[Eoscstudents] Menu for Thurs. Sept. 21

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Thu Sep 21 09:26:00 CDT 2006

Hi folks,

Well, I finally found my desk.  When I got back yesterday, it was so 
buried under paperwork I thought I'd have to put out an APB for it, but 
once I sorted some things out, there it was the whole time!  I was 
really surprised how fast paperwork can accumulate when you're gone, 
though.  When I'm here, it just comes in a little at a time and I don't 
see the whole pile at once, so it doesn't seem like so much, but 
yesterday there was quite an impressive pile waiting on me to deal with 
it.  It seems like every time I get all the routine stuff done up, we 
come up with another special project to do, so I keep pretty busy over here.

I want to wish a very happy birthday to Mary Edith Butler today.  She's 
a real sweetheart, (probably too nice for her own good), and deserves to 
have a great day! 

I was beginning to think that the beavers had left the little pond down 
the hill, since I hadn't seen any sign of any of them in quite a while.  
I guess the last time I saw any of them was before the last time the 
county boys tore up their little dam.  I know all the ducks are gone, 
now.  I spoke with some neighbors the other day who told me that the 
last male got it when he stuck his head into their dog pen to try to 
steal a bite of dog food.   Big mistake.  And the last little female was 
hit by a car while I was gone to swimming class some time ago.  This 
morning though, as I drove to work, I could see some large, dark mound 
alongside the road, and lo and behold, it was one of the beavers, 
sitting there chewing on some vegetation.  I'm glad to know they're 
still around.  I enjoy seeing their constructions go up, and 
occasionally getting to see them swimming around when the water is deep 
enough.  It's good for the soul to take a minute to enjoy nature 
whenever you can.

Our menu for today includes:

             BBQ pork loin
             Pan handler potatoes with onions and peppers
             Baked beans
Our fast food is Tacos, with Spanish Rice and Refried Beans.

And for dessert we have some delicious Chocolate Delight.

Bring your umbrella and come on over.  It looks like you might get wet 
out there before too long.

Rhoda   :-)
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