[Oasfaa] Vicki Hendrickson

Emerson, Kristina K kristina-emerson at utulsa.edu
Fri Apr 20 17:01:54 CDT 2007

Hi Everyone...


Just wanted to give you an update before the weekend on Vicki...

The kidney specialist was to come by today and see if they could
determine why they are not functioning properly.  They did an ultrasound
on them yesterday and have not heard any results from that.  The liver
biopsy was fine.  Platelets are still a little low but other blood
counts are okay.  Her arms and hands are now puffy as well as her legs
and feet.  Still VERY nauseated and they can't figure out why that is
going on.  Took her off the morphine as they thought that might be
causing it but not the case.


You can not even imagine how many cards and emails she has in her room
:-) :-) :-)  you all really came through and have done a terrific job in
trying to keep her spirits lifted.  Tonight is my night to stay with her
and I am taping the cards to the wall so she can see them and keep her
thinking positive!!!!  She tells me everyday she just can't believe how
many she has received...I told her that I was just glad that someone
listens to me  :-) :-) :-)



PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE continue to lift her up in your thoughts and
prayers!!!!  I will update you on Monday...


If you want to send flowers you may do so...they have moved her off the
heart floor now and she is in room 1442..


Thank you all!!!!!




Kristi Emerson

Assistant Director, Student Financial Services

The University of Tulsa

600 South College Avenue

Tulsa, Oklahoma 74104


918.631.5105 (fax)

kristi-emerson at utulsa.edu




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