[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. Oct. 7

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Oct 7 09:43:00 CDT 2009

Hi folks,

It looks like a beautiful blue sky day outside today.  I noticed some 
blue sky yesterday after all the gloominess, and then before I knew it, 
the clouds had taken back over and it was raining again!  That's 
Oklahoma weather for you.  Possibly this evening and tomorrow, it's 
supposed to be back to the monsoon season again.

A little fall color is beginning to show in some of the trees on campus 
and around the area.  I hope we'll have a beautiful, colorful fall so 
that we can get out and enjoy the natural beauty of this area.  It's 
hard for me to believe how many people think of Oklahoma as just a flat, 
dry, dusty place!  They just haven't seen eastern Oklahoma.  I know 
everyone's looking forward to Fall Break next week!  That would be a 
great time to get out and go through Robber's Cave and over Talimena Drive.

Our menu for today includes:
             Pork chops
             Mashed potatoes and gravy
             Green beans
             Blackeyed peas
             Loaded baked potatoes
             Chicken fajitas
             Hot rolls

And for dessert have a slice of luscious Lemon Cake.

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)

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