[Oasfaa] Profession Judgement - Income Adjustment

Bledsoe, Mary Lou mary.bledsoe at okstate.edu
Wed Nov 21 11:18:34 CST 2007

For all of the lone pre-Thanksgiving Day workers...


I would like your philosophy/practice on professional judgment as it
relates to income reduction on a student's FAFSA.   From the
documentation I have read and trainings I have attended, whether or not
you consider an income reduction should be based on whether the reason
for the lower income was due to "an action outside the control of the
individual" or a personal choice.  This covers those that have been
terminated from employment, illness, death, etc.  I am curious as to
your practice (and/or policy) if a student and/or parent chooses to
leave a job for various reasons or a student leaves a higher paying job
to attend school.  Would this scenario be one that would be acceptable
and you would consider?   I look forward to your responses.


Thanks for your input and have a Happy Thanksgiving.


Mary Lou Bledsoe


Mary Lou Bledsoe

Director, Student Financial Services


1801 East 4th St. 

Okmulgee, OK  74447

918/293-5222 (office)

918/293-4650 (fax)

Mary.bledsoe at okstate.edu


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