[Oasfaa] Invitation to retirees

Nancy Vollertsen nvollertsen at uco.edu
Fri Mar 16 10:59:46 CDT 2018

Happy Friday before Spring Break everyone! The OASFAA board would like to invite all of our reetirees to attend the OASFAA Spring Conference dinner on Thursday night, April 12 from 6 - 8. The theme of the conference this year is "50 Years and Counting" so we will be having a 50's sock hop (fun 50's attire encouraged!) and will be serving hamburgers and hotdogs with all the trimmings.

We will be at the Reed Center in Midwest City so please join us if you can. It will be a great opportunity to visit with old friends and maybe even do a little dancing! We would love to see you all!!

Nancy Vollertsen
Financial Aid Counselor
University of Central Oklahoma
Nigh University Center, Room 141
100 North University Drive
Edmond, OK  73034
(405) 974-2379

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