[Oasfaa] OETA

Fisher, Dean dfisher at ms.rose.cc.ok.us
Fri Jan 4 13:31:23 CST 2002


I hope everyone had a good holiday.  I know it is a busy time of year, but
OASFAA needs your help!  As you know, OASFAA is one of the organizations
actively involved in the OETA event for 1/17/02.  This event is important
for many reasons.  It helps our organization promote awareness, assist in
the outreach efforts of your organization, and help us serve the citizens of
Oklahoma as financial aid professionals.

OASFAA needs the help of financial aid administrators to staff the phone
bank for the call-in program.  Those on the phone bank will not be "put on
the spot" with questions to answer on camera; you will be answering
questions called in by viewers.  The event is 1/17/02. OASFAA is a member
organization and we need your help!

If you can help, let Katherine Benton at Seminole State College know or let
me know.

********************Let's all pitch in to make this event a


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