[DSIG] OK-ACRL DSIG: Our next meeting is September 28th at 2:00

Nicole Sump-Crethar ansumpcre at gmail.com
Thu Sep 13 14:49:27 CDT 2012

Hello Everyone,

We have another meeting coming up.  Just a reminder, I posted an article 
on our website, 
that might interest everyone. If you're interested I think it would be 
nice to have a discussion on it. I know I promised a summary, but I 
don't have it yet. I'll probably send it over the weekend.

Since I got the most responses endorsing Google+ as our group space I 
decided to create an invitation to a Google Hangout for our next 
meeting. Let me know if you have any questions about how to create a 
Google+ account, although it's not hard. And add me to your circles! 
:-)  If you want to...

Oh yes, in case you haven't heard, there's a conference coming up and I 
heard the keynote will be pretty good (visit OKACRL's page 
<http://okacrl.org> for more info).
Don't forget to come to our meeting on September 28th at 2:00. Let me know.


ansumpcre at gmail.com
Skype: sumpcre

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