[Oasfaa] Update on National Guard program funding

Fair, Bryce bfair at osrhe.edu
Thu Apr 13 11:40:01 CDT 2023

Following is a status update on HB 2885 which would appropriate $9 million for the 2022-23 costs of the new National Guard Educational Assistance Program.  [current bill text: http://webserver1.lsb.state.ok.us/cf_pdf/2023-24%20ENR/hB/HB2885%20ENR.PDF]

  *   On Monday, 4/10/23, the House approved the bill by a vote of 93 aye, 0 nay.
  *   This morning, the Senate approved the bill by a vote of 42 aye, 0 nay.
  *   The bill has now been sent to Governor for consideration.  The Governor will have 5 days (not including Sundays) to act on the bill. The 5-day period should end by Wednesday of next week.  If the Governor does not act on the bill within the 5-day period, the bill will automatically become  law without his signature (we expect him to sign it).
  *   If the bill is signed, it has an "emergency clause" that means the bill will become effective immediately upon the Governor's signature.
  *   Once the bill becomes law, the State Regents then must approve the allocation of the funds to the National Guard Educational Assistance Program.  The State Regents are scheduled to meet next Friday, April 21, and we expect their approval of the allocation of the funds.
  *   If all goes as planned, and the actual funds are transmitted to our office in a timely manner from the state Office of Management and Enterprise Services, we hope to begin processing claims that our office has already received from participating institutions during the week of April 24.

We'll keep our fingers crossed.

Bryce Fair
Associate Vice Chancellor for Scholarships & Grants
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
Phone: 405-225-9162
Email: bfair at osrhe.edu

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