[Counselors] Virtual student questions

OSRHEStudent Prep PK-12 Counselor Discussion Board counselors at lists.onenet.net
Thu Dec 10 10:16:51 CST 2020

Fellow Counselors,
I understand that this is local policy but if you would be willing to share how your district is handling any or all of these situations it would be appreciated.  Thanks!!
We have a lot of kids who decided to go virtual but have not completed their courses on Edginuity.  They are at various stages from only logging in a few times, to part way through the courses.  We are trying to decide if we should give them all an "F" for that class as their final semester grade, or if we should  give them an "incomplete"? We don't use "incomplete" for our in person classes.  Also, we are trying to figure out what to do with them next semester.  Should we leave them in the first semester of the class until they finish, or go ahead and enroll them in the next semester, even though they have done very little in the first semester.  If they were in person, they would move on and then repeat it next year, but the virtual seems to be a different situation.  Also, I'm curious at what point are other schools dropping students?  We have some who enrolled but we are struggling to get them to do anything and some we can't even make contact with them.

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