[Counselors] Online classes

OSRHEStudent Prep PK-12 Counselor Discussion Board counselors at lists.onenet.net
Wed Jan 5 08:56:21 CST 2022

We only allow a student to take an online class for recovery. If they are homebound, we have them online completely. We do not allow a student to "bypass" a teacher and take a class online.

We have credit recovery classes. Any student - any grade level - must attend a credit recovery class for any and all previously failed classes. It is broken down by semesters. If a student finishes a class that they previously failed, they will be placed in another class at the end of the semester. If they have not completed the classes they had failed, then they will stay in the credit recovery classes for the 2nd semester also. If a student does not get the failed classes completed with a passing grade, then they will be required to attend summer school.

What is your district's policy regarding when a student can take an online class instead of sitting in the class with a teacher? Do you have a policy (such as credit recovery only, age, etc) or can any student opt to take an online class?

I am not referring to full time online, only one class.
"Children are not an interruption of our work; they are the purpose."
Dee Monroe, M.Ed.
Verdigris Jr High Counselor Grades 7-9
918 266-6333 ext 2115
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