net
Mon Sep 23 09:42:34 CDT 2019

We actually call it what they are taking.  This is what we were told we had
to do because of the Wave.

When they finish the class they send the grade to our register and she puts
the grade on the transcript.

If a student is taking a course for credit recovery online, we call it the
course name. Ex. English 1, but we list our online teacher as the teacher
and the computer lab as the classroom. If they are taking an elective class
for first time credit, we do the same. That way we know where the student
is located when we are looking for them and that grade will show up on the
transcript at semester.

We only give credit for the course completed online, not both.

At Shawnee High School we call the class Credit Recovery. The class is
listed on the student schedule but student does not receive credit unless
they complete the credit in Odysseyware. We also started listing NC for No
Credit on the transcript if the student sat in Credit Recovery but did not
complete the credit during the semester.

Hello, all!
Question: If a student is able to take a course online (through Odysseyware, for ex) during a class time/within their schedule:

  1.  What do you call that class? We called it Critical Thinking/Study Skills. That is how it was listed on the student's schedule.
  2.  Does the student get the regularly awarded credit for that class or just the credit for the courses completed online?

Thank you for your help, Alicia

Alicia  Brierton
Eisenhower High School
Phone: (580)355-9144 Ext. 3014
Fax: (580)585-6329
"For I know the plans I have for you...to give you a future full of hope."

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