[Nassgapecvote] Distinguished Service Award Nominees

Magee, Irala imagee at osrhe.edu
Tue Sep 12 08:32:28 CDT 2023

This listserv is made up of voting members only. I am reaching out in the hope that we could keep this nomination a secret until next month.

I would like to discuss the Distinguished Service Award.

I have multiple nominations for two individuals and one for another. I have two nominations for Ritchie and four for Frank.

I was thinking that I would recommend Frank be awarded the Distinguished Service award this year with the thought that it would mean more to award one at a time.

Ritchie is certainly also worthy of the honor, so I would hope that we could give him the honor as well at some time in the not-too-distant future.

Thoughts and votes?

Brenda, please track responses.

Irala K. Magee
Assistant Vice Chancellor for Scholarships and Grants
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
P.O. Box 108850
Oklahoma City, OK  73101-8850
Phone: (405) 225-9378
Fax: (405) 225-9392

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