[Oasfaa] NASFAA??

Jonna Raney jonna.raney at okbu.edu
Tue Jun 28 08:57:44 CDT 2016

If you're going to NASFAA, I'd like to know so we can all gang up for lunch and/or a dinner if people want to do that. 

So, if you are attending, please respond just to me and answer the following questions. 

1. Do you want to each lunch with the OASFAA group one day? (This is tricky because we get "looks" when we try to save a lot of spots at lunch, but oh well, we won't see most of those people again. ) 
2. Are you interested in attending an OASFAA dinner one evening? If so, any ideas for a location? No promises, but if the consensus is that everyone wants to have one, I will do my best to find a place and make a reservation. 
3. If you would like to participate in either of these events, please send me your cell number so that I can notify you if any plans or times change while we are there. 

Sidenote: There's a night trolley monument tour that I saw a groupon for $19 each if anyone is interested in something like that. I did that last February and it was pretty cool. 

Jonna Raney 
Oklahoma Baptist University 
Director of Student Financial Services 
Ph: 405.585.5020 

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