[Oasfaa] possible scam

Lynell Armstrong lynella at gctech.org
Wed Jul 31 12:35:37 CDT 2002

Hi OASFAA friends:
I didn't know about this until my secretary (who was checking on her own
financial aid status) typed in the key word 'fafsa" and the first choice
on the list was fafsa.com.

If a student types in fafsa.com instead of fafsa.ed.gov, he will get a
complany which charges money to file a fafsa.   I tried it myself and,
sure enough, some company called "Student Financial Aid Services"
charges at least $79.00 for their services (and more, depending on what
you want them to do).

I've been telling all my students to be sure they type in the correct
web address to do fafsa on line, so they don't get duped into paying for
something that is free.

Lynell Armstrong
Gordon Cooper Technology Center
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