[Oasfaa] State Legislative activity this week/next week

Fair, Bryce bfair at osrhe.edu
Fri Feb 18 16:41:20 CST 2011


Actions on bills this week:


*         HB 1421 (Rep. Dennis Casey, R - Morrison) - would require
OKPromise college students to repay awards for courses from which the
student withdraws after the add/drop deadline or if the student receives
a failing grade.   Bill text:
http://webserver1.lsb.state.ok.us/2011-12HB/HB1421_int.rtf  Passed the
House Appropriations and Budget Subcommittee on Education by a vote of
11-2 and will next be heard in the full House Appropriations and Budget
Committee.  A related press release by the bill author is available at

*         HB 1618 - (Rep. Gary Banz, R - Midwest City) - would not allow
an OKPromise award for remedial courses in college.  Bill text:
http://webserver1.lsb.state.ok.us/2011-12HB/HB1618_int.rtf   Passed the
House Higher Education and Career Tech Committee by a vote of 14-3 and
will next be heard on the House floor.

*         HB 1663 - (Rep. Leslie Osborn, R - Tuttle) - would lower the
second income limit applied at the time the OKPromise student enters
college (which is scheduled to first go into effect for 2012 OKPromise
high school graduates) from $100,000 to $75,000; would require OKPromise
college students to submit annually a federal financial aid application
to be used to determine their financial qualification.  Bill text:
http://webserver1.lsb.state.ok.us/2011-12HB/HB1663_int.rtf  Passed the
House Appropriations and Budget Subcommittee on Education by a vote of
9-0 and will next be heard in the full House Appropriations and Budget



Meetings next week:

The Senate Education Committee will meet on Monday, Feb. 21.   The
agenda includes the following bills.

*         SB 575 (Sen. Ralph Shortey, R - Oklahoma City) - would
eliminate the eligibility for certain undocumented immigrant students to
qualify for resident tuition at state system institutions.  Bill text:

*         SB 610 (Sen. John Ford, R - Bartlesville) - changes the income
counted for the 2nd income limit applied at the time the OKPromise
student begins college from all "taxable and nontaxable" income to
"federal adjusted gross income."  Bill text:

*         SB 683 (Sen. Anthony Sykes, R - Moore) - would eliminate the
eligibility for certain undocumented immigrant students to qualify for
resident tuition at state system institutions, but retain language
allowing certain other students to qualify for resident tuition.  Bill
text:  http://webserver1.lsb.state.ok.us/2011-12SB/SB683_int.rtf 

*         SB 825 (Sen. Susan Paddack, D - Ada) - would allow students
living in a licensed, nonprofit residential child care facility (like
the Tipton children's home, Baptist children's homes, etc.) to enroll in
the OKPromise program in the 8th-10th grades without determination of
financial qualification.  Bill text:



On Wednesday, Feb. 23, the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on
Education will meet; see
tml   The agenda includes the following bills, some of which are also
dually assigned to the Senate Education Committee (as shown in the
agenda above):

*         SB 337 (Sen. John Sparks, D - Norman) - would allow students
to enroll in OKPromise in the 11th and 12th grade if the student was not
previously enrolled due to "lack of parental cooperation" which is
defined as: (1) incarceration of the parent or legal guardian, (2)
inability to locate the parent or legal guardian, or (3) "refusal of the
student's parents or legal guardian to participate or allow the student
to participate in the program."   Bill text:

*         SB 610 (Sen. John Ford, R - Bartlesville) - changes the income
counted for the 2nd income limit applied at the time the OKPromise
student begins college from all "taxable and nontaxable" income to
"federal adjusted gross income."  Bill text:

*         SB 825 (Sen. Susan Paddack, D - Ada) - would allow students
living in a licensed, nonprofit residential child care facility (like
the Tipton children's home, Baptist children's homes, etc.) to enroll in
the OKPromise program in the 8th-10th grades without determination of
financial qualification.  Bill text:




Bryce Fair

Associate Vice Chancellor for Scholarships & Grants

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education

Phone:  405-225-9162

Fax:  405-225-9392

e-mail:  bfair at osrhe.edu <mailto:bfair at osrhe.edu> 


Mailing address:

P.O. Box 108850

Oklahoma City, OK  73101-8850


Street address:

655 Research Parkway, Suite 200

Oklahoma City, OK  73104

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