[Oasfaa] Nominate a Colleague (or Yourself) for SWASFAA Office!

Boyd, Lori lori.boyd at okstate.edu
Tue Mar 29 15:01:42 CDT 2016

Dear Colleagues:

The SWASFAA Nominations and Elections Committee is excited to announce the launch of the nominations process for the following positions:

Arkansas Delegate-at-Large
Louisiana Delegate-at-Large
New Mexico Delegate-at-Large

These positions will take office in January 2017.  Delegates hold office for two years (2017 through 2018), and President-Elect is a three-year commitment (President-Elect for 2017, President for 2018, and Past President for 2019).

More detailed descriptions of each of these positions can be found in the SWASFAA Policies & Procedures document at www.swasfaa.org.  Being a part of SWASFAA is one of the best ways to make both personal and professional connections with your colleagues, so don't rob yourself of this opportunity.  

Nominees should hold regular membership in the Association.  To nominate yourself or a colleague, go to www.swasfaa.org and click on the Officer Nominations link under "What's New".  You can also make a nomination by contacting anyone on the N&E Committee:  

Andrew Hammontree, Chair - ahammontree at francistuttle.edu 
Jennifer Williams, Arkansas -- jwilliam at sautech.edu 
Shannon Guillory, Louisiana -- sguillory at mcneese.edu 
Ana Bhakta, New Mexico--Analisa.Bhakta at rm01.enmuros.cc.nm.us
Lori Boyd, Oklahoma--lori.boyd at okstate.edu 
Erika Cox, Texas -- erika.cox at utsa.edu

Please make your nominations by the deadline, July 1, 2016.  The official slate will be developed no later than July 31st.   

All nominations on the final ballot will need to submit a standardized résumé and a photograph to a member of the N&E Committee.  The election will open in mid-September and will remain open at least 10 days.  The results will be announced to the Association shortly thereafter.

If you have any questions, please let me know.


Lori Boyd
Oklahoma Delegate-at-Large


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