[Oasfaa] St Gregory's University

Jonna Raney Jonna.Raney at okbu.edu
Thu Nov 9 06:36:07 CST 2017

As you've probably heard, St Gregory's University announced that they will close at the end of the fall 2017 semester. Faculty, staff and employees are shocked and saddened by the news. Please pray for Lori Deardorff and Melissa Thornton as they determine their next steps for employment and complete the necessary tasks of closing the financial aid office.

If you have similar experience with a school closing, please let me know so that Lori can contact you if she needs assistance as they go through the process.

Some of you have already reached out to Lori and Melissa and I know that means the world to them. Our financial aid community is a family so I know we will continue to assist them in every way possible. Above all, please pray for all involved.

Jonna Raney

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