[Oasfaa] Oklahoma's Promise-OHLAP supplemental funding/summer awards/OHLAP-Plus

Fair, Bryce bfair at osrhe.edu
Fri Apr 6 10:58:06 CDT 2007

Following is an update on three Oklahoma's Promise-OHLAP items:
Supplemental OKPromise funding:  Our office received the supplemental appropriation funds for Oklahoma's Promise-OHLAP earlier this week.  Funds for claims from institutions that are paid electronically were disbursed yesterday.  For those institutions paid by paper check, "the check is in the mail."  If you have specific questions about the payments, please contact Carol Alexander (405-225-9160 or calexander at osrhe.edu).
Summer OKPromise awards:  OKPromise-OHLAP summer awards will be available as usual.  The supplemental appropriation funds and monthly revenue that we continue to receive from gaming are expected to cover the costs of the 2007 summer awards (though it will still be a very tight funding year).
OHLAP-Plus Awards Terminated:  With the payment of the spring semester OHLAP-Plus awards (which were limited to OHLAP students that graduated high school in 2002 or before and were Pell-eligible), we have depleted the last of the residual federal GEAR UP grant funds that paid for the awards.  OHLAP-Plus awards will no longer be available for future semesters.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Bryce Fair

Bryce Fair 
Assoc. Vice Chancellor for Scholarships & Grants 
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education 
Phone:  (405) 225-9162 
Fax:  (405) 225-9230 
E-mail:  bfair at osrhe.edu 

Mailing Address: 
P.O. Box 108850 
Oklahoma City, OK  73101-8850 

Street Address: 
655 Research Parkway, Suite 200 
Oklahoma City, OK  73104 

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