[OKAIRP] Request for information

Gena Drechsler gdrechsler at usao.edu
Mon Jul 18 16:50:59 CDT 2011

Last fall we switched from in-house paper forms (created on eListen) to
onlinecourseevaluations.com. Aside from getting the faculty used to the idea
of online evaluations, we've had no problems. Our response rate last fall
was 44%, and dropped to 32% in the spring. Currently we don't offer prizes
or drawings for participating, but that is something we may do in the future
to increase response rates. 


Implementation was very easy, and OCE was great to step us through the whole
process. We upload the course data, and the students are sent emails with a
link to their evaluations. Emails can be customized and sent as often as you
like. Once a student completes evals, emails stop. Faculty can also be sent
emails reminding them to inform their students the evaluation period is


Instructors can log in and see their evaluations, and the system will also
generate emails to them with attached PDFs of their evals. While we would
like to see higher response rates, the quality of comments are much better
than previously received on handwritten forms. It's imperative that faculty
remind and encourage students to fill out evaluations. USAO faculty
generally oppose giving grades or extra credit to fill out evals, but other
schools do that to boost response rates.


Some students had concerns about the anonymity of their evaluations since
they were online, but by using a 3rd party vendor we can assure them we only
receive the data after the evaluation period ends and it's been aggregated,
so no evaluation can be traced back to a single student. 


We're in a 4 year contract for 1500 FTE at the cost of approx. $3500 a year.
We can do as many evaluation periods as we want a year, including midterm
evals, but we can only do course evaluations and not other surveys. They
offer that at additional cost. 


As far as the platform info goes, that's an IT question, and I'm sure Lynn
Boyce would be glad to chime in.


Please call or email me if you have other questions. We are fairly new in
the process, but so far I'm very happy with it.




Gena Drechsler

Institutional Assessment Coordinator

University of Science  <http://www.usao.edu/home/assessment-center> & Arts
of Oklahoma

Troutt Hall, Room 107

1727 W. Alabama

Chickasha OK, 73018

(405) 574-1281 - voice

(405) 574-1220 - FAX

gdrechsler at usao.edu




From: midair-bounces at airweb2.org [mailto:midair-bounces at airweb2.org] On
Behalf Of Perry, Janet
Sent: Monday, July 18, 2011 3:47 PM
To: 'midair at airweb2.org'
Subject: [MidAIR] Request for information


Our office has used scantron paper copies for our student evaluations of
instructors.   I would like to switch to an online process.   I have talked
with Scantron and onlinecourseevalution.com.  Have you used either one of
these?   Are there others you would recommend.   A few basic questions
include the following.


1.       What software do you use?

2.       Is it easy to implement?

3.       Is it automatic --- do the instructors receive their results from
the system? the deans? Etc

4.       Basic cost? Renewing cost?

5.       The platform used?   


Thank you for your feedback.




Dr. Janet C. Perry

Director of Institutional Effectiveness

7777 South May Avenue

Oklahoma City, OK 73159

405.682.1611 ext 7213

fax 405.682.7801





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