[OKAIRP] FW: Pick-a-prof

Hawkins, Christie christie.hawkins at okstate.edu
Wed Sep 17 10:46:01 CDT 2008

Isabelle -

At Oklahoma State University we have an Open Records Request process that those outside the university can use to request information that is considered public.  All such requests can be submitted to our communications department (I think they ended up with this responsibility because they handle so many media requests).  Communications then works with our legal department to review requests to ensure that we are following the Open Records Act, as well as FERPA guidelines.  Based on this, it was determined that grade distributions were public record for all sections with more than 10 students.  We therefore were instructed to provide this data to the Pick-a-Prof company.  We started out providing paper copies, but through the years we have converted to providing everything electronically.

Hope this helps.

Christie Hawkins, Ph.D.
Institutional Research & Information Management
Oklahoma State University
219 PIO Building
Stillwater, OK  74078

email:  christie.hawkins at okstate.edu<mailto:christie.hawkins at okstate.edu>
phone:  (405) 744-9528
fax:       (405) 744-4834
From: okairp-bounces at lists.onenet.net [mailto:okairp-bounces at lists.onenet.net] On Behalf Of Billen, Isabelle
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2008 8:12 AM
To: okairp at lists.onenet.net
Subject: [OKAIRP] Pick-a-prof

Has anyone received a request for data from the company Pick-a-prof?

If so did you provide the data?  Paper form or electronic?

We received a request asking for our schedule and the grade distribution for each section.

Isabelle Billen
Director, Information Systems/Institutional Research
I.T. Services
Rose State College
Midwest City, OK  73110
ibillen at rose.edu

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