[Oasfaa] OCAP Training Opportunity

DeBoard, Scott sdeboard at ocap.org
Tue Jan 14 14:01:59 CST 2014

Good Afternoon,

OCAP is pleased to offer a NASFAA CORE training session on Student Eligibility. This training session will take place on Tuesday, February 4th, 2014 from 9:00 am -12:00 pm at the OCAP office in Oklahoma City. Individuals who complete this training session will be eligible to take the corresponding NASFAA credentialing exam at no charge. This is a savings of $100 off the normal exam fee charged by NASFAA. There is no charge for this training and registration is limited to 24 participants.

Click here<https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/StudentEligibility> to register.

OCAP will provide participants with study guides and participant handouts on the day of the training.

The Oklahoma College Assistance Program offices are located in Research Park at 4th and Lincoln Boulevard, Oklahoma City. We are located in Building 840 on the north side of the complex.  (There is a large Lab Corps sign at the top of the building.) We are on the 4th floor. There is a garage available for parking.

The parking garage is south of Building 840. Visitors should enter the parking garage from Lincoln. There are two pedestrian exits on the north side of the parking garage. It is a short walk north, and around another building in the complex, from the garage to Building 840.

When entering the garage, take a ticket and before leaving the building, you can exchange the ticket for a token from the OCAP receptionist.

We have visitor parking in front of our building but there is a strictly enforced 2 hour limit, violators will be ticketed. You are encouraged to use the parking garage to avoid being ticketed.

Click here<http://maps.google.com/maps?q=840+Research+Parkway,+Oklahoma+City,+OK&hl=en&sll=35.309049,-98.716558&sspn=6.748643,9.876709&oq=840+Research+&safe=strict&hnear=840+Research+Pkwy,+Oklahoma+City,+Oklahoma,+73104&t=m&z=14&iwloc=A> for a link to a map of the Research park complex.

I look forward to seeing you on February 4th.

Scott DeBoard

Training Specialist

Oklahoma College Assistance program


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