Cindy Boling CBoling at uco.edu
Wed Oct 24 12:37:07 CDT 2012

Sorry to keep sending emails but the conference is upon us and the Board is excited about it.  As of a bit earlier this morning, registration was at 49 people - you can still register if you haven't already.  Regarding the IPEDS session, MACU has a computer lab with about 20 machines.  They will also be supplying some laptops.  As I was shortsighted and did not include a space on the registration form for indicating which days you would be attending, we have no idea how many people to expect tomorrow, so if you wish to bring your laptop, please do so.  Isn't this exciting?!  I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow and Friday.

Cindy Boling
Executive Director, Institutional Research
University of Central Oklahoma
405.974.2547 phone

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