[Oasfaa] spring conference session topics

Larry Hollingsworth Larry_Hollingsworth at mail.okbu.edu
Wed Dec 12 15:07:44 CST 2001

Ho, ho, ho Everyone,

I need your help. Your program committee met yesterday and discussed a number of session topics for our spring conference in April. The following is a tentative list of session topics: 

General Sessions

>A Federal Update (would you prefer to hear from a Department of Ed speaker, a NASFAA speaker, a Financial Aid "government relations" type speaker, or an OASFAA representative?)
>A State Regents Update
>A Motivational Speaker (Customer Service, Stress Management, or something else? Got a presenter in mind?)

Interest Sessions

>Tips for New Aid Officers- nuts and bolts for newcomers
>Satisfactory Academic Progress- nuts and bolts for newcomers
>Packaging Awards- nuts and bolts for newcomers
>Common Origination and Disbursement
>Voc Rehab
>NSLDS panel - How's it working at your school?
>How to set up and use the DOE school portal
> Multi-cultural issue
>Retention/Enrollment Management
>A Professional Organizer (forget the office- it's an adventure every time I walk into my garage!)
>Ethics in Financial Aid (anyone go to the SWASFAA session?)
> Counseling parents regarding tax incentives (also a SWASFAA session)

What do think? What would be your top six? Are there other topics we've overlooked which you'd like for us to consider? We'd like to get your feedback before making our final decisions, so please let me know. And just in case you're wondering, Harold will try to find a luncheon speaker with not quite so much energy!  (Sorry, Harold, I just couldn't resist.)  ;-)

Unless you choose to respond differently, your reply to this email will come directly to me rather than being posted on the list serv. We value your opinions, so we hope you will share your ideas with us. Thanks.

Have a blessed holiday season and a prosperous new year,


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