[Oasfaa] FW: Legislative Update – February 15, 2019

Fair, Bryce bfair at osrhe.edu
Fri Feb 15 16:45:43 CST 2019

Save the Date:  Oklahoma’s Promise Day at the State Capitol will be Tuesday, April 9; more information will be coming in the near future.

Following is the action taken on a few of the bills that were considered in committee this past week:
Senate Education Committee, Tuesday 2/12

·        SB 211 – tuition waiver for certain disabled veterans at state system institutions and career tech centers [passed as amended 13-2; will next be heard in the Senate Appropriations Committee; see the text of the bill as amended at http://webserver1.lsb.state.ok.us/cf_pdf/2019-20%20COMMITTEE%20SUBS/SCS/SB211%20CS.PDF]

·        SB 581 – OKPromise; providing eligibility for certain resident students adopted from the custody of an out-of-state public child welfare agency [passed 15-0; will next be heard in the Senate Appropriations Committee]
House Appropriations & Budget Subcommittee on Education, Tuesday 2/12;

·        HB 1320 - tuition & fee waiver for veterans, spouses & dependents [failed in committee by a vote of 5-6]

·        HB 2312 – expanding concurrent enrollment tuition waiver [was not heard in committee]

Bills currently scheduled to be heard in committee next week include:

·        SB 80 – OKPromise – providing alternative high school academic assessments for homeschool students; in Senate Education Committee on 2/19

·        HB 2018 – OKPromise – providing eligibility for certain children of public classroom teachers; in the House Higher Education & Career Tech Committee on 2/19 (note: the version of the bill considered on Tuesday is expected to be different from the introduced version; the expected version is not available electronically yet).



To:                  Legislative Network
From:             Chancellor Glen D. Johnson
Date:               Friday, February 15, 2019
Subject:          Legislative Update – February 15, 2019

The update below reflects the current status of major legislation concerning Higher Education during the week of February 11, 2019 – February 15, 2019.

If you have any questions, please contact LeeAnna McNally at lmcnally at osrhe.edu<mailto:lmcnally at osrhe.edu> or (405) 225-9424.

Legislative Report
February 15, 2019

Agency Administration

Senate Bill 1 (Senator Greg Treat) Creates the Legislative Office of Fiscal Transparency (LOFT), a 12-member committee to conduct performance evaluations of executive branch agencies, or programs, activities or functions within executive branch agencies identified by the committee. The bill requires each agency or institution, upon request, to furnish and make available to the Legislative Office of Fiscal Transparency all records, documents, materials, personnel, information or other resources deemed necessary.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Appropriations Committee.

Senate Bill 90 (Senator Adam Pugh) Extends the sunset date for the State Accrediting Agency to July 1, 2024.
            Update: Assigned to Senate General Government Committee.

Senate Bill 93 (Senator Adam Pugh) Requires state agency itemized budget requests, beginning with FY2020 and every four years thereafter, to justify every dollar requested, including the base appropriation amount, as well as any additional funds requested for the ensuing fiscal year.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Appropriations Committee.

Senate Bill 117 (Senator Gary Stanislawski) Appropriates $4 million to the Oklahoma Employment Security Administration Fund out of funds made available to this state by the federal Unemployment Compensation Modernization Transfer.
            Update: Passed Senate Appropriations Committee 21-0 on Wednesday, February 13.

Senate Bill 121 (Senator Julia Kirt) Creates a state shared leave program.
Update: Assigned to Senate General Government Committee then to Senate Appropriations Committee.

Senate Bill 122 (Senator Gary Stanislawski) Removes the requirement that all requests for additional office space for a state agency shall be submitted and reviewed by the State Governmental Technology Applications Review Board.
Update: Assigned to Senate General Government Committee.

Senate Bill 124 (Senator Larry Boggs) Requires annual audit of all state agency revolving funds.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Appropriations Committee.

Senate Bill 127 (Senator Micheal Bergstrom) Requires state agencies appropriated more than $75 million to present measures to allocate funds appropriately.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Appropriations Committee.

Senate Bill 128 (Senator Bill Coleman) Authorizes state agencies to pay employees for the periods of time when the employee is off work premises but required to remain at, near or able to return to work when called upon.
            Update: Assigned to Senate General Government Committee.

Senate Bill 161 (Senator Rob Standridge) Creates the Right Side Up Government Act of 2019. Moves 70% of legislative liaison salaries and 100% of the cost of registered executive or legislative lobbyists that are under contract with or otherwise compensated by any appropriated state agency to the Legislative Office of Fiscal Transparency (LOFT) created by SB 1. The bill requires that the process of moving employees not result in any net gain in full-time equivalent employees.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Rules Committee.

Senate Bill 177 (Senator Ron Sharp) Requires all state agencies to make available on their website, or on a general website if a state agency uses a general website, each fiscal year, a balance sheet and statement of revenues, expenditures and changes in fund balances.
            Update: Assigned to Senate General Government Committee.

Senate Bill 179 (Senator Gary Stanislawski) Requires that the Division of Central Accounting and Reporting establish a mandatory training program for certain state employees as financial managers, including any employees who oversee purchasing, finance and other vital fiscal functions of state agencies.
Update: Passed Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on General Government and Transportation on Wednesday, February 6. Passed Senate Appropriations 20-1 on Wednesday, February 13.

Senate Bill 191 (Senator Rob Standridge) Creates the Oklahoma Workforce and Economic Development Act. The bill creates the Oklahoma Office of Workforce Development as a division of the Department of Labor, beginning July 1, 2020, and continuing until July 1, 2026, to administer federal grant funding allocations from the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act and other federal grants and sources of funding relating to state workforce development programs.
Update: Assigned to Senate Business, Commerce and Tourism Committee then to Senate Appropriations Committee.

Senate Bill 198 (Senator Rob Standridge) Requires all state agencies and all political subdivisions to adopt a social networking and social media policy that applies to the personal use of social media by state employees and employees of any political subdivision to discourage abusive or offensive online behavior.
            Update: Passed Senate General Government Committee 8-2 on Thursday, February 14.

Senate Bill 209 (Senator Stephanie Bice) Requires that the Division of Central Accounting and Reporting establish a mandatory training program for state financial managers.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Appropriations Committee.

Senate Bill 210 (Senator Roger Thompson and Senator Wayne Shaw) Creates the Pay for Success Act, which allows pay-for-success for agency contracts.
            Update: Laid over in Senate Appropriations Committee on Wednesday, February 13.

Senate Bill 214 (Senator Larry Boggs) Requires the positions of the Executive Director of the Office of Juvenile Affairs, Commissioner of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, Director of Corrections, Administrator of the Oklahoma Health Care Authority, Director of the Department of Transportation, and the Director of the Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education be gubernatorial appointments, contingent upon Senate approval.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Rules Committee.

Senate Bill 227 (Senator Roger Thompson) Creates the Oklahoma Information Services Department Act. The bill creates the Oklahoma Information Services Department, into which the Office of Management and Enterprise Services Information Services Division will be consolidated. Higher Education is exempt.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Appropriations Committee.

Senate Bill 240 (Senator Rob Standridge) Requires the State Travel Office to give preference to travel agencies located within Oklahoma.
            Update: Passed Senate General Government Committee 10-2 on Thursday, February 14.

Senate Bill 247 (Senator Ron Sharp) Requires that no increase in salary for state agency heads will commence until such increase has been approved according to requirements established by the bill. It requires the board or commission overseeing an agency to submit proposed salary increases for state agency heads to the subcommittee of the Senate Appropriations Committee and the House Appropriations and Budget Committee under whose jurisdiction the state agency resides.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Appropriations Committee.

Senate Bill 254 (Senator Julia Kirt) Modifies the minimum salary requirement for state employees. It changes the minimum salary requirement to the Federal Poverty Guidelines for a four-person household from a three-person household.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Appropriations Committee.

Senate Bill 263 (Senator Nathan Dahm) Requires state agencies to publish their exempt rules on their website. The bill modifies the deadline for agencies to respond to requests from the governor, the Legislature and small businesses to review certain rules. It reduces the deadline to 30 days for requests from the governor and the Legislature and implements a 90-day deadline for small business requests.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Rules Committee.

Senate Bill 270 (Senator Julie Daniels) Permits the governor to remove any gubernatorially appointed officer or appointments on any agency, board or commission. It exempts appointments to any agency, board or commission if the appointing authority is provided for in the Constitution. It requires vacancies created by the removal of an appointee to be filled as provided by law.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Rules Committee.

Senate Bill 271 (Senator Nathan Dahm) Requires all agencies to make an annual disclosure in a separate written report and information on websites maintained by or on behalf of the entities of all federal funds under the control of the entity and the programs for which the federal funds are used by distinct expenditure categories.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Appropriations Committee.

Senate Bill 277 (Senator Roger Thompson) Creates the “Oklahoma Information Services Department Act” consolidating the information services division of OMES into its own department.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Judiciary Committee

Senate Bill 306 (Senator Adam Pugh) Requires state agencies to provide advance notice to the State Treasurer of all disbursements that could negatively impact state cash flow requirements. It requires daily total submissions for disbursement equal to or in excess of $25 million to be deemed to have the potential to negatively impact state cash flow.
            Update: Passed Senate Finance Committee 9-0 on Tuesday, February 12.

Senate Bill 315 (Senator Nathan Dahm) Requires the Chief Information Officer to maintain a website for all open meeting agendas for state agencies.
            Update: Assigned to Senate General Government Committee.

Senate Bill 316 (Senator Nathan Dahm) Creates the Government Transparency Act. It requires a state agency entering into a Memorandum of Understanding or Memorandum of Agreement with any agency, department or any organization receiving appropriated money, grants, or contracts from the State of Oklahoma or any other state or funds from the government of the United States to publish a report on its website and the website, documents.ok.gov.
            Update: Passed Senate General Government Committee 12-0 on Thursday, February 14.

Senate Bill 326 (Senator Nathan Dahm) During each regular session of the Legislature, any member may request, by proper passage of a resolution introduced by either the Senate or the House of Representatives, a statement of legal authority for a specific facet of operations of the agency.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Rules Committee.

Senate Bill 329 (Senator Nathan Dahm) Upon receipt by a state agency of a requirement for an agency to adopt, that agency shall send the federal rule or regulation by electronic mail to the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the Governor.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Rules Committee.

Senate Bill 342 (Senator Nathan Dahm) No state agency shall use any state funding available, including but not limited to state appropriations, to employ a number of full-time-equivalent employees in excess of the number of full-time-equivalent state-funded employees actually employed by such agency on January 1, 2019.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Appropriations Committee.

Senate Bill 343 (Senator Casey Murdock) Gives the Governor appointing power over the agency head of the Department of Environmental Quality, Alcoholic Beverage Laws Enforcement Commission, the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, the Pardon and Parole Board, the Department of Corrections, the State Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Control, the Oklahoma Health Care Authority, the Department of Transportation, the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation, and the Oklahoma Water Resources Board. The act states the Governor must make these appointments with the advice and consent of the Senate.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Rules Committee.

Senate Bill 350 (Senator Nathan Dahm) Creates the Red Tape Repealer Act requiring rule replacement requests for any proposed new agency rules.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Rules Committee.

Senate Bill 356 (Senator Nathan Dahm) Prohibits the use or authorization of the use of public funds, property or time to engage in legislative or executive lobbying, as defined by the rules of the Ethics Commission, except as provided in the Whistleblower Act or in connection with individual rights set forth in the U.S. and Oklahoma Constitutions.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Rules Committee.

Senate Bill 366 (Senator Gary Stanislawski) Makes the Oklahoma Health Care Authority (OHCA) Administrator a gubernatorial appointee, subject to Senate confirmation.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Rules Committee.

Senate Bill 367 (Senator Nathan Dahm) Requires all rules promulgated by every agency, board and commission to sunset once every four years. It requires the House and Senate to form a joint review committee during the year preceding the sunset of each agency, board or commission's rules.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Rules Committee.

Senate Bill 368 (Senator Nathan Dahm) Changes the date by which agencies, boards and commissions must file administrative rules with the Legislature to February 1 from April 1.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Rules Committee.

Senate Bill 478 (Senator J.J. Dossett) Creates the Paid Family Leave Act. It requires the Department of Labor to establish a family temporary disability insurance program. It requires the insurance provide up to six weeks of wage replacement benefits to workers who take time off work to care for a seriously ill child, spouse, parent, grandparent, grandchild, sibling or domestic partner or to bond with a minor child within one year of the birth or placement of the child in connection with foster care or adoption.
Update: Assigned to Senate Business, Commerce and Tourism Committee then to Senate Appropriations Committee.

Senate Bill 531 (Senator Ron Sharp) Increases the state's contribution to the Oklahoma State Employees Deferred Savings Incentive Plan to $50 from $25 per month for qualifying employees beginning Jan. 1, 2021.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Appropriations Committee.

Senate Bill 577 (Senator Darrell Weaver )  Creates additional longevity pay schedule for employees who do not receive at least a "meet standards" rating on their most current performance rating.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Appropriations Committee.

Senate Bill 583 (Senator Gary Stanislawski) Requires the Director of the Office of Management and Enterprise Services to initiate a request for proposal for the ongoing maintenance of desktop support and management systems for all state agencies by July 1, 2020. It authorizes the Office of Management and Enterprise Services to enter into a contract for such services, pursuant to the provisions of law. It requires notice of the request for proposal to be published in the manner provided for competitive bidding.
Update: Passed Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on General Government and Transportation on Wednesday, February 6. Referred to full Senate Appropriations Committee.

Senate Bill 587 (Senator Nathan Dahm) Limits the purposes for which state agencies are required to make payroll deductions. It deletes a payroll deduction for Oklahoma Today magazine. It prohibits school districts from making payroll deductions for political contributions.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Finance Committee.

Senate Bill 592 (Senator Mark Allen) Requires any organization or group of 100 or more persons that engages in an organized protest at the State Capitol building to post a bond of $50,000 with the Oklahoma Capitol Improvement Authority in order to offset the cost of additional security, clean up and repairs.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Rules Committee.

Senate Bill 631 (Senator Mark Allen) Requires all events or exhibits properly scheduled and approved for individuals or groups in locations designated in the Oklahoma State Capitol or any of its public spaces or plazas eligible for events or exhibits to be honored in the location and on the specific date and time so approved. It requires the Office of Management and Enterprise Services (OMES) to provide any personnel or items required for controlling the location for the specified time and location reservation.
Update: Assigned to Senate Rules Committee.

Senate Bill 655 (Senator Roger Thompson) Modifies requirements for a statewide assistance telework program. It deletes a section requiring requests for additional office space for a state agency to be submitted and reviewed by the State Governmental Technology Applications Review Board.
Update: Assigned to Senate General Government Committee.

Senate Bill 684 (Senator Gary Stanislawski) Requires the Division of Central Accounting and Reporting to establish a mandatory training program to identify and certify certain Oklahoma state agency employees as financial managers.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Finance Committee.

Senate Bill 740 (Senator Adam Pugh) Modifies a statutory reference which relates to public meetings.
Update: Assigned to Senate General Government Committee.

Senate Bill 778 (Senator Joseph Silk) Creates the Life Appropriation Act prohibiting an agency or instrumentality of the State from awarding a grant to pay the direct or indirect costs of performing, inducing, referring or counseling in favor of abortions. It prohibits any agency or instrumentality of the State from funding an individual or entity that performs or counsels in favor of convenience abortions or is an affiliate of a person or entity that performs or provides referrals to convenience abortions.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Rules Committee.

Senate Bill 883 (Senator Dave Rader) Requires the Oklahoma Tax Commission to contract with out-of-state private auditors and audit firms, specifically to perform audit functions related to sales and use tax collections and collections of other unpaid taxes owed by out-of-state individuals.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Finance Committee.

Senate Bill 913 (Senator Kay Floyd) Renames the Oklahoma Career Service Act from the Oklahoma Personnel Act. The act states the intent is to allow agencies flexibility in human resource management within a framework of consistent best practices across all the state agencies and entities, retaining employees based on performance, counseling inadequate performance and unacceptable conduct, and assuring employees are protected against coercion from partisan political purposes.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Appropriations Committee.

Senate Bill 918 (Senator Paul Rosino) Allows state employees to donate administrative hours of labor toward a charitable organization or public school. It also sets regulations on how much time employees may donate per calendar year.
            Update: Assigned to Senate General Government Committee.

Senate Bill 934 (Senator John Montgomery) Creates the Oklahoma Sooner Choice Trust Act requiring every employer in the state to collect a 3 percent contribution amount from the paycheck for every employee provided the pretax dollars shall be collected after all other deductions and remit such funds to the Oklahoma Tax Commission.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Retirement and Insurance Committee.

Senate Bill 949 (Senator Adam Pugh) Requires the director of each state agency to notify the Legislature in every instance in which a state employee receives a salary increase greater than 2 percent. It requires written notice be provided to the Senate President Pro Tempore and House Speaker no fewer than 30 business days prior to the authorization of any such pay increase.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Appropriations Committee.

Senate Joint Resolution 6 (Senator Gary Stanislawksi) Puts to a vote of the people allowing the governor to appoint the Superintendent of Public Instruction and the Chancellor of Higher Education.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Rules Committee.

Senate Joint Resolution 20 (Senator Kay Floyd) Proposes a vote of the people on a constitutional amendment that prohibits members of the Legislature from engaging in certain activities during the term for which elected and, in some cases, for two years afterwards. The amendment would prohibit being appointed or elected to any office or commission in the state during the term, receiving any appointment from the Governor, the Governor and Senate or the Legislature during the term, or being interested in any contract with the state or a political subdivision during the term. These provisions would not prohibit an employee of a school district or the Oklahoma State System of Higher Education from continuing to serve during the term or prohibit an appointment to a legislative committee or other legislative position. It would not prohibit a former member from returning to his or her profession or business. The Legislature could enact laws to implement these provisions.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Rules Committee.

House Bill 1034 (Representative Collin Walke) Requires the Oklahoma Employees Health Insurance Plan to provide coverage for the screening, diagnosis and treatment of autism spectrum disorders in individuals less than 18 years of age.
Update: Passed House Insurance Committee 7-0 on Tuesday, February 12. Placed on General Order.

House Bill 1117 (Representative Kevin West) Exempts Oklahoma from the federal daylight saving time.
Update: Assigned to House Rules Committee.

House Bill 1176 (Representative David Perryman) Requires all full-time employees who were employed by the state on the last working day of June 2019, to be awarded an annualized salary increase of $2,400, effective July 1, 2019. It defines applicable terms.
            Update: Assigned to House Appropriations and Budget Committee.

House Bill 1201 (Representative Tom Gann) Limits the rulemaking authority of state agencies to implementing law or policy as specifically set by the Legislature.
            Update: Assigned to House Rules Committee.

House Bill 1357 (Representative Kelly Albright) Requires each state agency that employs at least 25 employees to maintain a private lactation room that is not a restroom that may be used by employees and members of the public to nurse a child or express breast milk, and, if practical, it is to include a refrigerator.
            Update: Assigned to House Government Efficiency Committee.

House Bill 1361 (Representative Toni Hasenbeck) Requires any bill or joint resolution related to education be accompanied by a fiscal analysis estimating the increase or decrease in revenues, expenditures and actual cost of updating materials or providing new training or instruction and the present and future fiscal impact of the proposed legislation.
Update: Assigned to House Government Efficiency Committee.

House Bill 1376 (Representative Zack Taylor) Changes the Federal Poverty Guideline level used for state employees from three-person households to four-person households.
            Update: Assigned to House Appropriations and Budget Committee.

House Bill 1391 (Representative Sheila Dills) Requires the employees of agency contractors in positions with access to federal tax information and data to be subjected to a criminal history search and fingerprint search by the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation.
            Update: Assigned to House Government Efficiency Committee.

House Bill 1886 (Representative Denise Crosswhite Hader) Requires an agency proposing an administrative rule that mentions or refers to another state agency to notify the affected agency at least 30 days prior to the hearing for adoption of the rule.
Update: Assigned to House Administrative Rules Committee.

House Bill 1945 (Representative Mark Lepak) Prohibits any state employee, employee of a school district, or any other person from knowingly or willfully using a state or school district telephone, electronic mail or other state or school district equipment, property or services for political advocacy.
Update: Assigned to House Judiciary Committee.

House Bill 1953 (Representative Dustin Roberts) Authorizes state agencies, at their discretion, up to two times annually, to offer their employees an option to voluntarily elect to be paid for a maximum of 200 hours of unused accrued annual leave. It requires the program to be optional for all eligible employees, and the agency can choose the monthly pay period in which to provide such payment. It requires the employee to retain 120 hours of annual leave after the payment is made.
            Update: Assigned to House Government Efficiency Committee.

House Bill 2017 (Representative Kelly Albright) Requires all new construction state or municipal buildings open to the public after Jan. 1, 2020, include at least one baby changing table and if a renovation or replacement exceeds 50 percent of the value of the state or municipal building. The act states if the one table is not accessible to men and women then a table must be made accessible to men and another table made accessible to women.
Update: Passed House Appropriations and Budget General Government Subcommittee 8-0 on Tuesday, February 12. Referred to full House Appropriations and Budget Committee.

House Bill 2082 (Representative Mickey Dollens) Creates the Fair Scheduling Act which requires specific employers to supply written good-faith estimates of the employee's work schedule at the time of hire, stating the median number of hours the employee can expect to work in an average one-month period and whether or not an employee who is not on a voluntary standby list can expect to work on-call shifts and, if so, set forth an objective standard for when an employee not listed on the voluntary standby list may be expected to be available to work on-call shifts.
           Update: Assigned to House Business and Commerce Committee.

House Bill 2086 (Representative Mickey Dollens) Provides rates of compensation for on-call classified state employees and sets requirements for state agencies to classify job classes of individual positions within the agency subject to on-call duty.
Update: Laid over in House Government Efficiency Committee on Wednesday, February 11.

House Bill 2133 (Representative. Cyndi Munson) Modifies the minimum annualized salary for state employees.
            Update: Assigned to House Appropriations and Budget Committee.

House Bill 2136 (Representative Cyndi Munson) Creates the Oklahoma Council on Access to Transportation. It provides the duties of the Council. It provides for Council membership. It requires the Council to appoint an Advisory Committee to assist the Council in evaluating Oklahoma's passenger transportation services and in formulating recommendations for their improvement. It requires these members to serve the Council for a three-year term beginning upon appointment and can be reappointed at the discretion of the Council.
            Update: Assigned to House Transportation Committee.

House Bill 2335 (Representative Sean Roberts) Prohibits expenditure of public monies for publicity or propaganda opposing Second Amendment Rights.
Update: Assigned to House Judiciary Committee.

House Bill 2438 (Representative Sean Roberts) Adjusts the Oklahoma Education Lottery Trust Fund appropriations. The bill lowers the amount Oklahoma State System of Higher Education construction projects and capital outlay projects can receive from Oklahoma Education Lottery Trust Fund appropriations to $1.00.
Update: Assigned to House Rules Committee.

House Bill 2670 (Representative Kevin Wallace) Creates the Pay for Success Act. It states that it is the intent of the Legislature through the bill to authorize innovation opportunities in the form of pay-for-success contracts and authorize success payments to be made from appropriated or other agency funds; address outcomes that span the mission and purpose of multiple agencies; provide a fund that may be used by agencies for success payments; and that the bill shall not prohibit the use of pay-for-success contracts by municipalities, counties or other local jurisdictions.
Update: Passed House Appropriations and Budget Committee 29-0 on Wednesday, February 13.

House Bill 2673 (Representative Kevin Wallace) Gives full-time and part-time state officers and employees an annualized salary increase, though no salary increase is to exceed salary limitations provided in an agency's annual appropriation or salary limits set by statue.
Update: Assigned to House Rules Committee.

Budget & Taxes

Senate Bill 132 (Senator Joe Newhouse) Sunsets on July 1, 2022, unless reauthorized by the Legislature, the $0.16 per gallon credit against the tax imposed on all gasoline, compressed natural gas, liquefied natural gas and all diesel fuel.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Finance Committee.

Senate Bill 169 (Senator George Young) Makes the earned income tax credit refundable for tax years beginning on or after Jan. 1, 2019.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Finance Committee.

Senate Bill 180 (Senator Gary Stanislawski) Modifies the limits on credits claimed under the Oklahoma Equal Opportunity Education Scholarship Act.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Appropriations Committee.

Senate Bill 390 (Senator Bill Coleman) Requires an economic development or industrial development authority to make an annual in lieu of tax payment equal to the amount of ad valorem tax which would otherwise be assessed on property in that county if that land is utilized for commercial purposes by an entity engaged in electric power generation by wind.
Update: Assigned to Senate Finance Committee.

Senate Bill 395 (Senator Nathan Dahm) Sunsets the corporate income tax on Dec. 31, 2019. The bill also updates statutory and date references related to the individual income tax.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Finance Committee.

Senate Bill 404 (Senator Stephanie Bice) Repeals language related to income tax incentives.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Finance Committee.

Senate Bill 406 (Senator Stephanie Bice) Deletes obsolete language and modifies qualifying dates for an incentive or increment district as related to the Oklahoma Local Development and Enterprise Zone Incentive Leverage Act.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Finance Committee.

Senate Bill 427 (Senator Stephanie Bice) Updates statutory references related to the apportionment of gross production tax revenue.
            Update: Passed Senate Finance Committee 9-0 on Tuesday, February 12.

Senate Bill 478 (Senator J.J. Dossett) Creates the Paid Family Leave Act. It requires the Department of Labor to establish a family temporary disability insurance program. It requires the insurance provide up to six weeks of wage replacement benefits to workers who take time off work to care for a seriously ill child, spouse, parent, grandparent, grandchild, sibling or domestic partner or to bond with a minor child within one year of the birth or placement of the child in connection with foster care or adoption.
Update: Assigned to Senate Business, Commerce and Tourism Committee then to Senate Appropriations Committee.

Senate Bill 519 (Senator Kimberly David) Prohibits any monies deposited in the Oil and Gas Division Revolving Fund from being transferred for any purpose to any other state agency or any account of the Corporation Commission or be used for the purpose of contracting with any other state agency or reimbursing any other state agency for any expense, unless otherwise provided.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Appropriations Committee.

Senate Bill 549 (Senator Casey Murdock) Requires the first $15 million from the 7 percent gross production tax on natural gas and/or casinghead gas be deposited in the County Improvements for Roads and Bridges Fund.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Appropriations Committee.

Senate Bill 557 (Senator Stephanie Bice) Extends the sunset on the gross production tax levied on natural gas or casinghead gas to June 30, 2023.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Appropriations Committee.

Senate Bill 657 (Senator John Montgomery and Representative Trey Caldwell) Adds a category of exemption for which reimbursement may be claimed under the Ad Valorem Reimbursement Fund.
Update: Assigned to Senate Finance Committee then to Senate Appropriations Committee.

Senate Bill 681 (Senator John Montgomery) Modifies apportionments of the gross production and sales tax.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Appropriations Committee.

Senate Bill 932 (Senator Micheal Bergstrom) Requires the first $10 million collected from the tax levied on natural gas at a rate of 4 percent to be deposited in the Oklahoma Quick Action Closing Fund.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Appropriations Committee.

Senate Joint Resolution 1 (Senator Joe Newhouse) Proposes a vote of the people to raise the balance cap on the Rainy Day Fund to 30 percent of the amount certified for the General Revenue Fund for the prior fiscal year from 15 percent of the amount certified for the General Revenue Fund for the prior fiscal year.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Rules Committee.

Senate Joint Resolution 9 (Senator Kevin Matthews) Puts to a vote of the people requiring any bill that lowers a tax rate to receive a 3/4ths vote.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Rules Committee.

Senate Joint Resolution 10 (Senator Kevin Matthews) Puts to a vote of the people changing the required 3/4ths margin on raising taxes to a 60% margin.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Rules Committee.

House Bill 1160 (Representative Rande Worthen) Requires a taxpayer be allowed an income tax credit for qualifying educational expenses incurred during the tax year for any child who is eligible to be enrolled in a public school in this state free of charge and who qualifies as the taxpayer's dependent for federal tax purposes, for tax years beginning after Dec. 31, 2018.
Update: Assigned to House Appropriations and Budget Committee.

House Bill 1404 (Representative Justin Humphrey) Places a 7 percent gross production tax on natural resources mined for the purpose of producing aggregate within an unincorporated area of a county or municipality with the revenue from the tax directed at compensating those government jurisdictions for costs associated with damage to local roads and bridges.
Update: Assigned to House Appropriations and Budget Committee.

House Bill 1455 (Representative Emily Virgin) Modifies eligibility for the capital gains deduction. It creates capital gains deduction tiers.
Update: Assigned to House Appropriations and Budget Committee.

House Bill 2202 (Representative Kyle Hilbert) Requires the apportionments to counties and school districts impacted by the deposit of gross production tax revenues to the Redbud Future Fund as provided in a House Joint Resolution to be adjusted to compensate such jurisdictions and other governmental entities or funds from modifications to the apportionments provided by law.
Update: Assigned to House Rules Committee.

House Bill 2489 (Representative Charles McCall) Creates the Ad Valorem Reimbursement Fund Amendments Act of 2019.
            Update: Assigned to House Rules Committee.

House Bill 2530 ( Representative Melodye Blancett) Exempts from sales tax sales of tangible personal property or services to or by an organization which is exempt from taxation pursuant to the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code, 26 U.S.C., Section 501(c)(3), verified with a letter from the MIT Fab Foundation as an official member of the Fab Lab Network in compliance with the Fab Charter, and able to provide documentation that their primary and principal purpose is to provide community access to advanced 21st century manufacturing and digital fabrication tools for science, technology, engineering, art and math (STEAM) learning skills, developing inventions, creating and sustaining businesses and producing personalized products.
Update: Passed House Appropriations and Budget Subcommittee on Finance 7-0 on Monday, February 11. Referred to full House Appropriations and Budget Committee.

House Joint Resolution 1003 (Representative Kelly Albright) Puts to a vote of the people lowering the 3/4ths margin requirement to a 3/5ths margin for any revenue raising bill.
            Update: Assigned to House Rules Committee.

House Joint Resolution 1005 (Representative Mark Lepak) Puts to a vote of the people raising the maximum amount of funds for deposit in the constitutional reserve from 15% to 30%.
Update: Assigned to House Appropriations and Budget Committee.

House Joint Resolution 1015 (Representative Mark Lepak) Proposes a vote of the people on a constitutional amendment related to ad valorem taxes.
Update: Assigned to House Rules Committee.

Common Education

Senate Bill 748 (Senator Jason Smalley) Requires the State Board of Education beginning July 1, 2020 to implement the provisions of the Oklahoma Teacher Preparation Act, including approval and accreditation of teacher education programs and assessment of candidates for licensure and certification.
                Update: Assigned to Senate Education Committee.

Senate Bill 776 (Senator Carri Hicks) Removes the requirement to pass the general education portions of the competency examination for an alternative placement teaching certificate. The bill removes the requirement to include general education and professional education portions on competency examinations provided by the Oklahoma Commission for Teacher Preparation.
                Update: Passed Senate Education Committee 15-0 on Tuesday, February 12.

House Bill 1067 (Representative Daniel Pae) Modifies language related to public school teacher and administrator professional development programs concerning child abuse and neglect. It permits the program to also include training on recognition of victims of human trafficking.
                Update: Assigned to House Common Education Committee.

House Bill 1316 (Representative Sherrie Conley) Requires a person issued an emergency certification to teach receive some professional development covering classroom management, subject-specific instructional methods, school procedures and policies and writing lesson plans before entering the classroom. The act also requires districts provide additional training opportunities throughout the year and arrange a mentor to provide support on an ongoing basis.
                Update: Assigned to House Common Education Committee.

House Bill 1990 (Representative Jadine Nollan) Requires the State Department of Education to identify school districts for an alternative teacher certification pilot program. It requires school districts seeking to participate in the pilot program to submit applications to the State Department of Education.
                Update: Assigned to House Common Education Committee.

Career Tech

Senate Bill 15 (Senator Ron Sharp) Eliminates the ability for technology centers or higher education institutions to sponsor charter schools.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Education Committee.

Senate Bill 22 (Senator Ron Sharp) Allows certain technology schools to be examiners for driver's licenses after an application and approval process through the Department of Public Safety.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Public Safety Committee.

Senate Bill 432 (Senator Adam Pugh) Requires the State Board of Career and Technology Education, to the availability of funds, which may include but not be limited to state appropriations, grant funds, foundation funds and other funds, to establish a statewide aerospace training facility to provide education and training in the aerospace sector. It requires the board to promulgate rules that include but are not limited to criteria for enrollment in the statewide aerospace training facility; curriculum requirements; minimum courses of study and testing requirements for the statewide aerospace training facility; minimum qualifications for instructors at the statewide aerospace training facility; and tuition for courses offered by the statewide aerospace training facility.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Education Committee.

Senate Bill 741 (Senator Jason Smalley) Requires the Department of Career and Technology Education, in collaboration with the Department of Labor, prior to the beginning of the 2019-2020 school year to review and approve career readiness assessments and assessment-based credentials that measure and document foundational workplace skills.
Update: Assigned to Senate Education Committee then to Senate Appropriations Committee.

Senate Bill 996 (Senator Kim David) Requires that a science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) block course, whether taught at a comprehensive high school or technology center school, when taken in the tenth, eleventh or twelfth grade, be taught by a certified teacher and approved by the State Board of Education and the independent district board of education to the list of courses eligible to meet the mathematics requirement and the laboratory sciences requirement for high school graduation.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Education Committee.

House Bill 1364 (Representative Toni Hasenbeck) Directs the State Board of Career and Technology Education, in cooperation with the Department of Labor, to review and approve career-readiness assessments and assessment-based credentials measuring and documenting workplace skills, as funding is available.
Update: Assigned to House Higher Education and Career Tech Committee.

House Bill 1373 (Representative Zack Taylor) Requires all state entities that are charged with oversight of occupational licenses to explicitly list the specific criminal records that would disqualify an applicant from receiving a license or certification. The act allows licensing authorities to only list disqualifying criminal records that are specific and directly related to the duties and responsibilities of the licensed occupation and to only consider valid convictions.
Update: Passed House Business and Commerce Committee 14-0 on Wednesday, February 13.

House Bill 2026 (Representative Mark Lepak) Modifies the State Board of Career and Technology Education to be an advisory board to the Director of Career and Technology Education.
Update: Assigned to House Rules Committee.

House Bill 2027 (Representative Kelly Albright) Modifies the State Board of Career and Technology Education to be an advisory board to the Director of Career and Technology Education. It transfers all duties and powers of the Board to the Director.
Update: Assigned to House Rules Committee.

House Bill 2279 (Representative Josh West) Requires the court to waive outstanding fines, court costs and fees if the person has secured admission to and is enrolled in an institution that is a technology center school or workforce training program. The bill requires the court to waive the fines upon the completion of each 40-hour work week.
Update: Assigned to House Rules Committee.

Concurrent Enrollment

House Bill 1109 (Representative Kevin West) Requires the Commissioners of the Land Office to transfer from the permanent school funds to the State Department of Education the monies necessary to fund concurrent enrollment in college or university courses for eligible high school students for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2020, and for each fiscal year thereafter. It requires the State Board of Education to determine the amount of funds necessary to fund concurrent enrollment based on the performance of the revenues generated by the permanent school fund which are not already allocated for the use and benefit of the common schools.
Update: Laid over in House Rules Committee on Tuesday, February 12.

House Bill 2043 (Representative Dean Davis) Expands the concurrent enrollment tuition waiver eligibility to all high school students.
Update: Assigned to House Higher Ed and Career Tech Committee.

House Bill 2312 (Representative T.J. Marti) Entitles students other than high school seniors who meet the eligibility requirements for concurrent enrollment to receive a tuition waiver equivalent to the amount of resident tuition for a maximum of nine credit hours per year. The bill also permits courses offered at the undergraduate level through the University of Oklahoma-Tulsa Schusterman Center, Northeastern State University, Langston University and Oklahoma State University/Tulsa to duplicate those offered by Tulsa Community College.
            Update: Assigned to House Appropriations and Budget Committee.


Senate Bill 40 (Senator Paul Scott) Ends the Soon-to-be-Sooner benefits program.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Health and Human Services Committee.

Senate Bill 68 (Senator Dewayne Pemberton) Requires Department of Health licensing of freestanding emergency medical care facilities.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Retirement and Insurance Committee.

Senate Bill 73 (Senator Roger Thompson and Representative Kevin Wallace) Updates several governing boards' names and modifies the maximum number of full-time-equivalent employees to the Oklahoma Board of Pharmacy.
Update: Passed Senate Appropriations Subcommittees on Select Agencies on Wednesday, February 6. Referred to full House Appropriations and Budget Committee. Laid over on Wednesday, February 13.

Senate Bill 81 (Senator Frank Simpson and Representative Tommy Hardin) Modifies qualifications for advance practice registered nurses, permitting them to have a degree higher than a master's degree.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Health and Human Services Committee.

Senate Bill 139 (Senator J.J. Dossett) Requires in vitro fertilization coverage for any health benefit plan that provides pregnancy-related benefits for individuals covered under the plan.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Retirement and Insurance Committee.

Senate Bill 146 (Senator Joe Newhouse) Requires a health care facility that requires immunizations to grant a religious exemption to any employee who objects to an immunization against influenza on religious grounds.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Health and Human Services Committee.

Senate Bill 218 (Senator Dewayne Pemberton) Creates the “Oklahoma Right to Shop Act” in which enrollees are directly incentivized to shop, before and after their out-of-pocket limit has been met, for lower-cost participating health care providers or health care entities for comparable health care services. It allows incentives to include cash payments, gift cards or credits, or reductions of premiums, copayments, cost-sharing or deductibles. Requires a carrier offering a health plan in Oklahoma in the individual or small group insurance market to comply with provided requirements, beginning upon approval of the next health insurance rate filing in 2020.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Retirement and Insurance Committee.

Senate Bill 434 (Senator Adam Pugh) Authorizes the Physician Manpower Training Commission to use its physician training subsidy program for specialist physicians training.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Health and Human Services Committee.

Senate Bill 605 (Senator Greg. McCortney) Requires the Oklahoma Health Care Authority to establish the Oklahoma Plan within the Insure Oklahoma program. It requires the Oklahoma Plan to be a health insurance premium assistance program administered by the Authority which will provide coverage through one or more commercial health insurers to any person who meets the requirements set forth therein and enrolls in the plan.
Update: Assigned to Senate Retirement and Insurance Committee then to Senate Appropriations Committee.

Senate Bill 1017 (Senator Marty Quinn) Clarifies language related to mandated health insurance coverage related to the Oklahoma Employees Health Insurance Plan. The bill defines the term "mandated."
            Update: Assigned to Senate Retirement and Insurance Committee.

Senate Bill 1018 (Senator Paul Rosino) Prohibits the State Board of Health from establishing Federal Specification KKK-A-1822 ambulance standards for stretcher vans. The bill modifies the definition of the term "stretcher van passenger." It permits stretcher vans to carry oxygen and associated administration equipment and to administer it.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Health and Human Services Committee.

Senate Bill 1036 (Senator Kay Floyd) Creates the Expand Medicaid Now Act. The bill requires the state to expand the Medicaid program to provide assistance to all persons who apply and who are determined to be eligible for such assistance and for whom federal matching funds are available to the state under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, as amended by the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Appropriations Committee.

House Bill 1018 (Representative Marcus McEntire) Directs school districts to provide age appropriate HIV, AIDS and related instruction. Directing the State Department of Education to create or implement medically accurate curriculum.
Update: Assigned to House Common Education Committee. Passed House Common Education Committee 15-0 on Tuesday, February 15.

House Bill 1035 (Representative Collin Walke) Requires any health benefit plan that is offered, issued or renewed in Oklahoma after Nov. 1, 2019, to provide coverage for evidence-based pain management treatment.
Update: Assigned to House Insurance Committee.

House Bill 1058 (Representative Marcus McEntire) Updates language in Oklahoma public employee insurance policies, including from State and Education Oklahoma Employees Group Insurance Board to the Oklahoma Employees Insurance and Benefits Board.
            Update: Assigned to House Rules Committee.

House Bill 1082 (Representative Shane Stone) Directs the Oklahoma Health Care Authority to seek Medicaid waiver authority so SoonerCare recipients under the age of 18 will be universally covered and will not have to meet income guidelines, contingent on approval from federal Medicare and Medicaid Services and available state funding.
Update: Assigned to House Appropriations and Budget Committee.

House Bill 1098 (Representative Kevin West) Prohibits discrimination against unvaccinated employees.
Update: Assigned to House Rules Committee.

House Bill 1112 (Representative Kevin West) Authorizes the State Board of Health to propose after notice and hearing to alter the list of immunizations required. It requires any proposed change in the list of immunizations required to be submitted to the next regular session of the Legislature and such change could only be approved by the Legislature.
Update: Assigned to House Government Efficiency Committee. Reassigned to House Public Health Committee.

House Bill 1140 (Representative Danny Sterling) Requires any state and education employee group health insurance plan to provide coverage for annual preventative health examinations without limiting or diminishing diagnostic benefits.
Update: Assigned to House Insurance Committee.

House Bill 1327 (Representative Marcus McEntire) Creates the Oklahoma Medicaid Expansion Act.
            Update: Assigned to House Rules Committee.

House Bill 1439 (Representative Tom Gann) Recreates the State Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision.
            Update: Assigned to House Administrative Rules Committee.

House Bill 1457 (Representative Emily Virgin) Creates the Oklahoma Medicaid Expansion Act.
Update: Assigned to House Rules Committee.

House Bill 1869 (Representative Andy Fugate) Creates the Oklahoma Medicaid Expansion Act.
Update: Assigned to House Rules Committee.

House Bill 2418 (Representative Lewis Moore) Allows a ambulatory surgical center to share its license under a sublicense agreement with one or more designated physician groups and sets the responsibilities of the surgical center and the physician groups. It also directs the State Department of Health to promulgate rules prescribing minimum requirements for use agreements.
Update: Assigned to House Business and Commerce Committee.

House Bill 2441 (Representative Sean Roberts) Requires a contracted hospital or inpatient facility to provide notice to an enrollee at the time they schedule a procedure whether or not the enrollee's insurance carrier covers the service at that facility and provide a noncontracted provider with a good-faith estimate of charges and certain disclosures. The act sets further conditions for facilities carrying for noncontracted enrollees.
Update: Assigned to House Rules Committee.

Higher Education

Senate Bill 90 (Senator Adam Pugh) Extends the sunset date for the State Accrediting Agency to July 1, 2024.
            Update: Assigned to Senate General Government Committee.

Senate Bill 103 (Senator George Young) Encourages the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education to utilize appropriated funds to support entrepreneurship, with special emphasis upon providing support to minority communities in the state.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Education Committee.

Senate Bill 152 (Senator Allison Ikley-Freeman) Prohibits Oklahoma State System of Higher Education institutions from charging a fee to a person who is enrolled in the institution or who was previously enrolled in the institution, regardless of whether they graduated from the institution, for the first two copies of a person's college transcript.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Education Committee.

Senate Bill 159 (Senator Joe Newhouse) Creates the Kansas State University License Plate.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Transportation Committee.

Senate Bill 183 (Senator Brent Howard) Requires governing boards of two-year colleges within the Oklahoma State System of Higher Education be consolidated if: 1) the governing boards of two or more two-year colleges propose a plan to voluntarily consolidate and submit the plan, and 2) the voluntary consolidation plan is affirmatively approved by the Legislature by adoption of a joint resolution.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Education Committee.

Senate Bill 194 (Senator Stephanie Bice and Representative Nicole Miller) Removes the requirement for teacher candidates enrolled in an elementary or early childhood education program to pass a comprehensive assessment to measure their teaching skills in the area of reading instruction.
            Update: Passed Senate Education Committee 15-0 on Tuesday, February 12.

Senate Bill 211 (Senator Joe Newhouse) Prohibits resident tuition from being charged by institutions with the Oklahoma State System of Higher Education and the State Board of Career and Technology Education to state residents presenting proper certification from the United States Veterans Administration or the Armed Forces of the United States that the veteran has a service-connected disability rating of 50 percent or more. It limits the resident tuition waiver to a period of five years.
            Update: Passed Senate Education Committee 13-2 on Tuesday, February 12.

Senate Bill 348 (Senator Stephanie Bice) Removes the requirement for a tenant in a Small Business Incubator to make at least 75% of its gross sales constituting the principal business activity of the business to buyers located outside the state or to buyers whose principal business activity is conducted outside the state to qualify for the income tax exemption. The measure also repeals the tax exemption given to sponsors.
Update: Assigned to Senate Finance Committee.

Senate Bill 361 (Senator Julie Daniels) Deems the outdoor areas of public institutions of higher education public forums for the campus community. It prohibits public institutions of higher education from creating "free speech zones" or other designated areas of campus outside of which expressive activities are prohibited.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Judiciary Committee.

Senate Bill 391 (Senator Kevin Matthews) Appropriates $300,000 from the FY2020 General Revenue Fund to the Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry to be transferred to Oklahoma State University and Langston University for the purpose of funding urban agriculture and farmers' market programs for food deserts.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Appropriations Committee.

Senate Bill 407 (Senator Dave Rader) Modifies provisions of the Oklahoma Equal Opportunity Education Scholarship Act.
            Update: Passed Senate Finance Committee 15-7 on Wednesday, February 13.

Senate Bill 409 (Senator Joe Newhouse) Requires a court to waive outstanding fines, court costs and fees if the offender has secured admission to, is enrolled in and is actively pursuing completion in a program of study in an institution which is a member of the Oklahoma State System of Higher Education or technology center school or a workforce training program intended to expand further employment opportunities. It requires the court to waive the fines, court costs and fees based on the equivalent value of the potential gross income of the offender as established by the minimum wage rate of the state upon the offender's completion of each 40-hour work week during the length of the program.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Judiciary Committee.

Senate Bill 438 (Senator John Haste) Removes outdated language related to members of the Oklahoma State University Medical Authority.

Senate Bill 439 (Senator Marty Quinn) Requires a terminal degree granted by a college recognized by the State Board of Education be granted equal recognition as a doctorate degree for teacher salary determinations.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Appropriations Committee. Withdrawn by Author.

Senate Bill 464 (Senator Michael Brooks) Requires Oklahoma State System of Higher Education institutions to grant a waiver equivalent to the amount of resident tuition and fees incurred by a student, beginning with the 2019-2020 academic year, who is a resident of this state; has satisfied the admission standards as determined by The Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education for first-time entering students for the appropriate type of institution; and is the child of a parent or legal guardian who has vested in the Oklahoma Teachers' Retirement System.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Education Committee.

Senate Bill 465 (Senator Michael Brooks) Requires the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education to adopt a policy which allows a student to enroll in an institution within the Oklahoma State System of Higher Education as an undergraduate student and allows the student to be eligible for resident tuition if the student graduated from a public high school in this state with a grade point average in the top 10 percent of the student's high school graduating class.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Education Committee.

Senate Bill 485 (Senator Micheal Bergstrom) Creates a sunset date for the Small Business Incubators Incentives Act. The tax exemption ends on tax years after January 1, 2020.
            Update: Passed Senate Finance Committee 8-1 on Tuesday, February 12.

Senate Bill 491 (Senator Dewayne Pemberton) Creates the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education Modernization Act of 2019. It provides the purpose of the act to implement the recommendations of the Task Force on the Future of Higher Education established by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education to improve the structure of The Oklahoma State System of Higher Education through modernization and efficiency.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Education Committee.

Senate Bill 597 (Senator Gary Stanislawski) Creates a task force to study how four-year colleges within the Oklahoma State System of Higher Education can assist two-year colleges to save money. It provides for membership. It requires the task force to be subject to the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Education Committee.

Senate Bill 602 (Senator Gary Stanislawski) Creates a task force to study and make recommendations to the Legislature on efficiencies in operating and governing two-year colleges within The Oklahoma State System of Higher Education until July 1, 2020. It provides for membership. It requires appointments to be made within 30 days after the effective date and for the task force to conduct an organization meeting not later than Aug. 31, 2019. It requires the task force to be subject to the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act. It requires the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education to provide staff and administrative support for the task force.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Education Committee.

Senate Bill 765 (Senator Greg McCortney) Prohibits the smoking of marijuana in public places. The bill permits institutions of the Oklahoma State System of Higher Education to declare themselves marijuana free, including free of marijuana and marijuana products. It exempts from the restrictions on marijuana smoking medical research or treatment centers, if marijuana smoking is integral to the research or treatment.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Health and Human Services Committee.

Senate Bill 804 (Senator Stephanie Bice) Allows a patron to leave the premise with an open container of beer or wine if the act is committed during the hours of 8 a.m. to midnight on the day of a scheduled home football game of institutions within The Oklahoma State System of Higher Education and the location is within 2,000 feet of the institution or a sponsored single day art or music event within city limits.
Update: Passed Senate Business Commerce and Tourism Committee 8-1 on Thursday, February 14.

Senate Bill 939 (Senator Adam Pugh) Adds accreditation by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing or the Commission of Collegiate Nursing Education to requirements for advanced practice registered nursing education programs and requires an advanced practice registered nursing program show evidence of periodic on-campus attendance for assessment and evaluation of students' progress and competence in addition to completing a minimum 1,000 clinical hours in the graduate program.
            Update: Assigned to Senate General Health and Human Services Committee.

House Bill 1190 (Representative Tommy Hardin) Requires the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry appoint all Oklahoma State University county cooperative extension service personnel. The bill also requires the agency be involved in conducting farm demonstration work and home demonstration work.
Update: Assigned to House Agriculture and Rural Development Committee.

House Bill 1320 (Representative Kelly Albright) Exempts certain members of the Armed Forces of the United States who are also Oklahoma residents and their dependents from tuition, dues, fees and other required charges from each institution of higher education in Oklahoma.
Update: Failed to pass House Appropriations and Budget Education Subcommittee 5-6 on Tuesday, February 12.

House Bill 1448 (Representative Tom Gann) Recreates the State Accrediting Agency.
Update: Assigned to House Administrative Rules Committee.

House Bill 1921 (Representative Derrel Fincher) Creates the Oklahomans Virtually Everywhere Act of 2019, directing the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, the State Board of Career and Technology Education, the Department of Commerce, and the Office of Management and Enterprise Services to research and develop a proposal to make Oklahoma a leader in virtual presence.
Update: Assigned to House Government Efficiency Committee.

House Bill 2042 (Representative Dean Davis) Allows courses offered at the undergraduate level through Northeastern State University to duplicate those offered by Tulsa Community College.
            Update: Assigned to House Higher Education and Career Tech Committee.

House Bill 2064 (Representative Mark Lepak) Creates the “Oklahoma Accrediting Agency Reauthorization Act."
Update: Assigned to House Rules Committee.

House Bill 2225 (Representative Todd Russ) Prohibits any alcoholic beverages being stored, sold, dispensed, served or consumed on the premises of an Oklahoma State System of Higher Education institution.
Update: Assigned to House Rules Committee.

House Bill 2228 (Representative Todd Russ) Requires the board of regents for each institution within the Oklahoma State System of Higher Education to adopt a student housing policy that prohibits coeducational housing in dorms, halls or other student housing.
Update: Assigned to House Rules Committee.

House Bill 2261 (Representative Kenton Patzkowsky) Creates the Teacher Incentive Program. The bill requires The Oklahoma State System of Higher Education to exempt up to 202 persons annually from the payment of tuition, dues and fees up to $5,000 and establishes eligibility.
Update: Assigned to House Higher Education and Career Tech Committee.

House Bill 2438 (Representative Sean Roberts) Adjusts the Oklahoma Education Lottery Trust Fund appropriations. The bill lowers the amount Oklahoma State System of Higher Education construction projects and capital outlay projects can receive from Oklahoma Education Lottery Trust Fund appropriations to $1.00.
            Update: Assigned to House Rules Committee.

House Bill 2643 (Representative Rhonda Baker) Creates the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education Modernization Act of 2019. It provides the purpose of the act to implement the recommendations of the Task Force on the Future of Higher Education established by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education to improve the structure of The Oklahoma State System of Higher Education through modernization and efficiency.
Update: Assigned to House Rules Committee.

House Bill 2672 (Representative Kevin Wallace) Removes certain requirements for appointed members of the Oklahoma State University Medical Authority.
Update: Assigned to House Rules Committee.

House Joint Resolution 1008 (Representative Mark Lepak) Proposes a vote of the people on a constitutional amendment related to the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education.
Update: Assigned to House Rules Committee.

Medical Marijuana/Industrial Hemp

Senate Bill 31 (Senator Wayne Shaw) Adds measurements in grams to the limits for medical marijuana possession.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Health & Human Services Committee.

Senate Bill 162 (Senator Rob Standridge) Modifies the qualifications for physicians to sign medical marijuana license applications to include those who are licensed by and in good standing with the State Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision or the State Board of Osteopathic Examiners rather than only those who are Oklahoma Board certified.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Health & Human Services Committee.

Senate Bill 213 (Senator Larry Boggs) Modifies the qualifications for physicians to sign medical marijuana license applications to include those who are licensed by and in good standing with the State Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision or the State Board of Osteopathic Examiners rather than only those who are Oklahoma Board certified.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Health & Human Services Committee.

Senate Bill 238 (Senator Rob Standridge) Requires any manufactured product containing cannabidiol to include a label which contains the country of origin of the cannabidiol and whether the cannabidiol is synthetic or natural.
Update: Passed Senate Health & Human Services Committee 13-0 on Monday, February 11.

Senate Bill 242 (Senator Rob Standridge) Providing for registration and regulation of pain-management clinics.
Update: Passed Senate Health & Human Services Committee 13-0 on Monday, February 11.

Senate Bill 305 (Senator Julie Daniels) Prohibits an employer from refusing to hire, disciplining, discharging or otherwise penalizing an applicant or employee solely on the basis of such applicant's or employee's status as a medical marijuana licensee or on the basis of a positive test for marijuana components.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Business, Commerce and Tourism Committee.

Senate Bill 307 (Senator Julie Daniels) Levies an excise tax on retail medical marijuana sales at the rate of 7 percent of the gross sales by the seller.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Finance Committee.

Senate Bill 325 (Representative Casey Murdock) A county may, by vote of a majority of the registered voters in the county, restrict or prohibit the possession, consumption, transport, sale, cultivation or manufacture of marijuana or marijuana products, or any combination thereof.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Rules Committee.

Senate Bill 421 (Senator Stephanie Bice) Modifies prohibited acts under the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Act. It modifies the penalties for those found in violation of the acts prohibited therein. It requires a person in possession of a substance classified in Schedule I or II, except for marijuana, involving one-quarter of a gram or more of the Schedule I or II substance, upon conviction, to be guilty of a felony, and to be sentenced to a term of imprisonment in the custody of the Department of Corrections.
            Update: Passed Senate Public Safety Committee 12-0 on Monday, February 11.

Senate Bill 554 (Senator Casey Murdock) Creates the Industrial Hemp Production Act. It requires the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry to develop a plan to license and regulate industrial hemp production.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Agriculture and Wildlife Committee.

Senate Bill 555 (Senator Marty Quinn) Modifies the definition of "hemp" under the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Act.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Public Safety Committee.

Senate Bill 754 (Senator Greg McCortney) Clarifies language related to medical marijuana. The bill also modifies the apportionment of revenue from the gross receipts tax on medical marijuana. It changes the apportionment of 25 percent of the revenue to the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services from the State Department of Health.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Health and Human Services Committee then to Senate
Appropriations Committee.

Senate Bill 755 (Senator Greg McCortney) Prohibits all marijuana advertising and labels of usable marijuana and marijuana products sold from containing any statement or illustration that is false or misleading; promotes overconsumption; represents that the use of marijuana has curative or therapeutic effects; or depicts a child or other person under legal age to consume marijuana; or includes objects such as toys, cartoon or other characters, which suggest the presence of a child, or any other depiction designed in any manner to be especially appealing to children.
Update: Assigned to Senate Health and Human Services Committee.

Senate Bill 756 (Senator Greg McCortney) Requires all medical marijuana and medical marijuana products shall be packaged in child resistant packages as required by the federal Poison Prevention Packaging Act of 1970.
Update: Assigned to Senate Health and Human Services Committee.

Senate Bill 758 (Senator Greg McCortney) Authorizes the State Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision to issue guidance to all allopathic physicians on the recommending of medical marijuana to patients.
Update: Assigned to Senate Health and Human Services Committee.

Senate Bill 759 (Senator Greg McCortney) Provides that a physician who recommends use of medical marijuana cannot accept, solicit or offer any form of pecuniary remuneration from or to a caregiver, dispensary, processor, or commercial grower; offer a discount or any other thing of value to a patient who uses or agrees to use a particular caregiver or dispensary; examine a patient for the purposes of recommending medical marijuana at a location where medical marijuana is dispensed; or hold any economic interest in an enterprise that grows, transports, processes, or dispenses medical marijuana.
Update: Assigned to Senate Health and Human Services Committee.

Senate Bill 760 (Senator Greg McCortney) Clarifies language related to medical marijuana. The bill requires a short-term medical marijuana license application be made available on the State Department of Health's website that will be granted to any applicant who can meet the requirements for a two-year medical marijuana license, but whose physician recommendation for medical marijuana is only valid for 60 days. It requires the fee for a short-term license and the procedure for extending or renewing the license shall be determined by the Department of Health.
Update: Assigned to Senate Health and Human Services Committee.

Senate Bill 763 (Senator Greg McCortney) Clarifies language related to medical marijuana. The bill also permits a physician, when providing a medical marijuana recommendation to set, at his or her discretion, a maximum amount of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) that the patient may purchase each month.
Update: Assigned to Senate Health and Human Services Committee.

Senate Bill 764 (Senator Greg McCortney) Requires the State Department of Health to create a medical marijuana use registry for physicians, patients and caregivers. It requires the handling of any records maintained in the registry be compliant with the provisions of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
Update: Assigned to Senate Health and Human Services Committee.

Senate Bill 765 (Senator Greg McCortney) Prohibits the smoking of marijuana in public places. The bill permits institutions of the Oklahoma State System of Higher Education to declare themselves marijuana free, including free of marijuana and marijuana products. It exempts from the restrictions on marijuana smoking medical research or treatment centers, if marijuana smoking is integral to the research or treatment.
Update: Assigned to Senate Health and Human Services Committee.

Senate Bill 767 (Senator Greg McCortney) Creates the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority to address issues related to the medical marijuana program in Oklahoma including, but not limited to, promulgating rules relating to the issuance of patient licenses, medical marijuana business licenses and occupational licenses, and the dispensing, cultivating, processing, testing, transporting, storage, research and the use of and sale of medical marijuana as outlined in State Question No. 788
Update: Assigned to Senate Health and Human Services Committee then to Senate Appropriations Committee.

Senate Bill 768 (Senator Greg McCortney) Requires the State Department of Health to develop and implement a medical marijuana testing program to test medical marijuana and medical marijuana products for contaminants and for concentration of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cannabidiol (CBD) and any other chemicals deemed necessary by the department.
Update: Assigned to Senate Health and Human Services Committee then to Senate Appropriations Committee.

Senate Bill 811 (Senator Jason Smalley) Prohibits biomedical and clinical medical marijuana research subject to federal regulation and institutional oversight from being subjected to State Department of Health oversight.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Health and Human Services Committee.

Senate Bill 863 (Senator Mark Allen) Creates the Industrial Hemp Production Act to require the Department of Agriculture to develop a plan to license and regulate industrial hemp production in collaboration with the Office of the Governor and the Office of the Attorney General.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Agriculture and Wildlife Committee.

Senate Bill 868 (Senator Lonnie Paxton) Allows a grower licensee to engage in the growth and cultivation of industrial hemp from certified seeds for commercial purposes and establishes guidelines for grower licenses.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Agriculture and Wildlife Committee.

Senate Bill 887 (Senator Kim David) Allows counties to establish, assess and collect fees from medical marijuana licensees or caregivers who, upon request and approval by the county where the person resides, exceeds the maximum possession limits. The act only authorizes the person to exceed the set limits of possession within the borders of the county.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Health and Human Services Committee.

Senate Bill 911 (Senator Paul Scott) Authorizes the Oklahoma Tax Commission to review applicable statutes, agency rules and procedures to determine if the excise tax levies on the sale of marijuana may be remitted electronically in the form of virtual currency, then make a recommendation to the Governor, State Senate and State House of Representatives by Dec. 31, 2019.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Finance Committee.

Senate Bill 1030 (Senator Lonnie Paxton) Clarifies language related to medical marijuana. The bill permits an employer to take action against the holder of a medical marijuana license solely based upon the status of an employee as a medical marijuana license holder or the results of a drug test showing positive for marijuana or its components if the person is employed in a safety-sensitive position.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Health and Human Services Committee.

House Bill 1100 (Representative Robert Manger) Redefines transporting with the intent to distribute or dispense and possessing with the intent to manufacture, distribute or dispense from the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substance Act to specifically cover synthetic controlled substances. The act also sets factors that must be involved to prove intent to distribute, dispense or manufacture Schedule I or II drugs, except for marijuana and states at least three of these factors must be present.
            Update: Assigned to House Public Safety Committee.

House Bill 1389 (Representative Tammy Townley) Adds lighted marijuana or electronic cigarettes or similar devices to the definition of "smoking" in the Smoking in Public Places and Indoor Workplaces Act.
            Update: Assigned to House Rules Committee.

House Bill 1932 (Representative Robert Manger) Specifies the measurement in grams and ounces of medical marijuana product a licensee can possess.
Update: Assigned to House Rules Committee.

House Bill 2309 (Representative Avery Frix) Modifies language related to the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Act. It makes it unlawful to manufacture or distribute any synthetic controlled substance, except when authorized by the Food and Drug Administration of the United States Department of Health and Human Services or to transport with intent to distribute or dispense, possess with intent to distribute, or possess with intent to manufacture a controlled dangerous substance, a synthetic controlled substance or an imitation controlled substance.
            Update: Assigned to House Judiciary Committee.

House Bill 2601 (Representative Jon Echols) Clarifies language related to medical marijuana. The bill also authorizes a county to establish, assess and collect fees from medical marijuana licensees or caregivers who, upon request and approval by the county where the person currently resides, exceed the maximum possession limits established in law. It limits the authority granted by a county to a medical marijuana licensee or caregiver to exceed maximum possession limits to apply only within the borders of that county.
            Update: Assigned to House Rules Committee.

Oklahoma’s Promise
Senate Bill 80 (Senator Roger Thompson) Expands Oklahoma’s Promise eligibility to those who have completed schooling other than private or public and performed at a proficient level on statewide student assessments.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Education Committee.

Senate Bill 581 (Senator Joseph Silk) Provides Oklahoma Higher Learning Access Program eligibility for students adopted while in the custody of a federally recognized Indian tribe or an out-of-state public child welfare agency and is a resident of Oklahoma at the time eligibility is determined.
Update: Passed Senate Education Committee 15-0 on Tuesday, February 12. Assigned to Senate Appropriations Committee.

House Bill 2018 (Representative Monroe Nichols) Includes the child of a person who is employed as a certified teacher as a student qualified for an award which includes payment of an amount equivalent to resident tuition or other tuition for participation in the Oklahoma Higher Learning Access Program.
            Update: Assigned to House Higher Education and Career Tech Committee.

House Bill 2227 (Representative Todd Russ) Provides eligibility for a child of a teacher to the Oklahoma Higher Learning Access Program if the adjusted gross income of the student's parents does not exceed $150,000 per year.
Update: Assigned to House Rules Committee.

House Bill 2293 (Representative Harold Wright) Allows student agreements to be witnessed by an adult with physical custody of the student as verified by the school district.
Update: Assigned to House Rules Committee.

OneNet/Information Technology

Senate Bill 227 (Senator Roger Thompson) Creates the Oklahoma Information Services Department Act. The bill creates the Oklahoma Information Services Department, into which the Office of Management and Enterprise Services Information Services Division will be consolidated. Higher Education is exempt.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Appropriations Committee.

Senate Bill 1002 (Senator James Leewright) Creates the Facilitating Internet Broadband Rural Expansion (FIBRE) Act. It prohibits cross-subsidization between a rural electric cooperative electricity services and the provision or operation of emerging communications technologies by such rural electric cooperative or through an affiliate of such rural electric cooperative.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Business Commerce and Tourism Committee.

Public Safety/Campus Safety/Weapons

Senate Bill 12 (Senator Nathan Dahm) Constitutional Carry: permits a person at least 21 years of age or older, or 18 years of age but not yet 21 and a member or veteran of the United States Armed Forces, Reserves or National Guard or was discharged under honorable conditions, and who is otherwise not disqualified from the possession or purchase of a firearm under state or federal law and is not carrying the firearm in furtherance of a crime to carry a firearm, concealed or unconcealed, loaded or unloaded.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Public Safety Committee.

Senate Bill 24 (Senator Micheal Bergstrom) Removes a firearm with an overall length of 26 inches or more from the definition of "pistols" or "handguns" in the Oklahoma Firearms Act of 1971. Changes Definitions of “shotguns” and other weapons based on barrel length.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Public Safety Committee.

Senate Bill 34 (Senator Wayne Shaw) Requires OSBI to check the National Instant Criminal Background Check System prior to issuing a Self-Defense Act license. Gives a 90-day window from the date establishing a residence to apply for an Oklahoma handgun license if bringing a license from another state.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Public Safety Committee.

Senate Bill 38 (Senator David Bullard) Authorizes the carrying of firearms in the State Capitol.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Rules Committee.

Senate Bill 46 (Senator Paul Scott) Removes the restriction for convicted felons to ride in a car with a concealed weapon. Removes the phrases “machine-gun, sawed-off shotgun or rifle” and “dangerous or deadly” from the convicted felons and delinquents restrictions.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Public Safety Committee.

Senate Bill 87 (Senator J.J. Dossett) Permits a person to carry a concealed or unconcealed handgun without a license if they are 18 to 21 years of age and a member of the United States Armed Forces, the Reserves or National Guard.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Public Safety Committee.

Senate Bill 345 (Senator Casey Murdock) Constitutional carry bill: allows anyone who is over the age of 21 or over the age of 18 if they are a member or veteran of the United States Armed Forces, Reserves or National Guard or was honorably discharged from one of those services to carry a firearm, whether concealed or unconcealed, loaded or unloaded. The bill precludes anyone who was convicted of assault and battery, stalking, violation of a domestic abuse protection order, or a violation relating to illegal drug use or possession under the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Act. The act states a person can have a firearm on property set aside for parking by a college, university or technology center school.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Public Safety Committee.

Senate Bill 364 (Senator Nathan Dahm) Prohibits any person, property owner, tenant, employer, or business entity from maintaining, establishing or enforcing any policy or rule that has the effect of prohibiting any person or employee, except a convicted felon, from transporting, carrying or storing firearms or ammunition in a locked motor vehicle on any property set aside for any motor vehicle or a motor vehicle owned, leased or rented by the person or employee to conduct business for the business entity.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Public Safety Committee.

Senate Bill 431 (Senator Marty Quinn) Modifies the notification requirement to law enforcement for an individual in possession of a concealed or unconcealed handgun. It removes the requirement that they notify the law enforcement officer when they come in contact with them and replaces it with language that requires the notification on demand of the law enforcement officer. It removes the requirement that the notification be made at the first opportunity.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Public Safety Committee.

Senate Bill 619 (Senator James Leewright) Deletes a section on notification procedures related to unlawful carry of firearms on colleges, universities or technology centers. It updates statutory reference.
Update: Assigned to Senate Public Safety Committee.

Senate Bill 671 (Senator David Bullard and Representative Sean Roberts) Allows the board of education of a school district to adopt a policy to authorize the carrying of a handgun onto school property by school personnel specifically designated by the board of education, provided such personnel meet specified criteria therein.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Education Committee.

Senate Bill 708 (Senator Kim David ) Allows the city council or board of trustees for a city or municipality to, through a majority vote, designate personnel who have been issued a handgun license to attend an armed security guard training program or a reserve peace officer certification program.
Update: Assigned to Senate Public Safety Committee.

Senate Bill 775 (Senator Paul Scott) Prohibits the state or any state government entity from creating any order, policy, ordinance or regulation touching in any way firearm and ammunition components.
Update: Assigned to Senate Public Safety Committee.

Senate Bill 781 (Senator Paul Scott) Prohibits any person or business entity from establishing or enforcing any policy or rule that has the effect of prohibiting any person or employee, except a convicted felon, from carrying or storing firearms or ammunition in a motor vehicle owned, leased or rented by the person or employee while conducting business for the business entity.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Public Safety Committee.

Senate Bill 796 (Senator Joseph Silk) Exempts sale of a firearm beginning January 1, 2020 from the tax levied by the Oklahoma Sales Tax Code.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Finance Committee.

Senate Bill 834 (Senator John Haste) Creates a felony conviction for a person who buys or receives a stolen or embezzled firearm.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Public Safety Committee.

Senate Bill 866 (Senator Joseph Silk) Modifies penalties for misdemeanor firearm violations. The bill requires a first conviction to be punishable by a fine of not more than $250 and/or imprisonment of not more than 30 days. It requires second and subsequent convictions to be punishable of a fine not more than $500 and/or imprisonment of not more than 90 days.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Public Safety Committee.

Senate Bill 894 (Senator Nathan Dahm) Prohibits the state or any state government entity from creating any order, policy, ordinance or regulation touching in any way firearm and ammunition components.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Public Safety Committee.

Senate Bill 897 (Senator Nathan Dahm) Requires the state to prove without reasonable doubt immunity is not applicable in order to criminally prosecute a person who claims to have used defensive deadly force.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Judiciary Committee.

Senate Bill 959 (Senator Nathan Dahm) Makes it illegal for a person under the influence of marijuana to carry or use shotguns, rifles or pistols unless they have medical marijuana license.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Public Safety Committee.

Senate Joint Resolution 16 (Senator David Bullard and Representative Kevin West) Proposes a vote of the people on a constitutional amendment that would prevent infringement of the right of citizens to keep and bear arms. The amendment would not prevent the Legislature from prohibiting possession of firearms by a convicted felon, a person adjudicated as mentally incompetent or an individual involuntarily committed in any mental institution. The amount amendment would prohibit the imposition of registration or special taxation upon the keeping of arms or ammunition.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Rules Committee.

House Bill 1001(Representative Jim Olsen) Removes the prohibition on felons riding in a vehicle where a firearm is present.
Update: Assigned to House Public Safety Committee. Passed House Public Safety Committee 11-0 on Thursday, February 7.

House Bill 1002 (Representative Jim Olsen) Reduces penalty for unlawfully carrying firearm.
Update: Assigned to House Judiciary Committee.

House Bill 1111 (Representative Kevin West) Prohibits a person from carrying or possessing a firearm in any establishment where beer or alcoholic beverages, as defined by statute, are consumed. It exempts an owner or, proprietor or employee of the establishment having a firearm, provided, the employee has permission from the owner or proprietor of the establishment.
Update: Passed House Public Safety Committee 11-0 on Thursday, February 14.

House Bill 1142 (Representative Tammy Townley) Removes the "open and unconcealed" language from the statute concerning the conditions under which firearms may be carried.
            Update: Passed House Wildlife Committee 9-2 on Wednesday, February 13.

House Bill 1197 (Representative Tom Gann) Adds zoos, botanical gardens, bus stations, bus terminals, bus stops, any vehicle operated by a transportation service for public use, and any property held by a public trust having a governmental entity as a beneficiary to the allowed open carry location list.
Update: Assigned to House Judiciary Committee.

House Bill 1214 (Representative Carl Newton) Clarifies language detailing legal residency requirement for an Oklahoma handgun license.
Update: Assigned to House Judiciary Committee.

House Bill 1258 (Representative Kyle Hilbert) Allows any person issued an armed private investigator license or armed security guard license to carry a concealed or unconcealed firearm when on and off duty, provided the person is in possession of a valid driver’s license and either a valid armed private investigator license or valid armed security guard license.
Update: Assigned to House Public Safety Committee.

House Bill 2010 (Representative Garry Mize) Prohibits the state or any state government entity from creating any order, policy, ordinance or regulation touching in any way firearm and ammunition components.
Update: Assigned to House Judiciary Committee.

House Bill 2335 (Representative Sean Roberts) Prohibits expenditure of public monies for publicity or propaganda opposing Second Amendment Rights.
Update: Assigned to House Judiciary Committee.

House Bill 2336 (Representative Sean Roberts) Allows a board of education of a school district to adopt a policy authorizing persons possessing a valid handgun license to carry a handgun onto school property, provided the individual possess a valid armed security guard license and holds a valid reserve peace officer certification.
Update: Assigned to House Judiciary Committee.

House Bill 2376 (Representative Chris Kannady) Requires training for armed security guards to include how to prepare and respond to an active shooter crises.
Update: Assigned to House Rules Committee.

House Bill 2457 (Representative Jason Dunnington and Representative Melissa Provenzano) Creates the Oklahoma Extreme Risk Protective Order Act, setting a process for someone to seek a firearms restraining order with the petitioner filing an affidavit or verified pleading alleging the respondent poses an immediate and present danger of causing personal injury to themselves or another by having custody of a controlled firearm or firearms.
Update: Assigned to House Judiciary Committee.

House Bill 2597 (Representative Denise Crosswhite Hader, Representative Garry Mize, Representative Jay Steagall, Representative Jim Olsen, Representative Jon Echols, Representative Kevin McDugle, Representative Kevin West, Representative Sean Roberts, Representative Tammy Townley, and Representative Tom Gann) Makes Oklahoma a constitutional carry state. The bill permits a person at least 21 years of age or older, or 18 years of age but not yet 21 and a member or veteran of the United States Armed Forces, Reserves or National Guard or was discharged under honorable conditions, and who is otherwise not disqualified from the possession or purchase of a firearm under state or federal law and is not carrying the firearm in furtherance of a crime to carry a firearm, concealed or unconcealed, loaded or unloaded.
Update: Assigned to House Public Safety Committee. Amended in Committee. Passed House Public Safety Committee 9-2 on Thursday, February 7. Senator Kim David added as principal Senate author and Senator Nathan Dahm added as co-author. Amended on House Floor to allow for Higher Education campus exemptions. Passed House Floor 70-30 on Wednesday, February 13.


Senate Bill 360 (Senator Julie Daniels) Makes students who have at least one parent who is incarcerated eligible for the Lindsey Nicole Henry Scholarships for Students with Disabilities Program. It requires a parent or legal guardian who requests a Lindsey Nicole Henry Scholarship for a public school student who has at least one parent who is incarcerated to provide the State Board of Education documentation verifying a parent is incarcerated in the custody of the Department of Corrections, another state's prison system or the Federal Bureau of Prisons including, but not limited to, the active Department of Corrections inmate number.
                Update: Assigned to Senate Education Committee.

Senate Bill 424 (Sen Stephanie Bice) Requires a court to waive outstanding fines, court costs and fees if the offender has secured admission to, is enrolled in and is actively pursuing completion in a program of study in an institution which is a member of the Oklahoma State System of Higher Education or technology center school or a workforce training program intended to expand further employment opportunities. It requires the court to waive the fines, court costs and fees based on the equivalent value of the potential gross income of the offender as established by the minimum wage rate of the state upon the offender's completion of each 40-hour work week during the length of the program.
Update: Assigned to Senate Judiciary Committee then to Senate Appropriations Committee.

House Bill 1247 (Representative Mark McBride) Adds the Oklahoma Tax Commission to the list of entities to which scholarship-granting organizations and educational improvement granting organizations are required to submit an audited financial statement for the organization along with information detailing the benefits, successes or failures of the program. The bill also requires the commission to make publicly available on its website the financial statement and information submitted. The bill requires a scholarship-granting organization to submit certain information annually to the Tax Commission in order to maintain registration.
Update: Committee substitute added operative language. Passed House Appropriations and Budget Education Subcommittee 11-0 on Tuesday, February 12. Referred to full House Appropriations and Budget Committee.

House Bill 1857 (Representative Andy Fugate) Revises the household income limitations for the Oklahoma Equal Opportunity Education Scholarship to $60,000 per year from taxable and nontaxable sources.
Update: Passed House Appropriations and Budget Education Subcommittee 11-0 on Tuesday, February 12. Referred to full House Appropriations and Budget Committee.

House Bill 1942 (Representative Judd Strom) Requires the State Treasurer to transfer an amount from the Unclaimed Property Fund equal to the lesser of $30 million or 30 percent of the monies in the Unclaimed Property Fund which are in excess of the amount determined by the State Treasurer to be required to the Oklahoma Post-Secondary Education and Training Expenses Revolving Fund for the purposes of providing assistance to persons in obtaining an associate degree from a community college or other institution within The Oklahoma State System of Higher Education, or attending classes at a career-technology center or for the provision of scholarships in order to offset the costs of attending an institution within The Oklahoma State System of Higher Education. It creates in the State Treasury a revolving fund for the State Department of Education to be designated the Oklahoma Post-Secondary Education and Training Expenses Revolving Fund. It provides for expenditures.
Update: Assigned to House Appropriations and Budget Committee. Referred to full House Appropriations and Budget Committee.

House Bill 1974 (Representative Ross Ford) Authorizes the court to defer payment of all outstanding fines, courts costs and fees in a criminal case for specified persons beginning Nov. 1, 2019. It authorizes a court to waive or reduce all outstanding fines, court costs and fees owed by the person in every felony or misdemeanor case filed in a district court or criminal case filed in a municipal court in Oklahoma upon successful graduation or completion of training and course work required for certification.
            Update: Assigned to House Judiciary Committee.

House Bill 2292 (Representative Harold Wright) Expands eligibility for individuals to attend law enforcement courses and training at technology center schools and higher education institutions.
            Update: Assigned to House Public Safety Committee.

House Bill 2521 (Representative Tammy West) Creates the Oklahoma Educator Loan Repayment Program. It requires the State Department of Education to administer the program. It requires the program, depending upon and limited to available funding, to provide educational loan repayment assistance to Oklahoma certified teachers who agree to work in a school district located in the state designated as a comprehensive support and improvement (CSI) school or targeted support and improvement (TSI) school.
Update: Assigned to House Common Education Committee.

Teachers Retirement System
Senate Bill 352 (Senator Dewayne Pemberton) Provides for an 8 percent increase in retirement benefits for certain retirees in the Uniform Retirement System for Justices and Judges, the Oklahoma Firefighters Pension and Retirement System, the Oklahoma Police Pension and Retirement System, the Teachers' Retirement System of Oklahoma, the Oklahoma Public Employees Retirement System and the Oklahoma Law Enforcement Retirement System. It establishes certain offsets.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Retirement and Insurance Committee.

Senate Bill 504 (Senator Michael Brooks) Authorizes any employee, other than an education employee, who retires pursuant to the provisions of the Oklahoma Public Employees Retirement System or who has a vested benefit pursuant to the provisions of the Oklahoma Public Employees Retirement System, to continue in force the health and dental insurance benefits authorized by the provisions of the Oklahoma Employees Insurance and Benefits Act.
Update: Assigned to Senate Retirement and Insurance Committee.

Senate Bill 676 (Senator John Montgomery) Modifies apportionment to the Teacher's Retirement System Dedicated Revenue Revolving Fund.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Appropriations Committee.

Senate Bill 697 (Senator Jason Smalley) Requires a retired member of the Oklahoma Teachers' Retirement System who is employed by the State Department of Education for the first time on or after November 1, 2020, to have the option to remain a member of the Teachers' Retirement System, subject to the limitations prescribed therein, or choose to participate in the Oklahoma Public Employees Retirement System as an active member.
Update: Assigned to Senate Retirement and Insurance Committee.

Senate Bill 772 (Senator Adam Pugh) Modifies and updates language related to the Teachers' Retirement System. The bill repeals language related to the minimum benefits for members who retire before Aug. 2, 1969.
Update: Passed Senate Retirement and Insurance Committee 8-0 on Monday, February 11.

Senate Bill 844 (Senator Gary Stanislawski) Increases the annual maximum contribution to 18.5 percent to a retirement fund established by the board of county commissioners.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Retirement and Insurance Committee.

Senate Bill 850 (Senator Darrell Weaver) Requires any person receiving benefits from the Teachers' Retirement System of Oklahoma as of June 30, 2020 to receive a 7 percent increase in benefits.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Retirement and Insurance Committee.

Senate Bill 852 (Senator Kim David) Requires a 7 percent increase in benefits beginning July 1, 2020 for any person receiving benefits from the Oklahoma Public Employees Retirement System.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Retirement and Insurance Committee.

Senate Bill 889 (Senator John Montgomery) Increases the amount paid to beneficiaries of the Oklahoma Public Employees Retirement System to $50.00 per month on Jan. 1, 2021.
Update: Passed Senate Retirement and Insurance Committee 6-2 on Monday, February 11.

Senate Bill 941 (Senator Dewayne Pemberton, Senator Brenda Stanley, and Representative Avery Frix)  Requires public retirement systems to make a one-time distribution to members who have been retired for more than five years as of Oct. 1, 2019, of either the lesser of 2 percent or $1,000 if the funded ratio of the public retirement system would not be less than 60 percent.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Retirement and Insurance Committee.

Senate Bill 979 (Senator Mark Allen) Modifies the definition of the term "average salary" for the purpose of calculating benefits under the Teachers' Retirement System.
            Update: Assigned to Senate Retirement and Insurance Committee.

House Bill 1090 (Representative Mike Osburn) Allows the Teachers' Retirement System of Oklahoma to purchase service credits.
Update: Laid over in House Banking Financial Services and Pensions Committee on Wednesday, February 13.

House Bill 1307 (Representative Matt Meredith) Requires a 2 percent cost-of-living adjustment for people receiving benefits from the Oklahoma Firefighters Pension and Retirement System, the Oklahoma Police Pension and Retirement System, the Uniform Retirement System for Justices and Judges, the Oklahoma law Enforcement Retirement System, the Teachers' Retirement System of Oklahoma and the Oklahoma Public Employees Retirement System.
Update: Assigned to House Banking Financial Services and Pensions Committee.

House Bill 1358 (Representative David Smith) Requires a 4 percent cost-of-living adjustment for the Oklahoma Police Pension and Retirement System as well as the Oklahoma Public Employees Retirement System. OTRS is not included
Update: Assigned to House Banking Financial Services and Pensions Committee.

House Bill 1426 (Representative Ben Loring) Provides for membership to the Oklahoma Firefighters Pension and Retirement System and the Oklahoma Police Pension and Retirement System by specified full-time firefighters and law enforcement officers employed by federally recognized Native American tribes.
Update: Assigned to House Banking Financial Services and Pensions Committee.

House Bill 1427 (Representative Ben Loring) Provides for membership to the Oklahoma Firefighters Pension and Retirement System and the Oklahoma Police Pension and Retirement System by specified full-time firefighters and law enforcement officers employed by federally recognized Native American tribes.
            Update: Assigned to House Judiciary Committee.

House Bill 2396 (Representative Chris Kannady) Includes nonfiscal agreement allowing members of the Oklahoma Public Employees Retirement System to purchase service credit at actuarial costs in the Oklahoma Pension Legislation Actuarial Analysis Act. The act allows prior military service to be considered in a public employee retirement system.
Update: Assigned to House Rules Committee.

House Bill 2398 (Representative Chris Kannady) Gives an 8 percent increase in public employee retirement benefits on July 1, 2019.
Update: Assigned to House Rules Committee.

Shell Bills

Appropriations: HB2684, HB2685, HB2686, HB2687, HB2688, HB2689, HB2690, HB2691, HB2692, HB2693, HB2694, HB2695, HB2696, HB2697, HB2698, HB2699, HB2700, HB2701, HB2702, HB2703, HB2704, HB2705, HB2706, HB2707, HB2708, HB2709, HB2710, HB2711, HB2712, HB2713, HB2714, HB2715, HB2716, HB2717, HB2718, HB2719, HB2720, HB2721, HB2722, HB2723, HB2724, HB2725, HB2726, HB2727, HB2728, HB2729, HB2730, HB2731, HB2732, HB2733

Revenue: HB1016, HB1017, HB1238, HB1239, HB1363, HB1371, HB2080, HB2102, HB2125, HB2162, HB2163, HB2164, HB2165, HB2682, HB2501, HB2502, HB2503, HB2504, HB2551, HB2559, HB2565, HB2573, HB2574

Education: HB1021, HB1049, HB1086, HB1139, HB1187, HB1195, HB1227, HB1256, HB1267, HB1324, HB1331, HB1360, HB1362, HB1779, HB1781, HB1782, HB1783, HB1905, HB1906, HB1907, HB1908, HB1958, HB1959, HB1980, HB1981, , HB2003, HB2004, HB2005, HB2006, HB2007, HB2063, HB2069, HB2070, HB2124, HB2181, HB2198, HB2199, HB2204, HB2243, HB2244, HB2247, HB2319, HB2322, HB2342, HB2447, HB2470, HB2526, HB2527, HB2540, HB2594, HB2610, HB2625, HB2633, HB2646, HB2585, HB2655

Government: HB1096, HB1794, HB1795, HB1796, HB1797, HB1798, HB1799, HB1800, HB1801, HB1802, HB1803, HB1922, HB2034, HB2122, HB2126, HB2127, HB2283, HB2617, HB2620, HB2567

Healthcare: HB1087, HB1314, HB1325, HB1327, HB1329, HB1333, HB1336, HB1337, HB1338, HB1339, HB1340, HB1344, HB1345, HB1869, HB2541, HB2542, HB2543, HB2544, HB2552, HB2654, HB2656

Economic Development: HB1080, HB1081, HB1350, HB1351, HB1125

Marijuana/Industrial Hemp: HB1122, HB1172, HB1174, HB2054, HB2055, HB2056, HB2057, HB2058, HB2059, HB2085, HB2611, HB2612, HB2613, HB2614, HB2615, HB2627

Public Safety/Campus Safety/Weapons: HB2266, HB2678, HB2546

Thank you.


Glen D. Johnson
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
655 Research Parkway, Suite 200
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73104
gjohnson at osrhe.edu<mailto:gjohnson at osrhe.edu>

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