[Oasfaa] OASFAA 2018 Spring Conference is almost here!!

Nancy Vollertsen nvollertsen at uco.edu
Wed Mar 14 15:41:22 CDT 2018

Just one month, four short weeks, until the 2018 OASFAA Spring Conference! The Reed Center in Midwest City is the place to be April 11 - 13, for education, fellowship, food, and fun! In this high tech world we live in so much of our communication in the Financial Aid world is through Federal Updates, e-mail, text, phone calls, Skype, and Facetime. Those are all great and very efficient, but absolutely nothing beats being in the same room, face to face with a colleague and carrying on an old fashioned conversation! Our Spring conference will give you the opportunity to visit with old friends and to meet new colleagues, share ideas, and hopefully leave with lots to think about and maybe a new friend!

If you haven't already registered and want to register or check out the excellent agenda please go to http://oasfaaok.org/conferences-and-events. Also, please remember that we have several sessions geared towards your Business Office, so please encourage them to attend. It is so much easier to work together when we're all on the same page! The deadline for conference registration is April 4.

Our conference hotel this year is the beautiful Sheraton, which is adjacent to the Reed Center. The conference rate is $97 per night and the deadline for hotel reservations has been extended until March 25.

We hope you will join us and don't forget the sock hop Thursday night! We'll be rockin' around the clock in our poodle skirts, rolled up jeans, and saddle shoes. You don't want to miss the fun!

If you have any questions please feel free to contact either Alicia Smith at (405) 595-4437 or myself at (405) 974-2379. Hope to see you soon!

Nancy Vollertsen
Financial Aid Counselor
University of Central Oklahoma
Nigh University Center, Room 141
100 North University Drive
Edmond, OK  73034
(405) 974-2379

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